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Task Analysis

Topic: Life Skills

Standard: AUEN: Supported Independence - Increase Food Preparation Skills.

Sets ___ place setting(s) at table. (appropriate number of plates, silverware, etc.)

Objective: By January 2024, the student will be able to properly set one table place setting, by

completing the actions before breakfast, 5 times a week at 85% accuracy.

Step by step teaching strategy:

This task analysis focuses on having the student set their table place before sitting down to eat. Included is

a place mat guide, as well as steps that include both words and pictures. Students will be expected to

complete this task, daily, before eating breakfast. Skills the student will need to be successful in to be able

to complete this task include; knowing their left from their right, and being able to recognize the different

utensils. This will be implemented using total chaining. The teacher will teach the student each step

during breakfast time before having the student complete the task independently. The students' place mat

guide will be sitting at the table which they will then have to place each utensil in the correct spot,

prompts will be given as needed by the teacher (verbal and/or physical). Eventually, students will be able

to complete this task without the place mat guide.

Skill Level Key: NY - Not Yet Evident E - Emerging D - Developing M - Mastered

Student Name___________________________
Skill Level Key: NY - Not Yet Evident E - Emerging D - Developing M - Mastered

Student Name___________________________

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