Practical 5 - Sequence of Strokes

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Practical 5

Aim-To determine the sequence of strokes

Requirement- Samples, stereo microscope, pencils, pens etc.


Sequence of strokes-

If two lines are drawn crossing each other, then the determination of which line is
made earlier or later refers to the determination of sequence of strokes.

Optical illusion-

In the two intersecting lines, the darker invariably appears to have been written
over the lighter, irrespective of the true state of affairs.

Types of Intersection

Intersection of Ink lines

 When the two ink lines which are still wet intersect there occurs merging of
the ink, so when they dry up there will be no evidence to determine sequence
of strokes.

 If an ink line, well charged with ink, crosses another which, although no
longer moist, has not yet dried hard, there will almost invariably be a flow of
ink from the new line into the old. This overflowing ink will dry with a well
defined edge which can be observed on microscopic examination.

Intersection of gel strokes

 In case of gel pens the track of the ink line may be observed which can
depict the order of the strokes. The continuous track is an indicator of
subsequent stroke.

 Also sometimes the gel ink line may drag the ink of the previously written
strokes, which can be observed in the different colors of the inks, this can
give idea about the sequence of strokes as well as direction of the strokes.
Intersection of ball pen

 Interruption of the groove edges in one line would indicate that it is written
first. If the first groove is deep, the second line may narrow slightly as it
crosses, or may show a microscopic skipping, This is because of the reason
that the subsequent stroke fails to make contact with the deepest part of the

 This same phenomenon can occur when the ballpoint pen crosses a
significantly grooved pencil stroke.

Intersection of pencil strokes

 In case of normal HB pencils the order of the strokes is determined by

striations of the strokes or continuation of the striations.

 In case of colored pencils dragging of graphite particles is observed.

 Also fiber disruption or movement of fibers of the paper along the stroke
also gives the idea of sequence of strokes.

Intersection of lines with folds and creases in the paper

 There occurs lateral seepage of the ink along the folds or creases of the
paper if the ink line is drawn subsequently.

 In the reverse case this thing is not observed.

 Also there may be the disruption of the stroke if it is written after the fold
has been made.

 While the continuation of the stroke may indicate that the fold has been
made after the line.

Intersection of fluid ink with ball point pen line

 There is a tendency for the water-based ink to be repelled by the oils found
in the ball pen, as a result, small gaps, a slight narrowing of the fluid ink
line, or beading of the ink can be observed, which can be used to determine
that the ink followed the ball pen line.


 The samples for the sequence of strokes were made using the combination of
various types of pens and color and observed under stereo microscope at the
point of intersection.
 The samples were made using the pencils and observed under stereo
microscope at the point of intersection
 The samples were made with creases and fold, and strokes and observed.
 The pictures were taken and the observation was noted down.


Stick pictures (color print), write results and illustration below every picture.

Result- The analysis of sequence of strokes is performed using stereo microscopes.

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