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Mentor Group Check in

Name: Bridie Carey


My first 4+ weeks as a Year __ student: Term 1 Weeks 1A – 4B+, 2023.

Positives…..highlights/enjoyable moments/ Challenges….What I have found or might find
experiences so far…what to look forward difficult & what I can/will do to work through
to…. this…
I enjoy eating lunch with my friends everyday. I look The weeks with SACs
forward to the weeks without SACs

Possible solutions… I will study really hard and

commit myself fully to school

Key events so far:

Week & Event/activity Attended Did not My involvement/contribution
date attend or reason for not being involved/present
1A Fri School photos Opening Yes
School Mass Yes I attended

2B VCE Info Evening Yes I did not know the info evening was on

Retreat Yes I attended

3A Academic Assembly Yes I attended

4B Swim carnival HOTL Yes I attended

5A IWD Breakfast Yes I attended

Elevate Yes




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My personal goals this year: To get a high ATAR

The subjects/courses that I am studying & my teacher’s names:

 Methods -> Ms Wheaton

 Chemistry -> Ms Simpson
 Legal -> Mr Couzens
 Literature -> Mr Smith
 ________________________________________ -> ______________________________
 ________________________________________ -> ______________________________
How I travel to school:
I drive myself to shcool

My attendance and punctuality to Mentor Group meetings in the morning so far (Weeks 1-4)
(Ex/VG/G/Needs attention): Comment required – if absences have occurred:

Submission of notes to verify absences from Mentor Group and for days away from school: (if relevant)
(Ex/VG/G/Needs attention):

Use of my diary/planner so far…What works best for me…

I find using a planner does not work for me, I prefer to use sticky notes on my laptop

Some ideas for Mentor Group this year:

Try and create a nice relaxing environment during stressful periods

Outside of school…….. I enjoy…I work at….my hobbies….Something I think that you should know
about me …..

What is coming up ……..

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