Hope For 2021

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Fantastic article written by Shri Sanjib Deb pinpointing issues

captioning “New year coming with additional

responsibility”published in Northeastcolors on 1 January,21. He

tried to indicate lot of hopes and responsibilities aiming

pandemic era. No doubt, as 2021 prepares for its time in the
spotlight, perhaps no year in our lifetime has so much weight on
it to perform brilliantly. The anticipation for 2021 is immediately
palpable. Even from the pandemic tragedy, however, there is good
news. As the entire planet worked feverishly first to understand
the new coronavirus, and then conquer it, medical and vaccine
science surged ahead in a matter of months. New types of
vaccines were invented, deployed, tested and produced at a rate
unthinkable this time last year. While the pandemic has
been no less than catastrophic to hundreds of thousands of
Coloradans, what local health officials have learned and
developed during the past year can be crucial in improving all
kinds of public health problems when the pandemic finally ends.
The question is when pandemic to be ended. The government of
India has formed a genome surveillance consortium called
INSACOG, under the leadership of the National Centre for
Disease Control (NCDC), for laboratory and epidemiological
surveillance of circulating strains of the novel coronavirus in the
country. The body was formed in view of a new, more fast-
spreading strain of the COVID-19 virus being found in the UK.
Since then, another mutation has been reported from different
parts of the world. It is part of government's strategy to study
mutations in the virus and prevent a super-spreader event.

The overall aim of the consortium is to regularly monitor the

genomic variations in the SARS-CoV-2 through a multi-
laboratory network. This vital research consortium will also
assist in developing potential vaccines in the future. It gives me
pain when I see people are without face cover and unwilling to
maintain physical distancing. Even so called educated people,
officers and policy makers , known as state actors are not willing
to follow pandemic protocol despite PM appeal and paying no
heed to PM’s appeal .No vaccine, medicine will help unless civil
society is alive to contain spread of virus . Every crisis gives an
opportunity, therefore, pandemic too forced entire planet worked
feverishly first to understand the new coronavirus . This is good
news and article written by Sanjib deb is also indicates lot of
hopes and responsibilities for all stakeholders. No doubt, there is
so much hope, so much expectation for 2021 to be a great year.
Let us hope for the best.

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