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‘THE SENATE Ethics Complaint Form Re: Mollie Donahue (Senator/Lobbyist/Client of Lobbyist), of Cedar Ra 1, Rebecea A Dunk (Complainant), residing at 2685 Hunters Ridge Road in the City of Marion, State of Iowa, hereby complain that Mollie Donahue (Senator/Lobbyist/Client of Lobbyist), whose address is 4408 Pepperwood Hill SE, Cedar Rapids, lowa_has violated the Senate Code of Ethics or Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists in that: Senator Donahue continues to use her public and official Senate Facebook Page to post untruthful and potentially harmful comments about members, such as myself, who belong to local parent groups ‘To be ethical, she should do and say nothing that may bring harm to another person, shame them for any reason, and avoid bullying behavior. If T understand the Senate Ethics Code correctly, she should be: 1. Conducting herself to reflect positively on the Iowa State Senate, 2. Inspiring confidence, respect, and trust of the public. 3. Demonstrating ethical conduct and avoiding the appearance of possibly illegal conduct (such as libel). Based on the actions she continues to demonstrate, she is not complying with the Senate Ethics Code, Iie ‘Here are some recent examples of her posts, copies attached, attacking parents who support the 2023 Education Legislation, such as the parents right to make decisions affecting their children, school choice, etc, ‘* Accused of criminal activity; + Shouldn’t be allowed within 2000 feet of a schoo! (because of supposed criminal activity); * Accusation part of a hate group funded by dark monies; * Accusation that actions are straight out of play books from those who are part of the January 6 insurrection; Referred to as bigots, bullies, homophobes, racists, xenophobes; * Referred to as “white supremacists to extreme fundamental church leaders”; * Attacked Christian values, Please note that I am filing this complaint as an individual and not on behalf of a group. 1am a parent and grandparent and have resided in Towa my entire life. I have not had as much as a speeding ticket in decades, I am also a retired professional whose career focus was on Health and Wellness. I am passionate about the vital role of parents in raising their children, Senator Donahue is failing to respect my rights and the rights of others by continuing to post disparaging, untruthful and potentially damaging hateful rhetoric and using her official capacity as a Senator to do so. Her actions demonstrate she is attempting to intimidate, harass and bully in order to inflict harm on personal reputations, including mine, because our opinions on education and parenting are different than hers. ‘Your setious consideration of this Complaint is appreciated. Under-penalty of fe I certify that the above complaint is true and correct as I verily believe. talk Sfehature of Complainant SUBSCRIBED, AND AFFIRMED to before me this_4*"_ day of _or\\ ae Loos ‘Notary Public in and for the State of ewe, BOMNIGK PETE Nota! Sea, owe ‘Commission Number £40869 ‘My Commieson Expires Jy 18, 2005 Dearalue- oO lowa gov. with terrorists & hate group— who'd have thunk it? Here’s Kimmie with the moms for Liberty who are funded with dark monies-the same as all of the groups that tried to overthrow the government on 1/6. This is where her priorities lie #Homophobes #Racists #xenophobes #VOTE < Moms for Liberty's Post J ee a a) Like ./ Comment & Share Dee @ Molly Donahue State Senate District 37 - Follow SeepgRR photographs are on your website open to the public. Kim Reynolds is sitting right there also in her pages. The only people hurting children are the small minded and small idea individuals that are part of this hate group of yours finded by dark money, straight out of play books from those who are part of the insurrection. Bless your hearts, trying to pass yourselves office and Christian women defending children because you're not. Anyone who attacks children because of their sexual orientation is a disturbed human being and weak minded. oe @ Molly Donahue State Senate District 37 aa ie) Has anyone ever looked up the criminal records of some of the mommies for liberty? I've seen some from the LinnMar crew's records. Let me tell you | am not sure some of these people should be allowed within 2000 feet of a school —let alone, telling people how to raise or educate their children. Donahue! Feb 22-@ The so-called “freedom” parents who are in moms for liberty or dad's for decency have taken bullying children to new heights. And make no mistake, this is bullying and harassment. It is also not free speech when you cross civil rights laws—at some point these parents are going to get sued —and | hope it’s soon. @ Molly Donahue State Senate District 37 bie “Dorvalwe @ Molly Donahue State Senate District 37 ran 2d @ *Warning Language is offensive to many —but explains a lot about how we've gotten to this point with so many hate and terrorist groups in our own country. Wait for it... Yes, moms for liberty is an arm of this monster. Receiving the same dark money as a all the terrorist/hate groups, from white supremacists to extreme fundamental church leaders. Don't think those moms for liberty are nice sweet little Christian ladies who want better for their children, because they definitely are not the church lady-and they quite frankly don’t care about the children. nnstian Nationalist You've Ne\ Heard OF CoyoteAnnie on TikTok Vonahue ® Molly Donahue State Senate District 37 ae Feb 15 -@ Cedar Rapids, lowa is getting far too much attention from the national level over a lawsuit because of a hate group in Marion, lowa. And make no mistake. Moms for liberty is a hate group —no. different than those who were at the insurrection in DC —they are the same people, same beliefs systems, and same hateful rhetoric. hc Molly Donahue State Senate District 37 - Follow For somebody who's made the life choices you've made | don’t think I'd be out in the public eye trying to take pot shots of people Posts About. Photos Mentions @ Molly Donahue State Senate District 37 ” Feb 15-@ It was great to see that so many people out to protest the ‘extremism and hate that the moms for liberty along with the other hate groups and Mike Pence brought to our community. | love that not only do they have all of the LGBTQ+ flags flying high, but they also have American flags to remind those extremists that we're all Americans ~and that flag doesn’t belong to them atone, ‘These people don't understand the word freedom. They hide behind their so-called faith and spew hate. No faith based religion program | have ever participated in or grew up learning about would recognize these values as “faith” based, Freedom works both directions. ‘You have the freedom to believe what you want to believe —but you clo not have the freedom to prevent anyone else from their beliefs. Your beliefs and choices do not get to infringe on others — because you don’t agree with them. Your actions and words matter, particularly when you are attacking marginalized groups protected under civil rights laws, And you are not free from the consequences of your actions. These people are adult bullies (andl | might add, are teaching their children to be the same} —and they're picking on children. They are a very vocal few who feel their rights supersede all others. Their 15 minutes of fame will come to an end, but it is our duty to. Dendruel@ Molly Donahue State Senate District 37 nee 2d-@ The good moms group is out there doing things that actually help. They are out there trying to prevent kids from dying with the use of common sense gun laws and standing up against gun violence. Where's mommies for liberty? They have been mighty quiet today! It’s more important to fight about where people go to the bathroom or what people read, than saving children’s actual lives? Where do they stand? So the mommies, terrorist and hate group is ok with these kids dying? Not real pro-life either. Only some lives matter —as long as they believe the same things. Donalie C2) Molly Donahue State Senate District 37 a Feb17-@ Let's hear an AMEN! The truth will set you free! All of the attacks by the extremist groups, home grown terrorists, and insurrectionists is about the cash in lowa they can grab up to line their greedy pockets—not to save your pea picking lowa souls. As for the moms4liberty —bless your little hearts. The lowa Way is really a big corporate con using Jesus as a EDITOR'S prop - Storm Lake Times Pilot NOTFRANK

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