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Neo M.

Durante January 7, 2022

BSCE1-GA Physical Education 1

Progress and Development upon taking P.E.1

Physical Education is a subject wherein we learn about ways to move our body, a bit of its history
and their benefits, and of course, to perform such activities. As a person who is not that physically fit, I’ve
always saw this as a challenge and, sometimes, a burden. But, this time, things changed. By changing how
I look at it, by seeing it as an opportunity to break from the academics, and by seeing it as a way to
healthier life, it has driven me to perform better which produced great results.

Primarily, I can feel that my physical health was enhanced, in general, especially this midterm
when we performed lots of different routines. I realized that I have a good cardiovascular endurance and
flexibility, while I am lacking in my muscular strength and endurance. I can do jumping jacks, jog in place,
planks, and other exercises in a longer period, and what I’m really surprised with myself is that I can now
do push-ups, though not really proper, because I really can’t do them before. In addition to this, the
routines that were given to us were short and easy-to-follow but you can still feel that you’re exerting
energy, which is a good warm-up and as a casual workout session.

Not only that it helped me develop my body, it also improved other aspects of myself. One of
these would be my confidence. Studying PE during a pandemic requires students to take videos of
themselves in order for their professors to observe their movements. With this being said, as I submit
more videos, I actually get more comfortable around cameras than before. I can also see my editing skills
getting better. I’ve discovered many ways on how to manipulate videos and add visual aids in order for it
to appear well.

All-in-all, being with this subject was a roller-coaster ride. Sometimes you enjoy, sometimes
you’re burdened, but one thing’s for sure. It is that we can learn a lot from this, as long as we integrate
and apply its concepts in the real world.

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