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In no more than three(3)sentences, answer the following questions:

a.Why did the Catholic Church actively oppose the passing of the Rizal Bill?
* The Church continued to oppose the bill mandating the reading of Rizal's works Noli Me Tángere and
El Filibusterismo after Recto's election, stating it would violate people's freedom of conscience and
religion. Recto was accused of being a communist and anti-Catholic by the church during the 1955
Senate election.
b.What provision from the Rizal Bill allowed the government to approve it that answers the
arguments provided by the Catholic Church?
* As required by Republic Act 1425, “An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools,
Colleges and Universities, Courses on the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly His Novels,
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo,” Rizal, specifically Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
c.Did the Church`s views on the study of Jose Rizal`s life and works changed over the years? Why or
why not?
*It is because, while all of our national heroes are excellent, Jose Rizal is the best of all time. Because of
his works and acts, Jose Rizal has been a source of inspiration for many people.
2.In no more than three(3)sentences,answers the following questions:
a.What is the Rizal Law all about?
* The Rizal Law, passed in 1956, aims to achieve the following objectives: To reawaken youth's
commitment to the ideas of liberty and nationalism for which our heroes fought and died. To honor our
national hero for dedicating his life and labor to forming the Filipino character.
b.Why do we need to study the Rizal Law?
* Jose Rizal's life is essential to examine because of his contribution to the Philippines' freedom. He
chose knowledge and the power of writing to fight for his nation. He became aware of his countrymen's
continuous suffering at the hands of the Spaniards and sought to put an end to it.
c.What can you benefit from studying Jose Rizal`s life and works?
* Studying the life and Works of Rizal of course makes you aware of how great he is. You can learn how
he helped our country in raising its’ flag and studying about Rizal is relevant to a Filipino/a because it
allows them to become better citizens of their country.
3.Why did Rizal consider Cervantes the best writer of art and virtue in his literary place, The Council of
the Gods(El Consejo del los Dioses)? Justify your answer in no more than (3)sentences.
*He showed his patriotism by explaining how an Asian Teenager looks onto the Western tradition in
view of Philippine culture.
4.What drove the Filipinos to actively pursue Rizal`s literary works in their quest for national identity?
Justify your answer in no more than three(3)sentences.
* Many people are inspired by Rizal's works and speeches because he desired freedom. Jose penned
two novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, to explain how Spain was enslaving the Philippines.
Jose founded the Philippine League in order to build the country's first reform group and gain
independence from Spain.

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