Buckshot Press Kit

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Buckshot Press Kit

(Buckshot Movie poster)

Buckshot Press kit


Sitting Beside a grave as the sun sets, a busted old robot recounts his
memories of how his life has led to this moment.

Title: Buckshot

File name: Buckshot_FinalExport_Deliverable_H.264

File type: MP4

File size: 198, 149KB

Genres: Sci-Fi, Western, Animated

Runtime: 00:03:05

Completion date: 18th February 2023

Production budget: 200 GDP

Country of origin: United Kingdom

Language: English

Aspect ratio: 2.35:1

Resolution: 2592x1080

Shooting format: Animation, 2D, hand-drawn, 24FPS

Sound format: 2 (stereo), 317kbps, 48.000 kHz

Film access:
Film Freeway: Buckshot - FilmFreeway

YouTube: 'BUCKSHOT' - A Sci-Fi-Western Animated short film - YouTube

File available on request: domcfalisi@outlook.com

Buckshot Press kit

Writer/director: Dominic Falisi

Voice acting: Kyle Dargis

Key animation: Charlie Gibson

Colourist/FX animation: Theo Mash

Compositor/editor: Hemani Chadha

Storyboarded by: Dominic Falisi

Background design/paint: Dominic Falisi

Original score: Michael Downing

Dominic Falisi (Writer/director/Storyboard artist/ Background artist)
Dominic is a freelance filmmaker with experience writing, directing, and
storyboarding for both animation and live action. He’s worked with clients like
Black rain productions, Instamotion animation studio, and magical girl riot to
create short films, promotional content, and proof of concept work; and has a
passion for filmmaking centred around powerful narratives.
Kyle Dargis (voice actor)
Kyle is a theatre actor of 17 years, with experience on radio shows, commercials,
short films, and voice acting. He delivers meticulous subtext to every narrative
he’s involved in and has a passion for playing complex characters.
Charlie Gibson (Key animator)
Charlie is an illustrator and animator with a love for the fantasy genre, when he’s
not freelancing, he loves to develop his own stories, and accompanying worlds.
Theo Mash (colourist/FX animator)
Theo is a director and cinematographer with experience on narrative shorts and
covering live basketball games with his company – mashup productions. This was
his first animated project, and he showed incredible initiative and adaptability in
his learning of the medium and software.
Hemani Chadha (compositor/editor)
Hemani is a writer and director with experience on narrative shorts, she has a
sensitivity to character psychology, making her stories grounded and relatable; and
she has an upcoming short made in association with the BFI – ‘runaway’.

Buckshot Press kit


Michael Downing (original score)

Michael is a beatmaker and composer with experience working with Emmy
nominated directors like Rad Sechrist, his creative manipulations of sampling along
with his talent for sound design give his scores a strong personality that compliment
any animated production.

Film stills:

Buckshot Press kit


Behind the scenes:

Buckshot was made on a film making residential course in association with the BFI,
for specific information on that please visit their site below. I couldn’t recommend
the course enough; it was an incredible experience.
BFI Film Academy - Residential Programme
- .Film and Video Workshop..Film and
Video Workshop. (filmworkshop.com)
As part of this residential we were given 4 weeks of pre-production time in order to
arrange the groups (there were 40 participants on the course, who made 10 films in
total), come up with our concepts, and write the script; and one week of intensive
production over which we had to do ALL of our animation. Considering the scope of
our story, this deadline was incredibly tough. To compensate for the challenge, we
used careful organization, used film making short-cuts, and only used limited
animation (only key frames with no imbetweens). Despite this, the deadline was still
looking tough, but with a few all-nighters, and a LOT (like… a lot) of coffee, we were
able to get the film done. Though we were strangers at the beginning of the final
week, we came to consider each other as close friends by the end, and are still in
touch and collaborating with each other after the course has ended.
Buckshot Press kit

Production art:

(Above) Production animatic storyboard by Dominic Falisi, to watch it in full please visit:

(Above) Compositing test of above story panel

(Above) Colour keys

Buckshot Press kit


Behind the scenes photography

Theo passed out from staying up

The team striking dumb poses (Hemani Left, Charlie second
from left, Dominic second from right, Theo right.)

The team working late into the night.

All the teams cramming to finish their projects in the

common room
Buckshot Press kit

Us exploring the nearby fields after a day of work.

Director statement

My name is Dominic Falisi, and I’m the writer and director of

Buckshot. I’m lucky to have worked with an awesome team of
people to develop this film, who over the course of
production I came to consider as great friends. I would also
like to thank Simon Oatley and all the staff for organising the
course, and our amazing tutor George wheeler for guidance,
emotional support, and good vibes.
If anything, I hope to leave our audience not with any message
in particular, but instead with a world and a character’s
experience struggling through it. I hope everyone will enjoy
watching the film as much as me and the team enjoyed
making it.

reach out to us:

To get into contact with any member of the team, please email Dominic at:
domcfalisi@outlook.com and he will forward their contact details to you.

To get in touch with Dominic:

+44 7757 789186

Buckshot Press kit

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