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Pierre Bourdieu ‘’THE FORMS OF CAPITAL’’

1. Would you be the same person without that capital? What would
your life be like without that capital?

No, I don’t think that without capital I would be the same person. Capital is as
described by Pierre Bourdieu, the fuel which enables agents to reproduce their
position within the social field and represents the immanent structure of the social
world. So, I think that without capital, life will be more complicated from a social
perspective, and people will have difficulties integrating themselves in the social

2. Of the three types, which do you consider to be the most


For me, cultural capital is the most important form of capital because cultural capital
can be convertible to other forms of capital like economic or institutionalized in the
form of educational qualifications.

3. Where does that capital you have come from?

The capital that we have mostly comes from our primary socialization, that means
within and through the family, from parents to children. Then it will be the role of the
second socialization which unfolds throughout the individual’s social journey.

4. In your environment, is there a lot of difference between people

regarding their social, economic, and cultural capital?

It depends, in my family, no there is no difference between my culture and the others

culture because. We received the same kind of cultural socialization. However, with
friends, yes, I can notice differences between my culture and others cultures.

5. Why do you think that happens?

I think it happens because not all people get the same kind of cultural socialization, it
depends on their culture, families… So, each one gets a different type of social,
economic, and cultural capital.
6. Do you think that in our society in general there is much
difference in social, cultural, and economic capital? Why?

As I said in the previous question, I think with the different norms and values of each
society, people will get different types of capital. So, I think there is a difference in
social, cultural, and economical capital in our society.

7. What relation do you see between these three types of capital and
the roles different people play within an organization?

Social and cultural capital are both related because with those 2 types of capital, we
can get an economical capital. That means that with knowledge and good relation
with people (cultural, social capital) , we can get good jobs with high salaries
(economic capital).

8. Give some examples.

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