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Bailey Olson

March 2, 2023

ENC 1102

Professor Gonzalez

Annotated Bibliography- Peer Review Draft

Zhenjing, Gu, et al. “Impact of Employees' Workplace Environment on Employees'

Performance: A Multi-Mediation Model.” Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 10, 2022.

This study explores the impact of workplace environment on employee engagement and

performance. In order to conduct this study 420 questionnaires were distributed, after analyzing

the submitted questionnaires for incomplete answers 314 were analyzed. Data was analyzed

through structural equation modeling and the results of this survey show that employees thrive in

a positive environment. This study also focuses on the importance on employees and how

employees are more beneficial to a company than leadership in some cases. The overall results of

the study showed that positive employees make a positive work environment and vice versa,

negative employees make a negative work environment. Essentially, keeping employees happy

makes the workplace more successful and efficient.

These results are going to be helpful as I create my own “study” through interviewing. I can also

look at the questions asked in the study and model my own questions similarly of differently
based on how effectful they were in this article. In the questionnaire that was sent out the

questions were asked on a five-point Likert scale which is similar to how I’m going to format my

interview questions for my own research. I plan on asking questions on the Likert scale as well

as asking some questions that require a narrative answer that I can quote in my research paper.

Guo, Kristina L. “Workplace Communication.” Organizational Behavior in Health Care, by

Nancy Borkowski and Katherine A. Meese, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2021, pp. 71–102.

This article discusses different types of communications that take place in the workplace,

specifically those between managers and their employees. The focus of the article is how

important communication is in the workplace and how managers that communicate well with

their employees create a better work environment than those who don’t. Additionally, managers

that understand and relate to their employees also create a better work environment which then

equals more efficient employees. This book also discusses barriers in communication which are

important to acknowledge because race, gender, sex, and religion can all effect how coworkers

and employees and employers communicate which is something important to consider when

researching the topic of workplace relations.

This, like other articles I am citing, will be beneficial for my own research. I plan on

interviewing multiple different types of subjects to ensure I get the most diverse data possible, so

this research helps me know how managers and employees interact differently. I plan on

interviewing three people that are managers and three people that are more base level employees

to make sure I get diverse answers. Even though none of the people I’m interviewing work
together, I will still get a good understanding of the differences between employee and employer

perspectives on workplace environment.

Leblebici, Demet. “Impact of Workplace Quality on Employee’s Productivity: Case Study of a

Bank in Turkey.” Journal of Business, Economics & Finance, 2012, pp. 38–49.

This paper presents the analysis of working environment of a foreign private bank in Turkey and

examines the relationship between the workplace physical conditions and employee’s

productivity. The results show that employees working in poor conditions are less productive and

may also have health problems as a result. On the other hand, employees in positive work

environments flourish and are more successful in their careers. By citing previously written

articles as well as studying the relationships within a bank in Turkey, the researcher comes to

this conclusion that workplace quality directly relates to employee success.

The results from this paper help solidify the idea that a positive environment creates positive

employees and will be helpful as I write my paper. The difference between this study and others

I have researched is that this article focuses solely on one company which is interesting and

beneficial to helping me see another side of workplace environments that relates to the company

more than the individual. The research done in the study is presented in the form of easy to read

charts and labelled sections of writing, this was a way to format data that I haven’t seen in any of

my other sources so far and I think I will model the presentation of my own research after it.

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