Assignment 2

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(a). Write down the wire sizes in domestic wiring for;

(i). Lighting

(ii). Sockets

(iii). Cooker control unit

(b). Draw and label a three pin fused plug with a cable connected to it

(c). A house having a sitting room, a bedroom and a kitchen is given to you for wiring

Design the simplest wiring diagram for the house using a 4 way circuit breaker

(d). A kettle rated 3000W and two bulbs each rated 60W are switched on at 7:00pm and switched
off at 12:00am. Compute the cost of power consumed if 1kWh of power cost 1500/=

a. A drainage line is to be commissioned by a team from the ministry of health, describe how
you would carry out the following tests on the drain before inspection;
i. Air test
ii. Smoke test
b. Loss of seal occurs in sanitary system, explain the following effects that should be considered
to achieve adequate standards.
i. Self siphonage
ii. Induced siphonage
iii. Back pressure
c. Describe with a sketch the single stack drainage system.

a) What do you understand by the term air conditioning as used in building services?
b) Discus the different types of air conditioning systems
c) With the help of suitable diagrams, describe how an air conditioning system works

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