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Reflective essay

Group 2
Dilemmas, contradiction and adaptation of the Philippine transition to modernity

Philippine has been known for its traditional way, but in order to cope with the
raising globalization it took its way to adapt modernization, they tried to adapt
technology, modern political structure and also a foreign system of economic
distribution, they smoothly adapt such, however as time pass by the visibility of
becoming one of the country belongs in the third world is growing, then it only proves
that there are something wrong with their made decision. Though the adaptation has
been smooth, however, it clearly shows in the impact most particularly the rapid growth
of poverty that pull the country inside the world consist of a lower economic rate.
There are several factors that restrain Philippine from properly adapting the ideal
way of modernizing, firstly is due because of cultural dilemma, this stop Filipino people
from embracing fully and accordingly the body of modernization, since some of the
Filipino people cannot totally let go a traditional way of living, so then it will result a
disturbance in fully enjoying the benefits of modernization. The second one is the
different views, principles and ideals of Filipino people that lead into a multiple
contradiction that serve as a constraint for them to fully adapt modernization. And lastly,
the approaches of the Filipino towards modernization. since it is a basic knowledge that
changes depends upon the process of how its constituent will adapt upon it, it clearly
shows that the outcome of the changes brought by modernization in the Philippines will
definitely depends upon the culture and diversity of its people. The three mentioned
indicators also provide the reason why Filipino people cannot fully internalize their legal
system, alongside with its foreign structure they also lack of understanding from such
kind of system due to the constraints brought by their cultural belief.
It therefore concluded, that the main constraint for the Filipino people to fully adapt
modernization is due to their firm cultural belief that makes them contradict each other
then put them in a hard situation of adapting a modern life accordingly, however, it
doesn’t mean that in order for them to fully adapt modernization is to disregard their own
culture but rather to molds the character of their people by the use of educating them
more, so then if they have to adapt modernization they are braced enough to handle it
accordingly without living their culture behind jus like with any other successful country

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