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Tables DI – 1.0

Set 1: Production of Major Minerals and Metals(Million Tonnes)

Year Aluminium Coal Copper Gold Iron- Ore

2005 69 91 71 15 100
2006 75 88 75 18 120
2007 81 97 79 21 102
2008 98 107 88 25 131
2009 93 110 92 24 143
2010 99 116 97 20 154
2011 105 122 103 25 163
Question 1. Which mineral/metal witnessed highest growth rate in production from 2005 to 2011?
a. Iron Ore b. Aluminium c. Gold d.Copper
Question 2. Which year has witnessed highest absolute increase in total production of minerals and metals?
a. 2006 b. 2008 c. 2011 d. None of the above

Question 3. Highest annual growth rate in production is recorded in

a. Iron Ore in 2008 b. Gold in 2011 c. Aluminium in 2008 d. Gold in 2006

Question 4. If annual average growth rate in production exhibited during 2006 to 2011 continues for next 4 years, then what will
be the approximate production of Aluminium in the year 2015?
a. 125 million tones b. 140 million tonnes c. 155 million tonnes d. 160 million tonnes

Question 5.In which year is the proportion of copper production in the total mineral and metal production the highest?
a. 2010 b. 2008 c. 2009 d. 2007
Question 6.Which mineral/metal witnessed the minimum growth rate in production from 2006 to 2010?
a. Aluminium b.Coal c. Copper d. Gold
Set 2: A survey of movie goers from five cities A, B, C, D and E is summarized below. The first column gives the
percentage of viewers in each city who watch less than one movie a week. The second column gives the
total number of viewers who view one or more movies per week
City I II
A 60 2400
B 20 3000
C 85 2400
D 55 2700
E 75 8000

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Question 1. How many viewers in the city C watch less than one movie a week?
a. 2040 b. 13600 c. 16000 d. 3600
Question 2. Which city has the highest number of viewers who watch less than one movie a week?
a. City E b. City D c. City B d. City C
Question 3. A city with second lowest number of movie watchers is
a. City E b. City D c. City B d. City C
Question 4. The total number of all movie goers in the five cities who watch less than one movie per week is
a. 50000 b. 36000 c. 18500 d. 45250

Set 3: The table below shows the number of people who responded to a survey about their favourite style of
music. Use this information to answer the following questions to the nearest whole percentage

Age 15-20 21-30 31+

Classical 6 4 17
Pop 7 5 5
Rock 6 12 14
Jazz 1 4 11
Blues 2 3 15
Hip-Hop 9 3 4
Ambient 2 2 2
Total 33 33 68
Question 1. What percentage of respondents under 31 indicated that Blues is their favourite style of music?
a. 7.1 b. 7.6 c. 8.3 d. 14.1
Question 2. What percentage of respondents aged 21-30 indicated a favourite style other than rock music?
a. 64% b.60% c.75% d.36%
Question 3. What percentage of the total sample indicated that jazz is their favourite style of music?
a. 6% b.8% c.22% d.12%

Set 4: Given below are a few data points on the Indian economy from 2005 to 2010:

Indicator Unit 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

GDP Current Prices Rs Billions 35662.2 41159.73 47675.86 54470.27 60712.76 73555.34
GDP per
capita,current prices Rs 32128.1 36553.93 41747.69 47038.23 51714.45 61784
Gross National
Savings Percent of % 32.88 34.28 36.65 32.17 35.08 32.14
Inflation Avg
consumer prices Index 115.67 122.92 130.75 141.67 157.08 175.92
Volume of imports
of goods and services % change 17.99 9.438 16.3 10.84 8.321 16.49
Volume of exports of
goods and services % change 18.88 13.83 17.13 10.63 0.813 21.86
Unemployment rate % 9.2 8.9 7.8 7.2 6.8 7.32
Current account

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balance percent of % -1.272 -1.024 -0.701 -2.475 -2.066 -3.268

Per capital GDP is arrived by dividing GDP by population.

Question 1.  What is the ratio of the current account balance in 2010 to the current account balance in 2005?
a. 0.35 b. 4.56 c. 5.01 d. 2.57 e. 5.30

Question 2. Read the statements given below:

1. Exports were more than imports in 2006
2. Imports were more than exports in 2009
3. Exports increased at faster rate than imports during the period 2005 to 2010
Which of the above statements is necessarily true?
a. 1 and 2 b. 1,2 and 3 c. 3 only d. 2 only e. 1 only
Question 3. What was the approximate number of unemployed persons in 2006:
a. 100 million b. 102 million c. 98 million d. 105 million e. 104 million

Set 5:Directions for the question 1 to 5: Answer the questions based on the following information, which gives
data about certain coffee producers in India.

Production Capacity Sales Total Sales Value

(‘000 tonnes) Utilization (%) (‘000 tonnes) (Rs. In Crores)
Brooke Bond 2.97 76.50 2.55 31.15
Nestle 2.48 71.20 2.03 26.75
Lipton 1.64 64.80 1.26 15.25
MAC 1.54 59.35 1.47 17.45
Total (Including 11.60 61.30 10.67 132.80

Question 1: What is the maximum production capacity (in ‘000 tonnes) of Lipton for coffee?
a. 2.53 b. 2.85 c. 2.24 d. 2.07

Question 2: Which company out of the four companies mentioned above has the maximum unutilized capacity (in ‘000 tonnes)?
a. Lipton b. Nestle c. Brooke Bond d. MAC

Question 3: What is the approximate total production capacity (in ‘000 tonnes) for coffee in India?
a. 18 b. 20 c. 18.7 d. Data insufficient

Question 4: The highest price for coffee per kilogram is for

a. Nestle b. MAC c. Lipton d. Data insufficient

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Question 5: What percent of the total market share (by sales value) is controlled by ‘others’?
a. 60% b. 32% c. 67% d. insufficient data

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