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Full name: ...............................................


Class: ...................................................... Unit 16- grade 5
Task 1. Listen and match. There is one example (0).


A. D.

B. E.

C. F.

Task 2. Listen and tick   A, B or C. There is one example.

 Example: A.   It’s big.
B.   It’s modern.
C.   It’s near the stadium.
1. A.   Yes, it’s coming.
    B.   Yes, it’s over there.
    C.   Yes, it’s a bus stop.
2. A.   It’s a museum.
    B.   It’s a pharmacy.
    C.   It’s between the bookshop and the museum.
3. A.   No, it’s on the corner of the street.
    B.   No, it’s very far from here.
    C.   No, it’s not open.
4. A.   No, I’m not going to the supermarket.
    B.   No, it doesn’t.
    C.   Not very far. Go along the street and turn left.
5. A.   Yes, it’s a white building.
    B.   Yes, it’s on the corner of the street.
    C.   Yes, it’s a bakery.
Task 3. Listen and tick   the correct pictures. There is one example.

Example: Where’s the bus stop?

A.  B.  C. 
1. Where does she want to go?

A.  B.  C. 

2. Where’s the pharmacy?

A.  B.  C. 

3. How can they get to Con Dao?

A.  B.  C. 

4. Where’s the stadium?

A.  B.  C. 

5. Where’s the library?

A.  B.  C. 

Task 4. Listen and tick   Right or Wrong. There is one example (0).

Right Wrong
0. The woman wants to buy some fruits.
1. There is a fruit shop nearby.
2. The woman can buy fruit at the supermarket.
3. The supermarket is in Lemon Street.
4. The supermarket is at the end of Lemon Street.
5. The supermarket is opposite the fruit shop.
Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one example.


bus stop museum theatre

post office pharmacy library

Example: We wait for the bus at this place.    bus stop

1. We send postcards and letters at this place. __________
2. We see plays and operas at this place. __________
3. We see different ancient things at this place. __________
4. We buy medicine at this place. __________
5. It’s a quiet place for people to read books. __________
Task 2. Read and tick   True or False. There is one example (0).

My house is in White Street. My new school is not very far from my house. It’s in Pink Street. Every
morning, I get out of my house, turn right and walk along the street for five minutes. Then I turn left
at Pink Street. From the street corner, I can see my big, yellow school. It’s between a green park and
a museum.

True False
0. My new school is very far from my house.
1. I go to school in the afternoon.
2. My school is near Pink Street.
3. It takes more than five minutes to go to my school.
4. My school is big and yellow.
5. My school is next to a green park.
Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0.

A A: Can I take a bus to get there?
B B: You’re welcome.

0 C A: Excuse me, is there a pharmacy near here?

D B: Not necessary. You can walk about five minutes.

E A: Thank you.

F B: Yes. There’s one in Lemon Street.

Task 4. Read and fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the
number. There is one word that you do not need. There is one example (0).


fly island boat museum

coach plane faster

Con Dao is a beautiful (0) island in the South of Viet Nam. From Ha Noi you can (1) __________ to
Ho Chi Minh City. It takes about one hour and forty five minutes. From there, there are two ways to
go to Con Dao: you can take a (2) ___________ to Vung Tau, and then take a (3) ______________
to Con Dao. It takes around twelve hours. Or you can go by (4) ________________. It’s only a forty-
five minute flight. It is (5) ________ but more expensive.
Task 1. Look at the picture. Read and write one word for each gap. There is one example.

Example: There is a supermarket next to my school.

1. The bookshop is __________ the museum and the cinema.

2. There is a __________ stop next to the zoo.

3. I go to the __________ office to send a postcard.

4. There is a theatre __________ the bakery.

5. The cinema is at the __________ of the street.

Task 2. Order the words. There is one example.

Example: bus / the / is / stop / where
               Where is the bus stop?

1. get / I / how / museum / the / excuse / to / can / me

   __________ ,___________________________________?
2. the / is / at / pharmacy / the / of / street / end / the
3. a / Ha Noi / coach / take / from / Sa Pa / to / can / you
4. on / the / of / theatre / corner / street / the / is / the
5. takes / to / fifteen / walk / to / my / minutes / it / school

Task 3. Read the questions. Write about yourself. There is one example (0).

0. What’s your name?

1. How far is it from your school to your house?
2. Where is your school (include the name of the street)?
3. Are there any buildings next to your school?
4. How do you often get to your school?
5. How long does it take you to go to school?

0. Hello. My name is___________________________________________.

1. My school is _______________________________________________.
2. It is ______________________________________________________.
3. It is ______________________________________________________.
4. I_________________________________________________________.
5. It takes ___________________________________________________.

-- The end --

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