Letter Writing

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What is letter writng?
A letter is a written message conveyed from one person to
another through a medium.In other words a letter is a piece of
conversation by post.
What is the importance of letter?
writing letters can be extremely therapeutic and can help ti
relieve anxiety. The motion of putting pen on paper provides
clarity and piece. Reaseaches also suggests writing letters to
your nearest and dearest to share your love and show your
appreciation can help ypu to feel happier and more satisfied.
What are the important parts of letter?
1. the heading
2. the greeting
3. the body
4. the complementry close
5. the signature line
What are the types of letter writing?
1.Formal letter: The letter which is written according to the
formal rules and regulation of an organization is c/d formal letter
2. Informal letter: The letter which does not follow any formal
rule and contain personal information is known as informal
letter writing.

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