Questionnaire Shabnam

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Department of Teacher Training & Non-Formal Education (IASE), Faculty of Education,

Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India

SHABNAM Dr. ANSAR AHMAD, (Assistant Professor)

(Ph.D. Scholar) (Supervisor)

Dear Respondent,

This survey is taken up to examine the level of understanding of teachers about the constitutional
values. This study is significant for promoting awareness, improvement in understanding and curiosity to
know the constitutional values among the teachers that will definitely impact positively to the class
room teaching and society. This survey divided into two Parts. Part –A (General information) and Part-B
is Questionnaire, both are mandatory to attempt. Researcher is assuring that the information collected
through this survey will be used for academic purposes only and shall be kept highly confidential and
it will not be disclosed to any person or institution. Your genuine responses can help to bring the
change in Indian Education system.

Thanking You.

General Information

Teacher’s NameMr./Ms./Dr.:____________________________________________________________

Age:_______________ Sex: Male/Female/Transgender:_______________________________________

Marital Status: married/ Unmarried_______________________________________________________

Qualification: _________________________________________________________________________

Subject specialization: __________________________________________________________________

Designation: __________________________________________________________________________

Total Teaching Experience: ______________________________________________________________

Name of School: _______________________________________________________________________

Classes Taught: ________________________________________________________________________

Subjects Taught: _______________________________________________________________________

If any specific: _________________________________________________________________________


 Read all the questions carefully.
 This test consists 34 multiple choice questions.
 Each question has four alternatives, out of which only one is correct.
 The correct response is allotted 1 mark while incorrect response is allotted 0 marks.
 Kindly give your true and unbiased responses.
 The information will be kept highly confidential and will be used only for this Research

1. Which portion of Indian constitution contains the constitutional values more clearly?
a) Directive principles
b) Fundamental Rights
c) Preamble
d) None of the above

2. The order of the following words seen the preamble of constitution is__
a) Democratic
b) Socialist
c) Sovereign
d) Secular
e) Republic
Choose the correct option
a) C,B,A,D,E
b) C,AB,E,D
c) C,B,D,A,E
d) B,C,D,A,E

3. According the preamble of the Indian constitution India is a ‘Sovereign’ country it

a) India is independent to take the decision on internal as well as external matters
and no internal or external group or power can dictate.
b) India is free to take the decision on external matters but not in internal matters.
c) India has authority to take decision on internal matters but not in external matters.
d) None of the above.
4. Sovereignty under the Constitution belongs to____
a) The President
b) The prime minister of India
c) The People of India
d) None of above.

5. There are different kinds of sovereignty in political theory but which one is follows by
the India______
a) Nominal\real sovereignty
b) Legal sovereignty
c) Popular sovereignty
d)  De Facto and De Jure Sovereignty

6. India is member country of the international organisation like WTO, IMF, World Bank,
these organization often dictate India to stop giving the subsidies so it can be threat to
the ____
a) Internal sovereignty
b) External sovereignty
c) Both A&B
d) None of above

7. The word 'Socialist' was added to the Preamble, its main aim is to ensure _______
a) The wealth generated socially will be shared equally in the society by providing
the equal opportunity to all.
b) Government will regulate the means of Production.
c) To eliminate economical and political inequalities and poverty from the society.
d) All of the above

8. Indian socialism it is based on____

a) Marxist socialism
b) Communist socialism
c) Gandhian democratic socialism
d) Utopian socialism

9. The word ‘socialist’ added to the preamble of Indian constitution by__

a) 52 amendment in 1976
b) 42nd amendment in 1976
c) 101 amendment 1976
d) 1st amendment 1947
10. What does the term ‘Secular’ means in the Indian constitution?
a) All religions are equal in the eyes of the government and the State does not
uphold any particular religion as its official religion.
b) Promoting majorities religion but favouring the minority religion.
c) Separation between the state and religion.
d) None of the above.

11. The word ‘secular’ added to the preamble of Indian constitution by__
e) 52 amendment in 1976
f) 43nd amendment in 1976
g) 42nd amendment 1976
h) 43rd amendment 1947

12. Which of following article of Indian constitution describe the ‘secular’ nature of the
a) Article 25-30
b) Article 14-18
c) Article 12-13
d) Article 30

13. Which one is correct about the Indian secularism?

a) There is separation between the state and religion
b) India follows the western model of secularism
c) India follows own model of secularism
d) India favours the all religions that’s why it is not secular

14. Preamble of the Constitution of India mentioned the word ‘Democratic’ it means____
a) Election after five years of completion.
b) The people elect the rulers and the elected representatives remain accountable to
the people.
c) Voting on the basis of adult suffrage
d) None of the above.

15. International day of ‘Democracy’ celebrated every year on___

a) September -15
b) September -20
c) October-2
d) August -15
16. There are two kind of democracy which one is adopted by India___
a) Direct Democracy
b) Indirect Democracy
c) Both A&B
d) None of above

17. Which is not the characteristic of democracy

a) Rule of the people by the people for the people
b) Independent Judiciary
c) Civil Liberties, Opposition Party, and Rule of Law
d) Elected Representatives by the Free and fair and regular election
e) One party rule

18. From the following, choose the correct constitutional value for the given statement.
‘When the head of the country is an elected person and not a hereditary position’
a) Democracy
b) Monarchy
c) Autocracy
d) Republic

19. The term ‘Justice’ means____

a) Everyone will get what they actually deserve as per their ability.
b) Citizens cannot be discriminated on any ground.
c) Social inequality have to be reduced and Government should work for welfare of
d) All of the above

20. Indian Constitution ensures the three kind of ‘Justice’. Choose the incorrect from the
a) Social Justice
b) Economic Justice
c) Political Justice
d) Natural Justice

21. In Indian constitution Social Justice is______

a) There should be No discrimination in the society with any one, on any ground
like- caste, creed, gender, religion implies the Social justice.
b) Society where no discrimination only on the basis of caste.
c) Society where no discrimination on the basis of religion
d) None of the above.
22. The ‘Economic Justice’ implies____
a) No discrimination on the basis wealth.
b) Every person must get paid equally what they deserve.
c) People must get opportunity to earn without any discrimination.
d) All of above.

23. The ‘Political Justice’ implies ___

a) Right of contesting the election.
b) It stands for right to vote.
c) Providing equal rights without any discrimination to all citizens like, right to vote,
right to contesting election, right to form the party, right to criticize the
d) None of the above

24. From the following option which is not the ‘Liberty’? Find out incorrect.
a) Liberty means freedom and absence of constraints.
b) Citizens are free from unreasonable restrictions and they are free to express of
their thought, belief, faith and worships.
c) Indian constitution does not impose any kind of restriction of freedom of citizen.
d) None of the above.

25. Which Article of Indian constitution deals with ‘liberty/freedom’?

a) Article 14 to 18
b) Article 23 to 25
c) Article 32
d) Article 19 to 22

26. Number of ‘freedoms’ are guaranteed by Indian constitution to the citizens___

a) 4
b) 7
c) 6
d) None of the above
27. What the term ‘Equality’ defines.
a) Equality means everyone is equal.Equal protection of law, and everyone is Equal
in the eyes of law.
b) The right to equality guarantees equal treatment to all people by prohibiting legal
discrimination based solely on class, ethnicity, religion, gender, or birthplace.
c) Both A&B
d) None of the above

28. Which article of Indian constitution deals with ‘Equality’?

a) Article 12 to 35
b) Article 19 to 22
c) Article 14-18
d) Article 23 to 24

29. According to Indian constitution the ‘Equality of opportunity’ is __

a) Equal opportunity in matters of public employment.

b) No citizen shall on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth,
residence or any of them, be ineligible for, or discriminated against in respect of, any
employment or office under the State.
c) Equal Pay for to all citizens without any reasonable restrication.
d) Provision for Reservation to providing Equal opportunity

30. The ‘Fraternity’ means____

a) All of us should behave as we are the member of same family. No one should
treat fellow citizens as inferior.
b) It means brotherhood and sisterhood.
c) Both A & B correct
d) None of the above
31. ‘Unity and integrity’ implies__
a) India is diverse county but still we are together.
b) Each citizen must respect the others language, culture, religion, belife.
c) Both A&B
d) None of above

32. From the following which is not the threat for the ‘Integrity’ of India?
a) Discrimination, humiliation and unfair treatment with other citizen on basis of
caste, class gender, creed, race religion.
b) Intolerance, mob lynching
c) Poverty, illiteracy, Naxalism, extreme nationalism
d) Harmony and peace in the society.
33. ‘Unity’ day is celebrated every year to strengthen the Unity and Integrity of the nation
a) 2 October on the birth of Mahatma Gandhi
b) 14 November on the birth of Jawaharlal Lal Nehru
c) 31 October on the birth of Sardar VallbhBhai Patel
d) None of above

34. Preamble of the constitution assures the ‘Dignity’ of the Individuals it means___
a) Each citizen to be valued , respected, treated equally
b) Each individual having there worth and self respect.
c) No one should be disrespected or humiliated on any basis.
d) All of above

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