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Grade – 7 Home work

Date: 09.12.2022

English : Assessment on 13.12.2022

Syllabus: Journal Writing

Review sheet given: (Pages 11-13 of the English folder - Q. 2. JOURNAL

WRITING: RUSSIA'S FAR EAST) in the English Language notebook.

Humanities : 1. (a) Using the Sources on Pages 124-125, analyze the advantages and

disadvantages of wind power. (60 words)

(b) Do you think the advantages of generating energy from wind outweigh

the disadvantages? Justify your claim in 60 words (Refer to the sources

on pages 124-125)

2. Interpret the message of Source B on page 124. (30 words)

Math : Ex. 13 - B : Q. 4, Q. 7, Q. 10 & Ex. 14 - A : Q. 15, Q. 17

Science : Complete Ex. 8.1 - B & 8.1 - C of your Science Workbook.

French : Faites la production écrite sur les tâches ménagères en utilisant le plan donné.

Spanish : Haz la hoja del" Presente Progresivo" "También y Tampoco".

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