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For Kant, what is the role of reason in living morally?

- According to Immanuel Kant, reason defines morality. A person uses his reason to produce an act that
is good. So if someone finds himself in a situation where he had to do what is morally correct, he will do
that because of reason. This also indicates that "reason" will now demand that if anyone else finds
themselves in the same situation, they should act similarly.

“What is legal is not always moral.”

- What is “legal” and “illegal” does not always translate to what is “right” or “wrong.” because
sometimes if something is legal, it is not always moral for example if someone want to have an abortion,
they have the legal right to do so. This does not, however, imply that it is the proper or moral thing to
do. Whether or not it is right depends on the individual's values and opinions.

Differentiate rights from virtue theories.

- To differentiate between rights and virtues. Someone has rights such as the right to freedom, the right
to communicate, and the right to privacy. While virtues are the positive characteristics and attitudes
that people strive for in order to improve themselves. Virtue is a perception of a person's attributes or

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