Literature Review Final Draft

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Bailey Olson

30 March 2023

ENC 1102

Professor Gonzalez

MA2 - Part II: Literature Review - Final Draft

The topic of my research paper is different workplace environments and coworker’s

verbal and nonverbal communications. In this literature review I will be analyzing and

comparing different sources I have found to show their relevance to my paper and to my own

research. All articles, books, and journals that are cited in my research paper were found on

Google Scholar and they are all scholarly, peer reviewed, articles. There is a common theme in

the articles I have found, they all discuss how workplace environment has an effect on both

communication and work ethic within the workplace. Additionally, I have pulled at least one

idea from every source that will help me as I model my own research after the research I have


The first source I will be discussing is “Impact of Employees' Workplace Environment on

Employees' Performance: A Multi-Mediation Model.” (Zhenjing, et al., 2022). This study

explores the impact of workplace environment on employee engagement and performance by

distributing and analyzing 314 surveys. Although I will not be using surveys in my own research,

I will be conducting interviews, the questions in the surveys were asked on a Likert scale which

was helpful because it showed me different type of questions, I could ask to get data. The second

source I cited is “Workplace Communication.” Organizational Behavior in Health Care

(Borkowski, et al., 2021). Similar to my first source, this article discusses different types of
communications that take place in the workplace, specifically those between managers and their

employees. This article was very helpful to me because I interviewed subjects in both entry level

jobs and those in higher managerial jobs so the analysis of relationships between managers and

employees was beneficial when formulating my questions. These two sources are similar

because they provided me with important information about employee engagement and


The final three sources I analyzed are all case studies and although they are from

different people, countries, and years they all provide similar results. The first study, “Impact of

Workplace Quality on Employee’s Productivity: Case Study of a Bank in Turkey.” (Leblebici,

2012) presents the analysis of working environment of a foreign private bank in Turkey and

examines the relationship between the workplace physical conditions and employee’s

productivity. The results of this study essentially show that poor work conditions (including poor

workplace communication) lead to low employee productivity. Additionally, “The Influence of

Internal Communication on Employee Engagement: A Pilot Study.” (Karanges, et al., 2015)

comes to a similar conclusion. Using surveys and analysis this study confirms that internal

organizational and supervisor communication support workplace relationships based on meaning

and worth have a “significant part to play in developing and maintaining optimal employee

engagement” (Karanges, 130). Essentially, positive workplace communication leads to positive

work environments and vice versa. All the studies I analyzed sing a similar tune including my

final source used, “Factors of Workplace Environment That Affect Employees Performance: A

Case Study of Miyazu Malaysia.” (Naharuddin, et al. 2013), which analyzes workplace

environment and its effect on employees performance. A large factor of both workplace
environment and employee performance is communication between both coworkers and


From reading and analyzing the sources above I have learned so much more about the

effects communication, workplace environments, and employee performance have on each other.

After reading these articles and studies I was able to formulate my own questions and conduct

my own interview in the most efficient and professional way possible. If I had not read these

sources first I would not have been able to conduct my interviews as well as I did and my

research would not be as in-depth or analytical.


Guo, Kristina L. “Workplace Communication.” Organizational Behavior in Health Care, by

Nancy Borkowski and Katherine A. Meese, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2021, pp. 71–102.

Karanges, Emma, et al. “The Influence of Internal Communication on Employee Engagement: A

Pilot Study.” Public Relations Review, vol. 41, no. 1, 2015, pp. 129–131.

Leblebici, Demet. “Impact of Workplace Quality on Employee’s Productivity: Case Study of a

Bank in Turkey.” Journal of Business, Economics & Finance, 2012, pp. 38–49.

Naharuddin, Nina, and Mohammed Sadegi. “Factors of Workplace Environment That Affect

Employees Performance: A Case Study of Miyazu Malaysia.” International Journal of

Independent Research and Studies, Apr. 2013, pp. 66–78.

Zhenjing, Gu, et al. “Impact of Employees' Workplace Environment on Employees'

Performance: A Multi-Mediation Model.” Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 10, 2022.

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