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Nama : Avita Wardatul Ilmi

NBI : 1612000005

Fakultas : Ilmu Budaya

Program Studi : Sastra Inggris

Mata Kuliah : Poetry

Kelas : A

Week : 9


He is the moon, in the midst of the stars

I am werewolf in the wilderness

I don’t know, if he looks at me, the way I look at him

So I howled

To get his attention

He then showered me with his light

I then climbed the mountain to reach him,

There, he tucked himself behind the clouds,

So I screamed to see it,

He then dissapeared for days,

Good night moon,

It hurts to look back,

But I still do Howl

Night after night you betrayed me

Now it’s time to say good bye

Good bye moon,

Good bye...

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