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Whilst sitting in class stressing and procrastinating our

FMP, my friend Cain convinced me and Daniel to book

flights to switzerland (without even looking at accomo-
dation first) in hopes of finding happiness by escaping
the grey hellhole that is london.

It didnt take much convincing if im being honest.

I then got a shit load of film for my Olympus OM-10,

packed my singular backpack with mostly camera gear
and left.

Disturbing fact:
Swiss mcdondalds charges £16 for a
box of 20 chicken nuggets

I guess the thing to say here is that the tone of the text will set
out the way that the reader looks at the work so think about what
impacts you want to make ultimately.
Personally wouldn't start with a DPS - too much too soon!
Be a bit careful with these scans that are high key as they look a bit yellow - especilayy given how
much white page you have in your layout so that will exaggerate the look a bit further.
This image feels a bit repetative?
This works well - like the bleed over the film rebate. Very Lomo! The only issue might be the drop
in quality over two pages in print as it will stick out compared to the Olumpus images. I wonder if this is
better used as a one page bleed like you do later in the book? On this layout it looks too low res and soft
accross two pages.
This is a great layout - these work together well
You need to clean up this scan - dust and scratches really obvious as is the drop in contrast and sharpness. Try and tidy is up
as it will be really obvious in print.
Not sure that these two images at the bottom are adding anything to the spread. You could lose them?
Again here - chec for dust and scratches and contrast/sharpness. It will be really obvious otherwise
in print.
These crops feel better on a half pagelike this tbh
rather than a full page DPS.
Same conmments as before on dust/scratches/contrast/sharpness
Personally would want a final single image on the
right hand page as a definitive full stop to the layout. Ending
on a DPS is not final enough.

To the right is the CD to a cinematic masterpiece cre-

ated by Me and Cain to help fully show Switzerlands

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