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TOPIC- Booking mangement

system for cinema


• Anvesh Tiwari(12217047)

• Vinayak Purohit(11217114)

• Chaitanya Moulendar Reddy


An online ticketing system involves

interaction between the representatives of a

business and the customer. Both parties have

access to the system but they can use it in

different ways i.e. they each have different

roles to play.

There are several reasons why a business

would opt for an online booking system. Some

of them include;

Remote - An online system allows customers

to access services from the comfort of their

homes. As long as a user has access to a

phone or computer, they can get easy access

to the services available.

Minimize Traffic - Making services easily

accessible to the customers means that fewer

will be coming to purchase from the ticket

window. This might also cut costs for the

business because they will not need so many

at the ticket windows. Employees will be able

to direct their energies elsewhere.

Constant Service - Online platforms don't

need a break or the night off. They can run

constantly, giving every customer the benefit

of accessing information at any time of the


Increased Revenue - When a business has an

online service platform, there is no limit to

the number of people it can reach. It is not

limited by the time either because it operates

24/7. This means that promotions and ads

can run throughout and this could potentially

boost sales.

Technologies Used

There are a lot of available programming

languages and each has its unique aspects.

Choosing the core technology for the system

will depend on the programmers' preferences.

The languages we used in pur management

system are:

• Javascript



Features of the system

1. Online bookings in real time

One of the greatest benefits of a

booking solution is that customers no

longer have to first make enquiries

and then wait for your response, and

you don’t have to process these

enquiries manually. Instead, your

customers will be able to see all the

available dates directly, and make a


2. Voucher generation and

management via the online booking


For many reasons, voucher are

extremely important for business.

These include not only gift vouchers

which can be purchased, but also

special promotions which have a

stimulating effect on the marketing of

your experiences. Whatever kind of

vouchers you use, it should be possible

for them to be generated and

managed efficiently in a clearly

understandable way in the booking

system. It should also be possible for

vouchers from external voucher portals

such as Groupon to be entered, so that

your customers can redeem them

themselves during online booking.

3. Payment via PayPal

PayPal is a secure and simple way of

paying online, which is why it is used

with increasing frequency. And by

users from anywhere in the world. It

proves that you value your customer’s

security and privacy, which creates

trust. At the same time, you have the

assurance that you will receive

guaranteed online payments direct

from your customers .

4. Booking management via

Smartphone and Tablet

People offering outdoor activities in

particular do not sit at a PC all day

long, but often have to run their

businesses on the move via a

Smartphone or Tablet. This is why the

online booking system should run on a

Cloud. Then it will not only be

accessible worldwide, but also be

automatically updated and


Flow Of Project
At initial we just analyzed the rough
layout provided in the pdf and revise
all basics from lecture pdf and then
we started appying it on the website.
We sat together for this website for a
long tried different designes for
background image and everything and
then we also designed our logo also for
the website and then we write the
final report.

Online ticket booking
system is an application
where the customer can
book a ticketonline and
24*7 hours a day from
anyplace in the world.
Customers can also interact
with theticket booking
website to know any other
details they want. Online
ticket booking system
hasbeen developed
successfully. System
performance is also found
to be satisfactory. This is a
user-friendly application.
Through this application,
the cost can be reduced and
efficiency isincreased. There
are several procedures that
can be selected by
customers. With the help of
thisapplication customers
can book tickets

we took some references
from the lecture pdf and
write our code but at once
we got stuck at the login
page so we took the help of
W3 school. So our major
source is lecture notes and
pdfs and W3 school is also
used for references.

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