What Is Cancer Cellhow Does It Develop

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Read the text thoroughly on pages 2-7 in this Learning Activity Sheet. Answer the
following questions. Use separate sheet of paper if necessary.

1.What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources?

Renewable and nonrenewable resources are energy sources that human
society uses to function on a daily basis. The difference between these two
types of resources is that renewable resources can naturally replenish
themselves while nonrenewable resources cannot. This means that
nonrenewable resources are limited in supply and cannot be used
2.What is geothermal energy? How geothermal energy is harnessed from the
internal heat of Earth?
Geothermal energy is the heat that comes from the sub-surface of the earth. It is
contained in the rocks and fluids beneath the earth’s crust and can be found as
far down to the earth’s hot molten rock, magma.Geothermal energy is produced
by the heat of Earth's molten interior. This energy is harnessed to generate
electricity when water is injected deep underground and returns as steam (or hot
water, which is later converted to steam) to drive a turbine on an electric power
3.How is the power of raging waters
converted into electricity?
When more energy is needed, water is released from the dam. Once water is
released, gravity takes over and the water flows downward through a
turbine. As the blades of the turbine spin, they power a generator.

4.Given a choice, will you use geothermal or hydroelectric source of energy to

power your community? Why? Discuss its pros and cons. How will you address
the disadvantages being identified?
I would choose hydroelectric source of energy to power our community
because This form of energy source is beneficial not only in terms of power but
also in terms of agriculture. In our community, farming is the most common
source of income, and having hydropower provides them with the benefits of
reliable irrigation. It also aids in flood prevention. Hydroelectric energy, on
the other

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