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Expound Metaphorical interpretation of Mahabharata war in

Describe in detail the Metaphorical meaning of the Mahabharata war.

The Mahabharata symbolizes the Creation of the Universe, and the Creation of Man
from Spirit or the Supreme Consciousness, into Matter. This Mahabharata war has to
be understood in a metaphorical manner.
Our physical body is itself considered as kurukshetra .
All the pandavas represent good qualities.
The kouravas represent bad qualities.

SHANTANU​ ,​Satyavati ​ represent the desire of selfishness

Ganga​ - the consciousness aspect of Nature is further differentiated into 8
intelligences , thus representing the 8 sons she was bestowed with.
Vyasa- ​an incarnation of god, also called as ​krsna-dwaipayana ​,also called as veda
vyasa as he divided the vedas into 4. Represents the Power to perceive and discern
the differentiation from Singularity and Duality​.
Bhishma, Drona , Kripa, Ashwathamma, Shalya ​represent the sense organs.
Ambika​, represents perception without clear discernment (negative doubt)
Ambalika​, represents positive discriminating faculty
Dhritarashtra​, represents Manas, the Sense Mind, or the Blind Mind, that which is
without discriminating power
Gandhari ​represents the ​dharmasheelta
Duryodhana​, represents Material Desire
Yuyutsu​ - the Desire to give Psychological battle.
Pandu​, represents Buddhi, the pure discriminating intelligence, the positive aspect of
the mind
Kunti​, represents the courage, boldness
Madri​, represents the Power of attachment to Dispassion
Karna - ​Attachment(Raga), the inclination that dwells on pleasure
Dharmaraja​ stands for righteousness
Bheema​ stands for 1.bhakti - devotion 2.jnana - knowledge 3.vairagya - detachment
4..smriti - timely sense 5.medha - memory 6.druti - confidence 7.stiti - conviction - balance, mental equillibrium 9.prana - life force 10.bala - determination
Arjuna​ stands for Sravana(listening), Manana(cogitation), Dhyana (contemplation
Nakula​ and ​Sahadeva​ stand for Sheela(Good conduct) and Vinaya(Obedient)
Draupadi​ stands for VedaVidya(knowledge of vedas)
Krishna​ Veda Vedya(known)
The Game of Dice​, represents the Game of Delusion.
Dhrishtadyumna​, represents the Inner light of Divine Perception
Abhimanyu ​-represents Samyama or Self-Mastery
Ashwatthama​ is an image of inordinate attachment i.e excessive attachment to the
Vidhura​ represents for Wisdom, deep knowledge
Sanjaya ​represents the intuition , foresight
Dhushyasana​ represents adverse knowledge(Viparita Gnanam)
Shakuni​ stands for focused faculty of revenge, atheism(non belief of god)

There is constant war between the good and vice(criminal activities/qualities).

We are always pulled by this characters in our daily life .
Most of the time we are unable to decide what is good and what is bad.
If we allow the blind king(manas), to rule the kingdom(body), the result wil be
creation of adversities. We must always allow wisdom to take upon our senses.
Similarly, a strong desire for revenge (shakuni) should not be inculcated within the
body(kingdom), as it destroys the kingdom internally and externally. One should not
be blinded by one's thoughts (gandhari). A man should keep smriti throughut his life.
Smriti here refers to consciousness, “who am i ?” “what am i doing?”. Loss of smriti
leads to unwanted dangers (aswathama- who was a brahmin by birth, a king after his
father acquired land from drupada). A noble soul may be sometimes acted upon by
delusion that leads to taking the path of adharma(Drona, Bhishma). In our life victory
of good quality is victory of ours.If dhuryodana wins we fail in our life(we will be
defeated in life).Therfore we have to make sure that in life also Righteousness is
ultimately victorious.(As Dharmaraja was crowned )

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