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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected a strong recovery story for
Indian economy. The IMF projected an impressive 11.5% growth rate for India
in 2021, making India the only major economy of the world to register a
double digit growth this year amidst the coronavirus pandemic. This reflects
also a strong rebound in the economy, which was estimated to have contracted
by 8% in 2020 due to pandemic. In its latest update, the IMF projected an
11.5% growth rate for India in 2021. China is the next with 8.1%, followed by
Spain 5.9%, and France 5.5%.
The Finance Ministry had also exuded confidence that India would recover at a
fast pace and reach pre-Covid levels by the end of this fiscal unless a second
wave of cases was triggered by a fatigue with social distancing. With the latest
projections, India regains the tag of the fastest developing economies of the
world with double digit growth. Even Raghuram Ranjan, Ex RBI Governor
while in an interview categorically said some of the good works of present
government highlighted universal electrification, housing, sanitation, jandhan,
digital programmes etc. which are giving positive results and also indicated
signs of recovery of Indian economy. The truth is the truth and nobody can
deny it. The growth story related to the North Eastern Region (NER) can also
not be denied. The NER needs to exploit its pivotal geographical location, as it
gives a unique advantage of being the leading face for bilateral engagement and
establishment of cross border linkages. Any developmental projects for
accessibility to South East Asian countries, has to be developed through this
region. North East has a high percentage of English speaking population who
are well dressed and well mannered, an ideal profile for the 'service sector' and
the allied sectors. It is fact that almost 27 percent of the hospitality sector in
the State of Karnataka was being manned by people hailing from the North
East. This example was to highlight the soft skill strength of the region.
Tripura is one of the smallest Indian states after Goa and Sikkim. In Northeast
(NE) Region out of 8 states, data indicates Tripura and Sikkim are doing better
along with other NE states. The biggest advantage is that Tripura is becoming
the gateway of NE states. Bridge over Feni nearing completion. Road, rail,
water and Air connectivity through Bangladesh being translated into action in
real terms despite Chinese influences and investment in Bangladesh. IMF
predicted China is next second in terms of protected growth rate behind India.
Let us hope India will be the fastest growing economy in the world and Tripura
too may be fastest growing states in terms of development in India and let
Agartala be one of the best liveable cities in the country too. 

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