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Topics for writing

Focus: Describe and Narrate. ‘WH- Approach’ (At least 150 - no more
than 200 words).
 SPEAKOUT (Upper-Intermediate): Units 1, 3 & 4.
 MILENG Topics: Military Basics - Field Training Small Arms – Land
Navigation and Map Reading.

Focus: Opinion Essay - Agreement and disagreement (about 200
 SPEAKOUT (Upper-Intermediate): Units 2, 5 & 6.
 MILENG Topics: Weapons Systems / Military Technology.


Focus: Problem Solving – Being Assertive (200- 250 words)
 SPEAKOUT (Upper-Intermediate): Units 8, 9 & 10.
 MILENG Topics: Communications – Logistics - Info Ops – Engineering.

Focus: Problem Solving - Dissertation (250-300 words).
 SPEAKOUT (Upper-Intermediate): Unit 7 – (Advanced): Units 1 & 2.
 MILENG Topics: Military Planning and Decision Making – Military
Operations – Conventional Warfare and OOTW (Operations Other Than
War) – Peace-Keeping.
ENG I Military Related Topics – General English Topics

1) (mil) You are at the firing range, when you commence firing the rifle jams (misfire).
Have you ever experienced it? What did you do in that situation? What you
would do if you experienced it?

2) What are your recommendations to put into practice the proverb “Better Safe than
Sorry” when handling small arms?

3) You arrived at the AGM a few weeks ago. Write an email to a friend of yours telling
about your first days as a cadet, and your plans for the term.

4) (mil) Writing a report. You have finished a training session (marching at night and
setting up an outpost), then you notice that one of your rifle magazines is
missing. Write a report about the loss.

5) (mil) Describe and compare two different weapons: pistol and rifle. Which one
would you choose based on your experience?

6) (mil) Explain to a friend of yours (letter or email) the roles and tasks in your organic
unit that you carry out when on duty at the AGM.

7) Write about the daily routine at the AGM in a working day. How would be a perfect
day at the AGM?

8) (mil) Write about Land Navigation answering the following questions: Why is the
terrain so important in the military? What do you need to move around in the
training range? How can you find your way at night and in the daytime?

9) (mil) Individual weapons, such as rifles, are part of the standard outfit of a soldier.
Write about how, when, and what for you use them.

10)(mil) Shooting can be a risky business. What do you do before and after shooting
at the firing range? Have you ever experienced a problem, such as a misfire, at
the firing range?

11)(mil) Boot Camp is the first contact with the military life for those who join the
Armed Forces. What did you learn in Boot camp? Write an email to a friend of
yours telling about your best and worst experience in that period.

12)Both military training, and university education are included in the AGM curriculum.
How are they combined throughout the term? Explain how the weekly schedule
combines both activities.
13)Chow at the AGM. Is it very different from eating at home? What is your favourite
dish? How would you improve the diet at the AGM?

14)How and what do you eat when you are in field training? How does the standard -
MRE Meals Ready to Eat- included in the rations compare with traditional home
made food?

15)(mil) Do you have a model of the perfect leader in mind? Describe leadership
training at the AGM. Give examples of leadership that you have observed.

16)(mil) Write a letter (or an email) to a friend of yours explaining some mistake you
made during field training. Did you report it? What were the consequences?
What would you do to avoid repeating it?

17)You bought an electronic gadget on line. You have notice that it doesn´t work as
expected. Write an email to the dealer explaining the situation and requesting a
solution (refund, repair, … etc)

18)School time is full of anecdotes. Write about something that happened to you when
you were at school.

19)What new skills have you learnt at the AGM so far? Which of your previous skills
were helpful when you joined the AGM? How can you improve them?

20)Downtime. How do you manage downtime at the AGM? Write an email or a letter
to a friend of yours telling about how you use your free time now compared with
what you did before.

21)My favorite hobby. When and why did you start? Now that you are a cadet would
you try something different? Is it difficult to practice a hobby at the AGM?

22)Challenges. What would you like to learn or practice in the coming years?

23)Write a composition about how you see yourself. What are your strong/weak
points? What would you do to improve?

24)Planning the future. Write (letter/email) to a friend of yours telling about your plans
once the term is over.

25)A friend of yours plan to apply for the AGM next year. Write an email
recommending him/her what to do to prepare before entering the AGM.

26)“Every cloud has a silver lining.” Explain this saying, and give an example related
with some experience you have had, or you may encounter in the future.

27)Write a composition about some activity you would like to try (or skill that you
would like to learn) in the coming years.
28)A friend of yours from a foreign country is visiting Zaragoza. Write a letter (or
email) telling about things you plan to do with him/her.

29)“Kill two birds with one stone.” Explain this sentence, give an example. Does it
apply to any activity at the AGM?

30)The best and worst place at the AGM. Describe them and explain why you
consider them good or bad. How would you improve those places?

31)Write about events or experiences at the AGM that you consider relevant for your
education as an army officer. For example, Boot Camp or Field Training.

32)Reading a book or going to the movies. Do you do those activities regularly? Write
about your experiences with books and films and the reasons why you would
(or wouldn´t) recommend them.

33)Write an email to a friend to recommend a book you have read recently.

34)Write a narrative text which begins with the words:" No Pain no Gain”, or “Nothing
Ventured Nothing Gained”.

35)Write a narrative text which answers the question:" What are the best and the
worst experiences you've had in your life?"

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