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11 September 2022

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

We welcome Marists back to the final term of the school year. As we enter the final term of the school year,
let us continue to encourage Marists to hone their character and live by values. It is important that all Marists
live by the school creed, especially the last line which says that “what is worth doing should be done well and
cheerfully” with regard to their learning in class and with the class. To learn well, we expect all students to be
self-disciplined and pro-active learners and to cooperate well with their teachers and fellow Marists. As you
would agree, while doing well in the examinations is important, we would like to reiterate that it is even more
important that Marists enjoy learning because a positive regard for learning would plant the seed of growth
and development of Marists cognitively, socially, and morally. Allowing Marists to learn from setbacks and
picking themselves up with a growth mindset would put them in a good stead to excel and thrive in future.

1) Updates on Achievements
The Secondary 4 cohort received the results for the GCE ‘O’ Level Chinese Language Examination,
achieving a 97.4% pass rate with 32.1% distinctions. Marists have done themselves and the school proud
with their hard work and achievements. We would like to encourage Marists to continue to work towards
excellence as they prepare for the other subjects approaching the GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations.

The GCE ‘O’ Level Chinese Examination results has seen steady improvement over the last 3 years and we
would like to strongly encouraged secondary 1 to 3 Marists to give of their best in the learning of the language
so that they too, can experience higher achievement at the Chinese and Higher Chinese at the GCE ‘O’ Level
examinations in time to come.

Please refer to Annex A for the list of other achievements.

2) Academic & Examination Matters

a) Teaching & Learning: MACHO & Positive Learning Culture

It is our belief that all Marists can learn. As such, Marists are guided by the acronym MACHO (Materials,
Attire, Cleanliness, Homework & On-Task) in preparation for learning. We seek your support in reminding
and helping your sons/wards be in the right frame of mind and shape for learning by adhering to MACHO. As
the run up to the End-of-Year Examinations is short, we urge Marists to maximise learning opportunities by
being prepared and on-task in class, doing their homework diligently as well as to exercise sensible time
management outside classroom lessons.

b) Holistic Progress Report

All Secondary 1 to 3 Marists have received all the Term 3 Weighted Assessments results. Please take this
opportunity to engage your son/ward in discussing his progress throughout the year and how to bridge his
learning gaps. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your son’s/ward’s Form Teacher.

The Holistic Progress Report for Term 4 will be issued on 28 October.

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Diligence Determination Courage
Sec Tel: 62803880/ 62882318 Fax: 62886905
School Website:

c) GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations

For Secondary 4 Marists, the dates of the GCE ‘O’ Level Science Practical Examinations are as follows:
● 3 October : Physics
● 6 October : Science (Physics/Chemistry)
● 11 October: Biology
● 13 October: Chemistry

The other written papers are from 14 October to 11 November. Please refer to your son’s entry proof for the
details of his GCE ‘O’ level examination timetable. Please also help your son to be familiar with the
examination rules and regulations, which can be obtained from SEAB website:

For more information on GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations timetable, subject syllabus, approved calculator and
dictionaries, examination SOP, and rules and regulations, please visit the school’s examination website at

d) GCE ‘O’ Level Chinese Language Examination

Secondary 3 Marists who offer Higher Chinese Language will be sitting for the GCE ‘O’ Level Chinese
Language Examination (written paper) on 8 November. We will be holding extra lessons to help students
prepare for the examination. Please encourage your son/ward to put in his best effort as the result would be
a good indication of whether he should continue to offer Higher Chinese Language next year. If he decides
to drop Higher Chinese Language, he must sit for the GCE ‘O’ Level Chinese Language Examination in
Secondary 4 (regardless of the grade achieved at the GCE O level examination the previous year) and
achieve a minimum grade of D7 as one of the criteria for progression to the junior college/Millennia Institute
should he wish to pursue the ‘A’ Level course of study.

e) End-of-Year Examinations
The End-of-Year Examination timetable for Secondary 1 to 3 Marists has been uploaded onto the school
website in Term 3 Week 10. It will also be disseminated to parents through the Parents Gateway. The
examination will be held on the following dates:

● 26 September : English Language Paper 1 and Higher Chinese Language /

Chinese Language Paper 1
● 3 to 13 October : All other exams (Please refer to End-of-Year Examination timetable)
● 18 to 20 October : Checking of scripts

School-based examinations provide opportunities for students to assess their learning and learning gaps. At
the same time, they are also platforms to prepare students physically in terms of examination protocol, norms
of behaviour and expectations. We would like parents to go through with your son/ward, the Examinations
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to help him abide by the SOP. For more information on End-of-Year
Examination format, GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations timetable, subject syllabus, approved calculator and
dictionaries, examination SOP, and rules and regulations, please visit the school’s examination website at

We would like to reiterate these examination practices which are in line with national examination practices:

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Diligence Determination Courage
Sec Tel: 62803880/ 62882318 Fax: 62886905
School Website:

● Students who are absent for any paper due to medical reasons are to submit a Medical Certificate (MC)
to their Form Teacher immediately upon their return. Parental letters are not accepted.
● If a student who is unwell chooses to sit for a test / examination, his marks will be counted. The student
cannot choose to void the paper even if he has an existing MC.
● Students who are unwell with-flu like symptoms are not to come to school for examination. Please seek
medical advice immediately and be covered by a MC for absence.

f) Marking Day
The marking days for End-of-Year Examination are 14 October and 17 October. Secondary 1 to 3 students
do not need to report to school on these days.

g) Promotion Exercise
The school will be reviewing the promotional status of all students on 25 October. Students need not report
to school on that day.

3) Level Programmes

a) The Marcellin Way (Secondary 1 & Secondary 2 students)

"The Marcellin Way" is fundamental to the Marist school experience. We draw inspiration from the life
experiences of our founding saint, St. Marcellin Champagnat, and the Marist values in the planned
experiences for our students to develop character and 21st century competencies. The learning activities of
the Marcellin Way will take place on 21 October to 28 October for Lower Secondary students. As these are
official school days, absence from school without MC/valid reasons would be marked as absent without valid
reason in our official record.

Students will be dismissed at 1.00 p.m. on 26, 27 and 28 October as we need to prepare the school premises
for the ‘O’ Level Examination (25 October is Promotion Exercise Day, a non-school day for S1 to S3 students).

b) Secondary 2 Level Briefing

The current batch of secondary 2 students would be attending the Outward Bound Singapore (OBS) camp
in early 2023. In view of it being a full-fledge OBS camp, we would like to brief parents/guardians on the
programme as well as the medical checks needed. Leveraging on this briefing, we share with parents on
supporting our your sons/wards as they transit to the upper secondary levels. The briefing will be held in the
Shaw Hall on 15 September, from 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. The briefing will cover the following areas:

● Recap on Secondary 3 Subject Combination 2023 (shared with parents on 21 Jan)

● Managing Marists’ stress levels
● Managing Marists’ device usage
● OBS 2023

Registration information for the session has been sent out to parents via Parents Gateway on 6 September.

c) Secondary 2 Subject Combination Exercise

We had previously informed parents of the above exercise on 21 January during the first level briefing. Marists
will be briefed on how to register for their preferred Secondary 3 Subject Combination after the End-of-Year
Examinations. The following are the key dates for your information:
● 20 to 25 October : Registration for subject combination

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Diligence Determination Courage
Sec Tel: 62803880/ 62882318 Fax: 62886905
School Website:

● 16 November : Release of the Secondary 3 (2023) Subject Allocation

Students will be informed regarding the sale of textbooks thereafter. Please also note that the class
allocations will be announced on 22 December.

Do discuss with your son/ward, his interest and future career aspirations followed by related subject
requirements to guide your son in his choices of subject combinations. Information regarding what is offered
at the junior colleges and polytechnics are available online. As the allocation of subject combination is tied to
resource deployment (teacher availability, special room allocation) and minimum number of students to form
a class, we would not be able to accede to your request to change the subject combination allocated. We will
try our best to allocate the subject combination based on your son’s choices subject to his performance. We
would also expect Marists to view their Upper Secondary study as a 2-year journey and to keep the subject
combination chosen and allocated instead of promptly deciding to drop subjects when they face challenges.

Please feel free to contact Mrs Ong Siok Lee (HOD/Science) at should you
have any enquiry.

d) Last Day of Term 4 and Secondary 3 Extended Curriculum

The last official school day of Term 4 for Secondary 1 to 2 students is 28 October as the school is a GCE ‘O’
Level Examination Centre. However, as the GCE ‘O’ level curriculum spans across a two-year period, we
will be conducting lessons and other learning experiences for all Secondary 3 Marists from 31 October to 11
November. These lessons allow your son to level up and be ready for the Secondary 4 year. Teachers will
also be holding intensive revision sessions for students offering Higher Chinese Language, to prepare for
the GCE ‘O’ Level Chinese Language Examination which will be held on 8 November.
During this period, students are to continue reporting in proper school attire and school shoes. They are to
be in the classrooms by 7.55 a.m. Students will be dismissed at 1.00 p.m. Attendance will be taken and
absentees must produce Medical Certificates to verify their absence. We seek your support in ensuring that
your son/ward is present and ready for these lessons.

e) Revision Programme for Secondary 4 Marists

In Term 4, teachers will review the performance of Marists at the Preliminary Examination and conduct a final
round of revision with them. Revision lessons are conducted both during curriculum time and the Grade
Enhancement Programme (GEP) after curriculum hours, up to 30 September (Friday). Do ensure that your
son attends school regularly during this period.

After 30 September, Marists are urged to remain home to independently work on their revision. Marists should
avoid unnecessarily travelling out of their homes during this final lap before the GCE O-Level Examination.
Please monitor your son’s well-being and ensure that he keeps to a revision routine that works for him with
sufficient breaks and enough rest at night. Selected students may be required to attend additional remediation
sessions depending on their needs. Do let us know should your son require further support.

The following are support structures that are in place:

(1) Grade Enhancement Programme (GEP)
This programme will help students prepare for the O-Level Examination in various ways. It will be a
combination of Timed Practices, Science Practical Sessions and Small Group Consultations to help students
consolidate their learning and close learning gaps towards better outcomes in this final lap.

(2) Focus! Night Self-study Session

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Diligence Determination Courage
Sec Tel: 62803880/ 62882318 Fax: 62886905
School Website:

The Focus! Night Self-study sessions will resume on 12 Sept, the first day of Term 4 until 13 Oct. This optional
programme aims to provide a conducive environment for our Secondary 4 Marists to engage in self-revision
after school hours. It will be held at the school canteen from 5.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. and every evening, one
canteen stall will remain open so students can have an early dinner before 5.30 p.m.

Students signing up for the Night Self-study Sessions should inform their parents. They should stay for the
entire session, and their attendance will be recorded. Should you be fetching your son home, please do so
outside the Bartley MRT station at 8:15 p.m. Do note that the school entrance gate will be closed at 7:00 p.m.
A teacher will accompany all the students to the school’s side gate, which is near the Bartley MRT station.

f) The Final Lap

The school is organising the following events to support the Class of 2022 in their final lap towards the O-
Level Examination, and to acknowledge all their achievements. Further information on each event will be
furnished via Parents Gateway nearer the date.

(1) 9-day Novena and Commitment Mass

As Marists embark on their final phase of preparation for the O-Level Examinations, the school takes
reference from its Catholic identity to prepare Marists spiritually, through the 9-day Novena held during
morning assembly. This will culminate in the celebration of the Secondary 4 Commitment Mass where the
school will pray and seek to be a source of mutual blessing within the Marist family and beyond.

(2) Awards Ceremony

The awards ceremony will take place on 30 September. We wish to encourage Secondary 4 Marists to
continue putting in their best effort and do well for the GCE O-Level Examination. To cheer our boys on, we
will be asking parents/guardians to share notes of encouragement for Marists.

(3) Day of Honour

Formally known as the Leavers’ Ceremony, this is a formal event held after Secondary 4 Marists have
completed their GCE O-Level Examinations. The event will see the school coming together to formally mark
and celebrate the graduation of the Class of 2022. The Day of Honour will take place on 15 November in

4) Key Dates for Term 4

Please access for scheduled
school events.

We thank parents for your support as we journey with you in educating Marists.

Warm Regards,
Mrs Woo Soo Min

勤 勉 忠 勇
Diligence Determination Courage
Sec Tel: 62803880/ 62882318 Fax: 62886905
School Website:

Annex A: Achievement July – September 2022 – Congratulations, Marists!

Name of Competition Achievement Name and Class of Students

20th National Secondary School

Chinese Creative Writing Competition Third Prize
1 第二十届全国中学生华文创作比赛 Wong Zi Jia 黄子家 3G
2022 National Mandarin Oratorical
Competition for Secondary/ Pre- 1st Prize
2 Chin Qi Yang 陈祺洋
University. (冠军) 3H

Best Actor in Alton Tan 陈奕帆 4E
Leading Role

Li Hanfeng 李翰枫 4F

Yam Jun Yi 严俊壹 4F

Heng Ren Hong, Joshua 王仁宏 4F

Lee Yu Xun 李宇迅 4F

参赛证书 Yeo Ming Xuan,Sacca 杨铭宣 4F

Certificate of
Seah Wee Jen, Samuel 佘伟健 4F
14th National Chinese Short Film Ho Tsung Sian, Ian 何崇贤 4F
Competition for all Secondary
3 Maven Lai Herng Hoy 黎恒恺 4F
Schools, Junior Colleges and
Centralized Institute
Tan Min Hao Benedict 陈敏浩 4F
第 14 届全国中学、高中及初院生华语
短片制作赛 Jovaan Chia Li Jun 谢礼俊 4H

Alton Tan 陈奕帆 4E

Jayden Kwek 郭恩杰 4E

Leew Hua Quan 刘华佺 4E

参赛证书 Lim Jin Yi, Ethan 林晋毅 4E

Certificate of
Participation Tey Jin Cong, Zavier 郑锦聪 2F
Asher Ng Hao Zhe 黄浩哲 2F

Chua Jay Yung 蔡杰荣 1F

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15th National Secondary Schools

4 Translation Competition Chin Qi Yang 陈祺洋 3H
第十五届全国中学翻译比赛 Top 15

Roger Jiang Ming Kai 姜铭凯 1G
Wong Hai Shuan 黄海轩 1A
Louis Kock Siu Yik 郭劭翊 1A
Silver (Team) Rayford Chan Yong Jun 曾泳鈞 1A
Xu James 徐满杭 1A
Peh Wen Kai 白文凯 2F
Silver (Team) Shi Qingyue 施清越 2F
5th Text Recital Competition for
5 Primary and Secondary Schools Tey Jin Cong, Zavier 郑锦聪 2F
第五届中小学课文朗诵比赛 (Individual)
Li Jiashi 李嘉实 3G
Ang Yue Kai Thaddaeus 洪悦凯 3H
Chin Qi Yang 陈祺洋 3H
Gold (Team)
Gao Tian En 高天恩 3H

Li Bang 李邦 3G
Sliver (Team)
Yeo Chern Fong 杨承锋 3G
Liu Chufang 4D
Chua Keng Hong 4D
Goh Jun Lim 4H
Tan Aik Hong 4H
6 15th Singapore Junior Physics Chua Bing Rui 4B
Olympiad 2022 Liu Chufang 4D

Bronze Timothy Lim Zhi Heng 4D

(Team) Jacob Tan Jia En 4D
Wang Yu Zhe 4A
Tan Min Hao Benedict 4F
Yeo Ming Xuan, Sacca 4F
Kadmus Lee Zheng Yang 4G
7 7th Singapore Junior Biology Olympiad Ryan Edward Dy Cher Yi 4H
Aden Tan 4E
Teh Jun Hee 4G

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Ryger Teo Zhao Xian 4H

Siu King Wai Khairon 4H

Honorable Ng Jei Kai 4E

Mention Tan Aik Hong 4H

Overall School Award: Silver

Junior Tan Bo Yang 1G

Liew Xun Wah 2E
1 Gold award
1 Silver award

Song Jake Kai Noah 1B

Zhuang Jingle 1C
Mook Chun Meng Alfred 1C
Felix Tay 1E
Ng Keng Hing Regan 1G
Tan Ngee Chun Rhys (Chen Yijun) 1G
Loh Wei Zheng Alexander 1H
Elijah Lau Ruei-Ze 1I
Junior Lee Hong Kai Kaylen (Li Hongkai) 1I
8 Singapore Mathematical Olympiad 19 Bronze Samuel Koh Hsien Jer (Xu Xianzhe) 2A
(SMO) awards Lee Kye Jern 2B
Javier Yee Rui Han (Yu Ruihan) 2B
Gerrard Yeo Jun Jie 2C
Goh Wei Jian Asher 2E
Elliot Foong Kai-En 2F
Ng Jing Yang 2G
Sean Etienne Ng Cher-Yu 2H
Tan Zhenghao Reed 2H
Ng Zhen Xuan 2H

Lin Jinghang 1A
Wong Yong Ren, Cebestin 1A
Junior Section: (Huang Yongren)
24 Honourable Isaac Hoh Rui Heng
Mention awards 1B
Tan Xin Yue Michael

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Chiew Shey Aun, Ayden 1B

Teo Wang Kai Ethan (Zhang Yuankai) 1B
Lim Jun Kai Issac 1D
Ryan Ng Kai Jie (Huang Kaijie) 1D
Wes Wong Zi Yu 1E
Isaac Thian Junjie 1E
Lim Jun Yang, Isaac 1F
Josh Long Zheng Yi 1F
Russell Tan Yao Yang 1G
Cruz Lee Jia Le 1G
Chua Fu Quan, Ayden (Cai Fu Quan) 1H
Theodore Audrich Wirawan 1I
Chong Cheng Yu , Ethan (Zhang Jingyu) 2B
Javier Wan Sey Tim 2B
Wong Wei Rong, Damien 2B
Ethan Tan Yew Heung (Chen Youheng) 2F
Ho Song Xian Caleb 2G
Jediah Tan Yao 2G
Yong Kai Sheng 2G
Zachary Adriel Chir Kai En 2G
Chia Yong Yao Timothy 3A

Senior Section: John-Paul Ramachandran 3C

5 Bronze Raymond Miao Tian Rui 3G
Chua Keng Hong 4H
Goh Jun Lim 4H
Kek Qing Wen Keane 4A
Chan Keng Yu , Brayden 4A
Senior Section: Ayden Yeo Junwei 4F
6 Honourable
Tan Min Hao Benedict 4F
Mention awards
Pan Wei Jun 4H
So Kok Siang 4I

All (Individual) - Zhou Hongxuan Kenneth 2A

‘C’ Division National School Games
9 Second
Bowling Championship 2022

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Diligence Determination Courage
Sec Tel: 62803880/ 62882318 Fax: 62886905
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Doubles - Zhou Hongxuan Kenneth 2A

Ashton Tan K-Jay 2A

Zhou Hongxuan Kenneth 2A

Quartets - Leong Hoi Kit, Donovan 2I
Ang Jie Rui, Brendon 1I
Ashton Tan K-Jay 2A

Lucius Ng Xu Ze 1D
Anakin Chew Ching Yu (Zhao Zhengyu) 1E
Wong Jian Heng Zachary 1G
Ang Jie Rui, Brendon (Hong Jierui) 1I
Chua Min Xun Jarred 1I
Julian Lee Kai Xuan 1I
Kaven Tan Jian Hao 1I
Overall Inter-
Schools - Ashton Tan K-Jay 2A
Second Tay Kai Han, Darrius 2A
Zhou Hongxuan Kenneth 2A
Jayden Tan Kai 2B
Zanden Quek Zheng Da 2C
Gareth Goi Yu Xian (Wei Yuxian) 2D
Ng Zheng Kai 2G
Zachary Kwong Tjing Chyr 2H
Leong Hoi Kit, Donovan (Liang Kaijie) 2I

Jayden Tan Shi Jia 2A

Leow Jing Huang Austral 2D
Lim Shi Jie 2D
Steven Syarif 2D
National School Games Badminton 1st Team Jayden Yeoh Jie Ren 2E
10 North Zone ‘C’ Division Boys
Placing Oliver Low Rui Jie 2E
Championships 2022
Tan Ee Ern, Ian 2E
Lucas Yeo Gek Hee (Yang Yuxi) 2F
Sng Jun Ethan 2H
Ryan Yee 2I

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Diligence Determination Courage
Sec Tel: 62803880/ 62882318 Fax: 62886905
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Quek Kaicheng, Lewis 1B

Russell Wee Zi Kai (Huang Zikai) 1D
Chong Ken Yue 1E
Lucius Lee Guang Eu (Li Guanyu) 1F
Ang Zi Hun (Hong Zixun) 1I

Xu James 1A
Lee Zhengxian, Brian 1B
Mok Jia Jin Dylan 1B
Josh Benjamin Lim 1C
Chua Shuo Lucas 1C
National School Games Table Tennis 3rd Team Ang Jing Xuan Jayden 1H
11 North Zone C Division Boys
Placing Wong Zi Han, Dylan (Wang Zihan) 1H
Championships 2022
See Enyi, Zachary 1I
Jerel Heng Jay Hang (Xing Jiahang) 2A
Tan Jun Yan 2B
Tan Keng Tat Jerold 2C
Tan Bang Suo 2E

Champion Dylan Seow Yong Kang 2G

Ground Up Lead Climbing
Competition- Youth B Boys 5th position Chua Kai’ren 3I

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Diligence Determination Courage

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