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Revolutionary War
Sebastian Chavez, Laura Corporan, Mariana Diaz, Nicolas Estupiñan, Josh Gonzalez, Raul
Jimenez, Marcos Mendez, Victor Pachecho, Diana Zeller.
American History
Teacher Aida
Commanding officers
Major General Edward Braddock
He was the first general to arrive from Britain. He was to
command all British forces in North America against the French.
He was killed in 1755 at the first battle for Fort Duquesne.
Lieutenant Governor Robert Dinwiddie
The colonial leader of Virginia in 1754, Dinwiddie was
concerned about French invasion on the Virginia border. In
late 1753, he sends a 21-year-old major in the Virginia
military named George Washington to tell the French to
back away from the border.
Laura Corporan
Commanding Officers
William Johnson
He was one of the most successful negotiators with many
Indian nations, especially the Iroquois. He became a hero
during the war, leading the British to victory at the Battle of
Lake George in 1755.
George Washington

Washington began his career as an arrogant and careless

diplomat and military leader. After being asked to resign
after the Fort Necessity fiasco, he returns as a volunteer
under British authority. The French and Indian War is where
Washington learned how to be a leader.
Laura Corporan
Reasons for conflict
The French and Indian War began over the
specific issue of whether the upper Ohio
River valley was a part of the British Empire
or not. Also, because the British wanted the
North America part for them. Even if the
British dominated the convented area, the
French had better relationships there with
the Natives.

Marcos Mendez, Diana Zeller

General James Wolfe Soldiers
Wolfe was a British General who was sent to capture
Quebec by Prime Minister William Pitt. General Wolfe had
devised a plan to capture it, he ordered his troops to row
quietly in small to the foot of the cliff. In the dark, the
soldiers climbed up the cliff and assembled at the top.
The next morning, The French General Montcalm was
surprised to see 4,000 British troops ready for battle.
When the battle finished, both Montcalm and Wolfe lay
dead. Before Wolfe’s death, a soldier informed him that
the British had won the war. Wolfe is said to have
whispered, “Now, God be praised, I will die in peace.”
Josh Gonzalez, Victor Pachecho
General Edward Barrock Soldiers
General Edward Braddock led British and colonial
troops in an attack against Fort Duquesne.
Braddock was an outstanding soldier of the British
army, but not in a positive way. Braddock was
stubborn, he did not have any experience fighting
in the forests of North America, yet he would
boast that he would sweep the opposing side. The
French were about ten miles from Fort Duquesne,
which was where Braddock's army was staying, an
army of 900 Frenchmen, Canadians, and Native
Americans attacked Braddock and his men. The
massacre ended with 977 British killed or
wounded, including Braddock. Josh Gonzalez, Victor Pacheco
Women Involved Mariana Díaz

Abigail Adams Martha Washington Lucy Knox

Abigail Adams was the wife of Martha Washington was the wife of George Lucy Knox was Henry Knox's
John Adams. She firmly supported Washington. When the French and Indian wife. She supported Her husband
the movement of independence War began, Martha spent winters with when they had to be in the
and supported and fought for a George Washington and encouraged other Continental Army encamped
woman's right to education and officers' wives to help in the war by valley in the winter and always
for their right to vote. She also economizing and assisting their husbands. fed and helped the injured
urged her husband to declare war and was basically the manager of the
against France, household. officers.
Where it occurred
The French and Indian war was fought in North
America for the reason that the Ohio River was there,
which the French and British wanted to control while
the Indians wanted to have control of their land and
their cultural future, So the main reason why it was
done in North America the war was for possession of
the Ohio River

Sebastian Chavez
The British had won the French and Indian War
because the British took all the land that the french
had In the end, it all came down to the fact that the
British outnumbered the French, and even though
The French did very well with guerrilla tactics, it was
the major battles that mattered, killing French
soldiers and losing the war because it didn’t have the
soldiers to fight and they lost land and then the
french lost the war.

Raúl Jimenéz
Elements used
A variety of black powder weapons were used by the various
forces of British, French and Native Americans involved in the
Fort Necessity and Braddock Campaigns of 1754 and 1755. The
strengths and weaknesses of these weapons had a major
impact on the final outcome of these campaigns.
Smoothbore muskets were the primary weapons. The main
British musket used at the time was the .75 caliber King's
Musket, Land Pattern. France relied on the .69 caliber M1728
model musket. Native Americans used a variety of lighter and
cheaper made trade muskets, such as the .62 caliber Fusi de
Muskets were not very accurate. They had an effective range
at aimed point targets of only 60 to 80 yards. Rifles of the time
had an effective range of 125 yards at aimed point targets. To
get the most effective use out of their inaccurate weapons,
armies fought in compact line formations, firing many guns at
the enemy all at one time.
Nicolás Estupiñan

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Sources used:
Commanding Founders:
Reasons for conflict:,
Women involved:,
Where it occurred:
Elements used:

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