9 and 19 MCQ

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1. What is the reducing agent in this reaction?

Cu(s) + 2 NO 3− (aq) + 4H+(aq) → Cu2+(aq) + 2NO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

A. Cu(s)

B. NO 3− (aq)

C. Cu2+(aq)

D. H+(aq)
(Total 1 mark)

2. Which statement is correct about the value of Eο?

A. The more positive the value of Eο, the greater the driving force for reduction.

B. The more negative the value of Eο, the greater the driving force for reduction.

C. The more positive the value of Eο, the greater the rate of reaction.

D. The more negative the value of Eο, the greater the rate of reaction.
(Total 1 mark)

3. Consider the following reaction:

H2SO3(aq) + Sn4+(aq) + H2O(l) → Sn2+(aq) + HSO4–(aq) + 3H+(aq)

Which statement is correct?

A. H2SO3 is the reducing agent because it undergoes reduction.

B. H2SO3 is the reducing agent because it undergoes oxidation.

C. Sn4+ is the oxidizing agent because it undergoes oxidation.

D. Sn4+ is the reducing agent because it undergoes oxidation.

(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 1
4. Which processes occur during the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride?

I. Sodium and chloride ions move through the electrolyte.

II. Electrons move through the external circuit.
III. Oxidation takes place at the anode.

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III
(Total 1 mark)

5. Which equation represents the reduction process occurring in the standard hydrogen electrode?

A. H2(g) → 2H+(aq) + 2e–

B. H+(aq) + OH–(aq) → H2O(l)

C. 2H+(aq) + 2e– → H2(g)

D. O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e– → 2H2O(l)

(Total 1 mark)

6. Which compound contains nitrogen with an oxidation number of +3?

A. NH4Cl


C. N2O4

(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 2
7. What process occurs at the cathode in a voltaic cell and at the anode in an electrolytic cell?

Cathode of Anode of
voltaic cell Electrolytic cell
A. Oxidation Reduction
B. Oxidation Oxidation
C. Reduction Oxidation
D. Reduction Reduction
(Total 1 mark)

8. A particular voltaic cell is made from magnesium and iron half-cells. The overall equation for
the reaction occurring in the cell is

Mg(s) + Fe2+(aq) → Mg2+(aq) + Fe(s)

Which statement is correct when the cell produces electricity?

A. Magnesium atoms lose electrons.

B. The mass of the iron electrode decreases.

C. Electrons flow from the iron half-cell to the magnesium half-cell.

D. Negative ions flow through the salt bridge from the magnesium half-cell to the iron
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 3
9. In the electrolytic cell shown, at which electrode will chlorine form, and what is the process
taking place there?

Electrode Process
A. P reduction
B. Q reduction
C. P oxidation
D. Q oxidation
(Total 1 mark)

10. Consider the following reaction.

MnO4–(aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5Fe2+(aq) → Mn2+(aq) + 5Fe3+(aq) + 4H2O(l)

Which statement is correct?

A. MnO4– is the oxidizing agent and it loses electrons.

B. MnO4– is the reducing agent and it loses electrons.

C. MnO4– is the oxidizing agent and it gains electrons.

D. MnO4– is the reducing agent and it gains electrons.

(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 4
11. How do the products compare at each electrode when aqueous 1 mol dm–3 magnesium bromide
and molten magnesium bromide are electrolysed?

EO / V

Mg2+(aq) + 2e– Mg(s) –2.37

½Br2(l) + e– Br–(aq) +1.07
½O2(g) + 2H+(aq) + 2e– H2O(l) +1.23

Positive electrode (Anode) Negative electrode (Cathode)

A. same same
B. same different
C. different same
D. different different
(Total 1 mark)

12. Which list represents the halogens in increasing order of oxidizing strength (weakest oxidizing
agent first)?

A. Cl2 I2 Br2

B. I2 Br2 Cl2

C. I2 Cl2 Br2

D. Cl2 Br2 I2
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 5
13. Magnesium is higher in the reactivity series than zinc. In the cell shown, in which direction do
the electrons flow in wire X and which metal is oxidized?

Electron flow Oxidized

A. Zn to Mg Zn
B. Mg to Zn Zn
C. Zn to Mg Mg
D. Mg to Zn Mg
(Total 1 mark)

14. What happens at the negative electrode in a voltaic cell and in an electrolytic cell?

Voltaic cell Electrolytic cell

A. oxidation reduction
B. reduction oxidation
C. oxidation oxidation
D. reduction reduction
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 6
15. Which are redox reactions?

I. 2FeCl2 + Cl2 → 2FeCl3

II. Mg + 2HNO3 → Mg(NO3)2 + H2

III. H2O + SO3 → H2SO4

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III
(Total 1 mark)

16. What is the cell potential, in V, for the reaction that occurs when the following two half-cells
are connected?

Fe2+(aq) + 2e– Fe(s) EO = –0.44 V

Cr2O72–(aq) + 14H+(aq) + 6e– 2Cr3+(aq) + 7H2O(l) EO = +1.33 V

A. + 0.01

B. + 0.89

C. + 1.77

D. + 2.65
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 7
17. Consider these standard electrode potentials.

Mg2+(aq) + 2e– Mg(s) EO = –2.36 V

Zn2+(aq) + 2e– Zn(s) EO = –0.76 V

What is the cell potential for the voltaic cell produced when the two half-cells are connected?

A. –1.60 V

B. +1.60 V

C. –3.12 V

D. +3.12 V
(Total 1 mark)

18. Consider how current is conducted in an electrolytic cell. Which statement is correct?

A. Electrons move through the electrolyte and the external circuit.

B. Ions move through the electrolyte and the external circuit.

C. Electrons move through the external circuit and ions move through the electrolyte.

D. Electrons move through the electrolyte and ions move through the external circuit.
(Total 1 mark)

19. In which species does sulfur have an oxidation number of 0?

A. SO3

B. S8

C. Na2SO4

D. H2S
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 8
20. A voltaic cell is made by connecting two half-cells represented by the half-equations below.

Mn2+(aq) + 2e– → Mn(s) EO = –1.19 V

Pb2+(aq) + 2e– → Pb(s) EO = –0.13 V

Which statement is correct about this voltaic cell?

A. Mn is oxidized and the voltage of the cell is 1.06 V.

B. Pb is oxidized and the voltage of the cell is 1.06 V.

C. Mn is oxidized and the voltage of the cell is 1.32 V.

D. Pb is oxidized and the voltage of the cell is 1.32 V.

(Total 1 mark)

21. For the electrolysis of aqueous copper(II) sulfate, which of the following statements is correct?

A. Cu and O2 are produced in a mol ratio of 1:1

B. H2 and O2 are produced in a mol ratio of 1:1

C. Cu and O2 are produced in a mol ratio of 2:1

D. H2 and O2 are produced in a mol ratio of 2:1

(Total 1 mark)

22. What is the reducing agent in the reaction below?

2MnO4–(aq) + Br–(aq) + H2O(l) → 2MnO2(s) + BrO3–(aq) + 2OH–(aq)

A. Br–

B. BrO3–

C. MnO4–

D. MnO2
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 9
23. Which statement is correct for the electrolysis of molten lead iodide, PbI2?

A. Chemical energy is converted into electrical energy.

B. Pb2+ ions are oxidized at the negative electrode (cathode).

C. I2 is produced at the positive electrode (anode).

D. Ions are produced at both electrodes.

(Total 1 mark)

24. The following equations indicate reactions that occur spontaneously.

Fe(s) + NiCl2(aq) → FeCl2(aq) + Ni(s)

Zn(s) + FeCl2(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + Fe(s)

Ni(s) + PbCl2(aq) → NiCl2(aq) + Pb(s)

Which is the increasing order of the reactivity of the metals?

A. Fe < Ni < Zn < Pb

B. Pb < Ni < Fe < Zn

C. Ni < Zn < Pb < Fe

D. Zn < Fe < Ni < Pb

(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 10
25. Consider the following standard electrode potentials.

Cr3+(aq) + 3e– → Cr(s) EO = –0.74 V

Fe3+(aq) + e– → Fe2+(aq) EO = +0.77 V

What will be the cell potential, in V, of a voltaic cell in which the following reaction takes

Cr(s) + 3Fe3+(aq) → 3Fe2+(aq) + Cr3+(aq)

A. –1.51

B. –0.03

C. +0.03

D. +1.51
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 11
26. Metal A is more reactive than metal B. A standard voltaic cell is made as shown.

Which statement is correct?

A. Electrons flow in the external circuit from A to B.

B. Positive ions flow through the salt bridge from A to B.

C. Positive ions flow in the external circuit from B to A.

D. Electrons flow through the salt bridge from B to A.

(Total 1 mark)

27. Consider the following reaction.

2FeSO4(aq) + H2O2(aq) + H2SO4(aq) → Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + 2H2O(l)

Which species is the oxidizing agent and which is the reducing agent?

Oxidizing agent Reducing agent

A. H2O2(aq) H2SO4(aq)
B. H2O2(aq) FeSO4(aq)
C. FeSO4(aq) H2O2(aq)
D. H2SO4(aq) H2O2(aq)
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 12
28. Which changes could take place at the positive electrode (cathode) in a voltaic cell?

I. Zn2+(aq) to Zn(s)

II. Cl2(g) to Cl–(aq)

III. Mg(s) to Mg2+(aq)

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III
(Total 1 mark)

29. Which species could be reduced to form NO2?

A. N2O

B. NO3–


(Total 1 mark)

30. What condition is necessary for the electroplating of silver, Ag, onto a steel spoon?

A. The spoon must be the positive electrode.

B. The silver electrode must be the negative electrode.

C. The spoon must be the negative electrode.

D. The electrolyte must be acidified.

(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 13
31. Which labels of the electrolytic cell are correct?

1 2 3 4
A. site of reduction site of oxidation conductor electrolyte
B. site of oxidation site of reduction electrolyte conductor
C. site of reduction site of oxidation electrolyte conductor
D. site of oxidation site of reduction conductor electrolyte
(Total 1 mark)

32. What conditions are necessary to directly measure a standard electrode potential (EO)?

I. A half-cell with an electrode in a 1.0 mol dm–3 solution of its ions.

II. Connection to a standard hydrogen electrode.

III. A voltmeter between half-cells to measure potential difference.

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 14
33. The same quantity of electricity was passed through separate molten samples of sodium
bromide, NaBr, and magnesium chloride, MgCl2. Which statement is true about the amounts, in
mol, that are formed?

A. The amount of Mg formed is equal to the amount of Na formed.

B. The amount of Mg formed is equal to the amount of Cl2 formed.

C. The amount of Mg formed is twice the amount of Cl2 formed.

D. The amount of Mg formed is twice the amount of Na formed.

(Total 1 mark)

34. Which definition of oxidation is correct?

A. Loss of electrons and a decrease in oxidation number

B. Loss of electrons and an increase in oxidation number

C. Gain of electrons and a decrease in oxidation number

D. Gain of electrons and an increase in oxidation number

(Total 1 mark)

35. Consider the following reactions of three unknown metals X, Y and Z.

2XNO3(aq) + Y(s) → 2X(s) + Y(NO3)2(aq)

Y(NO3)2(aq) + Z(s) → No reaction
2XNO3(aq) + Z(s) → 2X(s) + Z(NO3)2(aq)

What is the order of increasing reactivity of the metals (least reactive first)?

A. X<Y<Z

B. X<Z<Y

C. Z<Y<X

D. Y<Z<X
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 15
36. Which statement about the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride is correct?

A. A yellow-green gas would be produced at the negative electrode.

B. A silvery metal is produced at the positive electrode.

C. Chloride ions are attracted to the positive electrode and undergo oxidation.

D. Sodium ions are attracted to the negative electrode and undergo oxidation.
(Total 1 mark)

37. The standard electrode potentials for two metals are given below.

Al3+(aq) + 3e– Al(s) EO = –1.66 V

Ni2+(aq) + 2e– Ni(s) EO = –0.23 V

What is the equation and cell potential for the spontaneous reaction that occurs?

A. 2Al3+(aq) + 3Ni(s) → 2Al(s) + 3Ni2+(aq) EO = 1.89 V

B. 2Al(s) + 3Ni2+(aq) → 2Al3+(aq) + 3Ni(s) EO = 1.89 V

C. 2Al3+(aq) + 3Ni(s) → 2Al(s) + 3Ni2+(aq) EO = 1.43 V

D. 2Al(s) + 3Ni2+(aq) → 2Al3+(aq) + 3Ni(s) EO = 1.43 V

(Total 1 mark)

38. What happens to iodine when iodate ions, IO3–, are converted to iodine molecules, I2?

A. It undergoes reduction and its oxidation number changes from –1 to 0

B. It undergoes oxidation and its oxidation number changes from –1 to 0

C. It undergoes reduction and its oxidation number changes from +5 to 0

D. It undergoes oxidation and its oxidation number changes from +5 to 0

(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 16
39. Consider the following standard electrode potentials.

Zn2+(aq) + 2e– Zn(s) EO = –0.76 V

Cl2(g) + 2e– 2Cl–(aq) EO = +1.36 V

Mg2+(aq) + 2e– Mg(s) EO = –2.37 V

What will happen when zinc powder is added to an aqueous solution of magnesium chloride?

A. No reaction will take place.

B. Chlorine gas will be produced.

C. Magnesium metal will form.

D. Zinc chloride will form.

(Total 1 mark)

40. What happens to the manganese in the following reaction?

2MnO4–(aq) + 5H2O2(aq) + 6H+(aq) → 2Mn2+(aq) + 8H2O(l) + 5O2(g)

A. It is oxidized and its oxidation number increases.

B. It is oxidized and its oxidation number decreases.

C. It is reduced and its oxidation number increases.

D. It is reduced and its oxidation number decreases.

(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 17
41. Consider the overall reaction taking place in a voltaic cell.

Ag2O(s) + Zn(s) + H2O(l) → 2Ag(s) + Zn(OH)2(s)

What is the role of zinc in the cell?

A. The positive electrode and the oxidizing agent.

B. The positive electrode and the reducing agent.

C. The negative electrode and the oxidizing agent.

D. The negative electrode and the reducing agent.

(Total 1 mark)

42. What are the features of a standard hydrogen electrode?

I. A temperature of 298 K

II. A carbon electrode

III. Hydrogen gas at 1.01 × 105 Pa (1 atm) pressure

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Chemistry 18

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