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Indian currency is rupees and paise. Let us look at some currency notes
and coins that we use.

I. Write as paise (P)

1. ₹9 = _________p 2. ₹6.15 = _______p 3. ₹10 = _______p

4. ₹32.25 = _______p 5. ₹40.70 = _______p 6. ₹7.05 = _______p

7. ₹100 = _______p 8. ₹151.20 = ______p 9. ₹18.50 = _______p

II. Write as rupees (₹)

1. 500 p = ₹ ______ 2. 154 p =₹ ______ 3. 7035 p = ₹ _____

4. 10000p = ₹______ 5. 2750 p =₹______ 6. 925 p = ₹ _____

7. 1600 p = ₹______ 8. 515 p = ₹______ 9. 1800 p =₹ _____

III. Compare the following.

1. 2000 p ₹ 200 2. 900 p ₹9 3. ₹1000 34000 p

4. ₹2300 2300 p 5. ₹ 70 ₹ 700 6. ₹ 40 + ₹ 50 ₹100

7. ₹ 10 + ₹ 1 ₹ 101 8. ₹25 + ₹5 ₹20 + ₹10 9. ₹ 7070 p ₹

IV. Say True (T) or False (F) . Correct the False statements.

1. 2 notes of ₹ 500 = ₹ 250

2. A kg of oranges cost ₹ 64. Half a kg will cost ₹ 31.

3. ₹ 1000 can be exchanged for ten notes of ₹ 10.

4. The cost of 1 pen is ₹ 12 if a dozen pens costs ₹ 60.

5. 7050 paises are the same as ₹ 70.50

V. Find out the price for the following items.

VI. Observe the pictures and answer the questions given below.

1. To buy a pen, what coins will you use?


2. To buy Cake and Candle, what notes will

you use? ______________________

3. To buy a bat, how many coins of Ten will

be required?


4. To buy a comb, you paid 3 coins of ₹ 2.

How much change will you get back? ₹ ____

5. Which is the costliest item and what is the cost? ____________________

6. Which is the cheapest item and what is the cost? ___________________

VII. Observe the picture and fill in the blanks.

1. With Rs. 9, I can buy a

__________ and a

2. With Rs. 11, I can buy a

___________ and a

3. 1 pencil + 2 scissors + 1 bag = ₹

VIII. Complete the following table by enquiring your parents


1 America

2 Japan

3 China

4 Pakistan

Observe the price list and find the total cost for the following.

When you buy something, the shopkeeper gives you a bill.

Example 1: Rama’s mother bought some items for her home. She gave 200
to the shopkeeper. How much
money was returned?
1. Sugar 1/2 kg 20.20
2. Salt 1 kg 7.00
3. Atta 5 kg 125.00
Total = 152.20
Read the bills to find the total amount and the money left over.

1. Money paid = 100

S.N ITEM Quantity Cost ( ₹ )

1. Comb 1 28.75
2. Ribbon 2m 16.50
3. Clips 6 30.60
4. Hair 2 15.00
Total =

Money left over =

2. Money paid = 500

S.N ITEM Quantity Cost ( )

1. T-shirt 1 237.75
Money left over =
2. Floaters 1 pair 199.99
Total =
3. Money paid = ₹ 100 + ₹ 100 + ₹ 50 = ___________

S.NO ITEM Quantity Cost ( ₹ )

1. Potatoes 1/2 kg 7.50
2. Onions 1 kg 16.00 Money left over =
3. Apples 1 kg 120.00
4. Cherry 1/4 kg 24.00

Solve the following word problems.

1. A chocolate bar costs ₹ 15.25. How much money
will be returned if a man buys 3 chocolate bars
and pays by a 100 – rupee note?

2. Sheela bought 5 metres of cloth for ₹ 235.20.

What is the cost of a metre of cloth?

3. Gugan spends ₹16.80 on newspapers every

week. What is the cost of 1 newspaper?

4. Deepak wants to buy a book costing ₹197. 75.

He has only ₹ 139 with him. How much more
money does he need to buy the book?
5. At a carnival, Rahul spent ₹ 45 for rides, ₹ 137
on games and ₹ 92 and ₹ 50 on food. If he had
₹ 300, how much is left with him?
6. 1 kg of sweets cost ₹240. What amount will be
paid for 2 2 kg of sweets?

7. The price of a pencil ₹ 6. How many pencils can

be bought for ₹ 100. How much money will be
left over?
8. Reema bought apples for ₹ 22.75. The
shopkeeper returned ₹ 27.25. How much money
did she give him?

9. A drum costs ₹ 27. 25. I have ₹ 20.50. How

much more money do I need to buy this drum?

10. I spent ₹ 7.50 and have ₹ 7.50 left with me.

How much money did I have in the beginning?

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