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By Anna Silva in NYC (Twitter @ASilva_NY) on Sept 6, 2011

Below is Part 1 that I completed on Sept 6, 2011, the Exhibits of the 9 famous people facing their 10 year good/bad karma cycles are now listed from pages 6-11 in Part 1. Including DSK, Mayor Bloomberg, Hosni Mubarak, Muammar Gaddafi, Steve Jobs, John Gotti, Anthony Weiner, etc. I completed Part 2 on Sept 14, 2011, I am including the website link for Part 2 for your convenience.

Part 1:
DSK (Dominique Strauss-Kahn) and the magic power of karma that will do ultimate justice when man-made justice failed us: My observations of karma and how karma punishes the people (especially the rich and powerful people) who cheated the US justice system For the record, I am not a religious person, never was and never will be. An uncle of my friend is a Buddhist who is also a gifted fortune-teller who can read face, palm (hand) and birth time fortune. He can look at a photo from a strangers home and he is able to tell that a particular person in the photo is no longer alive!!! I have tested him using many group photos of ordinary people he doesnt know, hes been correct 10 out of 10 times!! While he wouldnt disclose other peoples specific future personal fortune to me, he did tell me that for people such as DSK and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg or anyone in general, their fortune change in every 10-year period based on their birth time. I have also tested the theory of 10-year good luck or bad karma period on various famous people, as well as ordinary people that I personally know of. The results are quite astounding. I predict that DSK will never recover during his current 10 year of bad karma period, everything he touches will become rotten and stale. I specifically asked the gifted fortune-teller about NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg and DSK because both men use their money and power to cheat the US justice system. He said both DSK and Mayor Bloomberg are blessed with several consecutive 10-year period of good luck, the consecutive 20, 30 or 40 years of good luck period may provide them with a false sense of complacency. Unlike the man-made justice system, karma does not accept bribe, and karma is not afraid of blackmail. I have been having a good time reading news about Mayor Bloombergs bad strings of karma since the last quarter of 2010. And I would expect to see similar strings of bad karma happening upon DSK in the next 9.5 years. Feel free to verify the following by tracking the archive published news and public records of the 2 well-known individuals named above. For DSK, his 10-year period always starts whenever the year ends with 1. For example, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011 are all turning point year and the start of each 10-year period of either good luck or bad karma period. In 1951 (age 2), DSKs family settled in Morocco. In 1961 (age 12), DSKs family relocated and resided in Monaco after the earthquake in Morocco. From 1971-1981 (age 22 to 32) DSK worked at various teaching posts in universities. Then starting from 1981, DSK got involved in the Socialist Party (PS). The next year (1982), DSK got a job in the Planning Commission. The 1981-1991 period was DSKs entry into politics. In 1991 (age 42), DSK got his golden ticket to wealth and power - he married wealthy heiress Anne Sinclair who has helped him tremendously. 1991 was the start of DSKs good luck 10-year period. He worked in various government positions including mayor of Sarcelles in 1995 and 2 years as Minister of Finance (June 1997 to November 1999). In 1999, DSK was accused of corruption related to Elf Aquitaine and the MNEF. But it didnt dent his reputation one bit since he was living within his 10-year of good luck period (eg: The he could do no wrong golden period). The 2001 to 2011 period was again DSKs lucky period (he had 2 consecutive 10-year period of good luck from 1991 to 2011, where he could do no wrong). 1 Part 1: DSK and karma + Exhibits of the 9 famous people facing their karma

By Anna Silva in NYC (Twitter @ASilva_NY) on Sept 6, 2011 However, starting from mid-2011, DSK has entered his next 10-year of bad karma period where his past sins and sadistic attacks on women began to re-surface after his arrest in New York on May 14, 2011. His reputation is irreparably damaged. Although some French people still have hopes that DSK may be the panacea, the sage to rescue France from financial crisis. Based on my observation of other famous people who had fallen down during their bad karma 10-year period, from this point on, everything DSK touches upon will become rotten and stale. For Mayor Bloomberg, his 10-year period always starts whenever the year ends with 0. For example, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 are all turning point year and the start of each 10-year period of either good luck or bad karma period. Mayor Bloomberg is one of the wealthiest man in the USA, feel free to verify the turning point events that happened to Mayor Bloomberg from 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010. (See pages 6-8 about his life broken down into various 10-year cycles) I was a big skeptic of the 10-year good luck or bad karma period, so I have done further testing on the theory on other people. There are 2 other former public figures in NYC (Anthony Weiner and Donald R. Manes) whose lives can be independently verified by Google search, Wikipedia, or archive news search in libraries. Former Congressman Anthony Weiners 10-year period of good luck or bad karma starts whenever the year ends with 1. You can check his Wikipedia page. In 1991, extra City Council districts were created in NYC after re-districting. Weiner won the election in the newly-created City Council district in 1991 at the age of 27. He was the youngest elected City Council member at the time. Overall, the past two 10-year period from 1991 to 2011 had been Weiners lucky period. He had great deal of luck during the consecutive 20-year period since 1991, but he squandered it totally with lewd photos of himself and indecent messages to young female on Twitter and Facebook during his good luck period, only to be caught doing these embarassing things during the start of his bad luck period in 2011. The bad karma finally caught up with him, he lost his job as a Congressman in 2011, his reputation and the lewd photos will forever stay on the internet. Weiner has just entered his next 10 year of bad karma period from 2011 to 2021, we can observe more on what will happen to Anthony Weiner. Another interesting famous person was former Queens Borough President Donald R. Manes in NYC (born Jan 18, 1934 - died March 13, 1986 from suicide). Manes was a bright political rising star until he committed suicide at age 52. His life was very interesting, filled with dramatic rise and equally dramatic downfall. Donald Manes entered the beginning of each 10-year period whenever the year ends with 1 or whenever his age ends with 7 as the last digit. Donald Manes, Age 27 to 36 - Very Good 10-Year period At 27, Donald Manes was the youngest assistant district attorney in the Queens office. At age 31, he was elected the youngest City Councilman running as an insurgent as part of the Robert Wagner reform campaign. He worked as a Councilman for the next few years. Donald Manes Age 37 to 46 - Again Very Good 10-Year period At the age of 37, Manes became the 16th Queens borough president the youngest in the countys history. In 1975 (at age 41) Manes assisted then-mayor Abe Beame and then-Governor Hugh Carey in deposing his mentor as Democratic county chairman. Holding the twin hats of borough president and county leader enabled Manes to wield unprecedented power over the borough and in City affairs in general. Donald Manes Age 47 to 52 - Bad Karma 10-Year period that was cut short by his suicide at age 52. In 1985 (age 51), Manes found himself in a growing controversy over the Kick-Back scandal related to the Parking Violation Bureau. Manes involvement in the Kick-Back scandal under the Mayor Ed Koch administration made him extremely unpopular with NYC voters and residents. In other words, Manes was no longer the golden boy, the he could do no wrong lucky 10-year

2 Part 1: DSK and karma + Exhibits of the 9 famous people facing their karma

By Anna Silva in NYC (Twitter @ASilva_NY) on Sept 6, 2011 period was over for him. This Kick-Back scandal would have landed Donald Manes into prison, but instead he chose to kill himself at age 52, cutting short his 10-year bad karma period. I found this website link detailing Donald Manes life (born Jan 18, 1934 - died March 13, 1986). I think whenever his age ends with 7 as the last digit, its the start of his 10-Yr luck period. For DSK, his bad karma 10-year period started in the Year 2011. DSKs legacy is ruined, his Wikipedia page will forever be tied to the long list of women who had been sexually attacked by DSK. The DSK dirty list may include more than just female victims and the sadistic encounters, but at this time, it is only the first year of DSKs bad karma 10-year period. Expect more to come later in the next 9.5 years of his bad karma period. For Mayor Bloomberg, his legacy is ruined since the last quarter of 2010, his Wikipedia page will forever be associated with the massive CityTime fraud scandal happening for years under his watch as the Mayor of NYC but the scandal only broke in December 2010 during his bad karma 10-year period thus tarnishing his reputation as a financial wizard, the Cathie Black debacle from November 2010 to April 2011 that dragged down his approval ratings, the December 2010 Blizzard bad clean-up job that also dragged down his approval rating to new lows. Just when Mayor Bloomberg thought his over-preparation for Hurricane Irene in August 2011 could score him some points to make up for his Blizzard 2010 disaster snow clean-up job, the cover-up scandal involving his top aide Stephen Goldsmith ruined his legacy (or whats left of it) once more. Mayor Bloomberg can hardly catch his breath. What a difference the 10-year good luck and bad karma 10-year period make? When Mayor Bloomberg served his 1st and 2nd term, he was within his good luck 10-year period. At that time, he could do no wrong. But his fortune has since reversed since the last quarter of 2010 when virtually everything he does now is met with criticism. Let me explain a bit on the contrast between good karma and bad karma. When a person does bad things during his lucky 10-year period, the bad karma accumulate but the punishments remain dormant, the bad fortune will start when he enters the unlucky 10-year period where the karma punishments become active. When a person is facing his bad karma 10-year period, everything he touches become stale and rotten. He loses his magic power. The things that made him popular in his lucky 10-year period precisely become the subject of criticism in his 10-year bad karma period as we can see in Mayor Michael Bloombergs case. Even his well-known strength during his previous 10-year lucky period (from November 2000 to October 2010) Bloombergs once renowned financial wizardry is under heavy criticism after the massive fraud in CityTime scandal broke in December 2010. Mayor Bloomberg often tells the public that his business experience in running his Bloomberg media empire make him uniquely qualified to run the city government of New York. His unconventional approach to running the City government like a business corporation earned him high approval ratings from New Yorkers during his first 9 years as Mayor, he was so strong that he virtually could do no wrong during his first 9 years as NYC Mayor (from January 2002 to October 2010). He got away with behaving badly in front of the press, he sometimes would become testy and belligerent toward news reporters who asked him questions he didnt like. Mayor Bloomberg has been arrogant, and at times, he acted like a spoiled child. But Bloomberg simply could do no wrong during his previous 10-year of good luck period. During Mayor Bloombergs lucky period, he used his money and power to coerce the City Council to change the law in order to allow him to illegally run for the 3rd term. The NYC mayoral term limit was 2 terms only. Because this change in law and the 3rd term election all happened within Bloombergs lucky 10-year period (2008 to 2009 period), he was successful in convincing, albeit a slim majority of NYC voters, to put him back into the mayoral office the 3rd time. For the record, I did not vote for Bloomberg on his 3rd term. 3 Part 1: DSK and karma + Exhibits of the 9 famous people facing their karma

By Anna Silva in NYC (Twitter @ASilva_NY) on Sept 6, 2011 Unfortunately the 3rd term election happened in 2009 which was still within Bloombergs lucky 10year period, he won the election by a slim margin of less than 5% (Michael Bloomberg 50.6% of votes, his opponent Bill Thompson 46% of votes). Contrast the 4.6% slim margin win in 2009 (his 3rd term) to the 2005 (his 2nd term) mayoral election. In 2005, Bloomberg defeated his opponent by 20% record-breaking margin. This is significant because New York City is a Democratic town where about 68% of the registered voters are Democrats, the remaining 32% of voters are Independent voters or Republicans. Bloomberg was running as a Republican in the election. I have been watching the DSK news closely. You need to watch this Cy Vance: Dirty D.A. An Old Boy Toy to learn and understand that we have an incompetent and corrupted DA who cannot and will not prosecute DSK in the Manhattan (NY County) Criminal Court. The Manhattan prosecutors were basically faking a show to mislead the public. Follow this link to see the video called: Cy Vance: Dirty D.A. An Old Boy Toy This video has been posted since July 4, 2011.

Exhibits of famous people and their 10-year karma periods.

1: Hosni Mubarak Egypt 4: John Gotti USA 2: Muammar Gaddafi Libya 5: Steve Jobs USA 3: Michael Bloomberg USA 6: Karl Lagerfeld France -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7: Dominique Strauss-Kahn France see Part 1, it was mentioned already 8: Donald Manes USA see Part 1, it was mentioned already 9: Anthony Weiner USA - see Part 1, it was mentioned already Example 1: Hosni Mubarak, the former President of Egypt for the past 30 years, is currently 83 years old. He was recently on trial in a cage. The following is his life at a glance. Mubarak had a remarkably long good luck period, from 1961 to 2011 (50 years), of which the last 30 years brought him great power and wealth. It was only until February of 2011 that he was forced to resign as President of Egypt. Noticed all of the famous people listed in these exhibits, most of them enjoyed dramatic rise but equally dramatic downfall once they entered their bad karma period. Hosni Mubaraks 10-year period starts whenever the year ends with 1. He had been lucky for 50 years (from 1961 to 2011). Then he faced humiliated downfall in 2011 the start of his next 10-year of bad karma period, he was on trial in a cage in Summer 2011. 1928 on May 4 of this year, Mubarak was born. 1951 61: in this 10-year period (age 23-33), Mubarak was training in the military academy. He was working in the Air Force. For Arab men in this era, joining the military was a ticket to upward mobility. Therefore, I think this is Mubaraks beginning of his good luck 10-year period or at least the preparation of good luck period. It is debatable, so I consider this 10-year cycle his neutral period. 1961 71: GOOD LUCK 10-YEAR PERIOD - Mubarak still worked in the military in this 10-year period (age 33-43), further honing his skills as a rising star military man. He was promoted and he gained more responsibilities in the Air Force. This is obviously his good luck 10-year period. 4 Part 1: DSK and karma + Exhibits of the 9 famous people facing their karma

By Anna Silva in NYC (Twitter @ASilva_NY) on Sept 6, 2011 1971 81: GOOD LUCK 10-YEAR PERIOD - the previous 10-year good luck period set the stage for Mubarak to enter politics in the 1970s (age 43 53). In 1972, Mubarak became the Egyptian Deputy Minister of Defense and Commander in the Air Force. In 1975, Mubaraks accomplishments in the military caught the attention of Anwar Sadat, he became the Vice President to President Anwar Sadat. 1981- 2011: GOOD LUCK 30-YEAR PERIOD - In October 1981, President Anwar Sadat was assassinated. On October 14, 1981, Mubarak succeeded Sadat as President after he was killed. During these consecutive 30-year period (age 53-83), Mubarak enjoyed enormous power and wealth. He received financial backing from the US and other Western countries. His personal wealth is rumored to be enormous, due to corruption and abuse of power as the state leader. 2011-????: BAD KARMA PERIOD - The prospects do not look good for Mubarak who is on trial for various charges (age 83 ??). All good things came to an end in February 11, 2011. The Arab Spring uprisings forced Mubarak to resign as President of Egypt in 2011. Within a few months, Mubarak saw his fortune reversed dramatically. In the summer of 2011, Mubarak was transported to the court in a cage. Mubarak is on trial for charges of premeditated murders of peaceful protesters during the revolution, on charges of corruption and abuse of power, and on charges of plotting the assassination of former President Anwar Sadat. ************************************** Example 2: Muammar Gaddafi, the once powerful autocratic leader in Libya, had seen his fortune reversed in 2011 also. When I initially looked at Gaddafis life, I was puzzled by the odd numbers of years that he was in power. But I read further to understand what Gaddafi did before he became the autocratic leader in Libya, I learned that his good luck period actually started earlier. Altogether, Gaddafi had 50 years of good luck period when I consider what the Arabs valued & treasured during the 1950s -60s era. Gaddafi is currently a fugitive in the International Criminal Court. Note that Gaddafi and Mubarak both start their 10-year cycle whenever the year ends with 1. 1942 on June 7 of this year Gaddafi was born. His family belonged to a small tribe of modest means. 1951 61: During Gaddafis childhood and teenage years (age 9-19), he admired Egyptian President Abdel Nasser, considered Nasser as his hero. He was inspired by Nassers call for Arab nationalism which meant a military career for him. In this era for an Arab man without money, joining the military meant a meal ticket and a chance to gain upward mobility. I initially didnt understand this part. But after re-reading the time line, I now believe the next 10 year period (1961-1971 or age 19-29) was Gaddafis good luck period as he entered the military academy to start his military career, he was promoted and he rose through the ranks in the military during the 1960s. Without the intensive military training during the 1960s, Gaddafi would not be able to lead the coup that took over Libya from King Idris on Sept 1, 1969. 1961-1971: GOOD LUCK 10-YEAR PERIOD - This 10-year period provided Gaddafi the military academy training he needed toward upward mobility (age 19-29). To Arab men without money, the military career 5 Part 1: DSK and karma + Exhibits of the 9 famous people facing their karma

By Anna Silva in NYC (Twitter @ASilva_NY) on Sept 6, 2011 itself was the golden ticket to a better future. He was rumored to have received military training in the UK. Toward the tail end of this 10-year period, Gaddafis military training paid off. The training was useful for him to seize power in a military coup on September 1, 1969 against King Idris of Libya to become the autocratic leader in Libya. He was 27 years old when he became the leader in Libya. 1971-2011: GOOD LUCK 40-YEAR PERIOD Gaddafi enjoyed nearly 40 years of good luck period as the autocratic leader (age 29-69). Similar to Mubarak, Gaddafi amassed enormous fortune through corruption. During this golden period, he skirted multiple assassination attempts. During a persons lucky period, he indeed could do no wrong including escaping from assassinations. 2011-??: BAD KARMA PERIOD (age 69-??) Like Mubarak, all good things come to an end. As of August 2011, Gaddafi lost his domestic and international political recognitions as the leader in Libya, and he has lost control of most of the Libyan territories. It is unlikely for Gaddafi to regain his power as the leader again. Gaddafi may have to live the rest of his life in exile, or face trials for his crimes. The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for him. ************************************** Example 3: Michael Bloomberg, the current Mayor of New York City, has enjoyed a remarkably long period of good luck (from 1960-2010). It was only until the last quarter of 2010 that he hit major roadblock. I had partially mentioned about Bloomberg in Part 1 and Part 2, but I have not listed the time line before Bloomberg first won the mayoral election in November 2001. 1942 on February 14 of this year Bloomberg was born. As @insanemomposse (a mom from Brooklyn, NY) tweeted to me on Valentines Day this year, she couldnt believe such a heartless man (Bloomberg) can be born on Valentines Day. Since the Cathie Black fiasco from November 2010, I have met many New Yorkers on Twitter and Facebook who hate Mayor Bloomberg, the list is just too long. My real-life friends and family dont have good opinions of King Bloomturd or whatever derogatory words they use to describe Michael Bloomberg. Altogether, Bloomberg has been lucky for 50 years (from 1960-2010). He may continue to use his immense wealth to cheat the US justice system quashing lawsuits using technicality and loopholes, but his name and legacy are forever tarnished by the massive fraud in the CityTime scandal, the Christmas Blizzard of 2010 disaster snow clean-up that led to dozens of New Yorkers dead (due to unplowed streets for more than 4 days, the ambulances & FDNY fire trucks were unable to pass through streets to rescue people in emergency situations in 4 out of 5 boroughs in NYC), the Cathie Black debacle, the John Haggerty trial and many more scandals to come. 1960-1970: GOOD LUCK 10-YEAR PERIOD Bloomberg started college at Johns Hopkins University. He graduated in 1964 (age 22) with a Bachelor degree in electrical engineering. While he was in college, he worked as a parking attendant to pay for tuition. During this 10-year period (age 18-28), he had obtained both a Bachelor degree and an MBA degree in Business School. He had also started working on Wall Street.

6 Part 1: DSK and karma + Exhibits of the 9 famous people facing their karma

By Anna Silva in NYC (Twitter @ASilva_NY) on Sept 6, 2011 1970-1980: GOOD LUCK 10-YEAR PERIOD Bloombergs luck still continued in the next 10-year period (age 28-38). In 1973, he became general partner at Salomon Brothers. During his lucky period, his skills and work experience were valued and recognized. 1980-2000: GOOD LUCK 20-YEAR PERIOD I read Bloombergs biography a few years ago. I think that if there were no outside forces driving Bloomberg to take risks and think outside-the-box, he may have been content with a general partner job on Wall Street earning his steady income instead of starting his own media empire. But then, I have read that layoffs on Wall Street (at the top levels) are quite common. In 1981, Bloomberg was fired from Salomon Brothers, he received $10 million severance package. Remember this was $10 million in 1981, feel free to search for the inflation-adjusted amounts of $10 million in 1981 translated into 2011 dollars. I would hardly consider Bloomberg an unlucky man for receiving $10 million severance package in 1981 after being fired by a big Wall Street firm. The $10 million severance package in 1981 would have been enough for Bloomberg to retire at the age of 39. Instead, Bloomberg used the money to start his own business selling the Bloomberg terminals to Wall Street firms during this 20-year period (age 38-58). He had a joint venture with Merrill Lynch. It is a lucrative business selling stock quotes and other financial data to Wall Street firms. His Bloomberg terminals are very popular and ubiquitous on Wall Street. 2000-2010: GOOD LUCK 10-YEAR PERIOD Another 10-year of good luck for Bloomberg (age 58-68). After accumulating immense wealth & success from his Bloomberg media empire, Bloomberg wanted the taste of political power. After NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a Republican, finished his 2nd term as Mayor and Giuliani was restricted by the law from running a 3rd term, Bloomberg decided to run on the Republican line in the mayoral election. Bloomberg never had any political experience before, but he emphasized his entrepreneurial experience. He persuaded the NYC voters that his business experience made him the best person to lead the City in the post-9/11 terrorist-related recession. This was still Bloombergs 10-year good luck period, the voters bought his promises that he would bring his business experience running a big media empire to the City government, and duplicate the success. 2010-2020: BAD KARMA 10-YEAR PERIOD (age 69-79) As I had mentioned earlier, New Yorkers have been furious with Mayor Bloomberg. The list of people unhappy with him is just growing by days. The bad strings of karma is detailed in Part 1 and Part 2, and a summary below. 1) the Cathie Black fiasco from November 2010 to April 2011, Bloomberg had to fire the very person (Cathie Black) on April 7, 2011 that he spent a lot of money & efforts to defend in the last 2 months of 2010 in the courtroom. 2) the Christmas Blizzard of 2010 disaster snow cleanup job that led to a dozen of deaths in NYC because the ambulances and FDNY fire trucks were stuck in very thick piles of unplowed snow on the streets for many days. Bloomberg refused to tell New Yorkers where he was during the Christmas Blizzard 2010. But a few months later, one newspaper confirmed with Bloombergs neighbors in Bermuda that Bloomberg was in his luxury Bermuda mansion during Christmas 2010. Other local residents confirmed the sighting of Bloombergs private jet in the airport in Bermuda during Christmas 2010.

7 Part 1: DSK and karma + Exhibits of the 9 famous people facing their karma

By Anna Silva in NYC (Twitter @ASilva_NY) on Sept 6, 2011 3) the massive fraud in the CityTime scandal exposed in December 2010. Bloomberg reportedly ignored all warnings from various people throughout the entire time, until an investigative reporter from NY Daily News exposed the massive fraud scandal in December 2010 and forced Bloomberg to admit the embarrassing fact that it happened during his watch as a Mayor. 4) the cover-up of the true reason his top aide Stephen Goldsmith resigned in August 2011. The true reason was that Goldsmith was arrested and detained in jail for 2 days after a domestic violence complaint from Goldsmiths wife. Goldsmith was a public servant who was accountable to the public, Bloomberg was heavily criticized for acting like he is the CEO of a private corporation protecting his former subordinate through cover-up. The NY Post leaked out the true reason of Goldsmiths resignation on Sept 1, 2011, then Bloomberg was under pressure to explain his decision to cover-up Goldsmiths arrest and jail detention. Bloomberg chose the quiet Labor Day holiday weekend Sept 4, 2011 - to hold a news conference about Goldsmith. 5) During the Labor Day Parade in early Sept 2011, City Councilman Jumaane Williams and Kirsten John Foy (an aide to Public Advocate Bill de Blasio) were arrested at the parade simply by being young African-American male who looked like trouble. Bloomberg offered to invite Williams and Foy to a meeting over beer to settle the racially-motivated arrest and detention. But Williams and Foy flat-out refused Bloombergs cheap-shot beer meeting. Note: Bloomberg was fantasizing that he was President Obama in the White House. President Obama did invite a Harvard University professor who was unlawfully arrested by the police because he is Black, Obama invited him to a meeting in the White House over beer. But unfortunately, when Bloomberg is currently living in his bad karma 10-year period, he simply does not get any respect from people. 6) Speaking of lack of respect, it is now much easier to poke fun of Bloomberg than at any time during his previous good luck period as a Mayor (from Jan 2002 to Oct 2010). By Aug 28, 2011, a young woman in Manhattan opened up a Twitter account @ElBloombito to poke fun of Bloombergs SpanGLISH (Spanish that sound like English). 7) The John Haggerty trial in mid-Sept 2011 may potentially expose embarrassing details about Bloombergs 2009 campaign finance. The judge ruled on Sept 12, 2011 that he is not limiting any queries which meant that Bloomberg may be the star witness to testify in the court by the defense lawyers of John Haggerty. Despite Bloombergs very high-profile job as the Mayor of NYC, he always fought very hard to keep his private life private. His status as the media mogul in his Bloomberg media empire has kept his private life somewhat private. But the current John Haggerty trial may potentially tarnish his claims that he is a financial wizard. Will Bloomberg look awful in the court testimony or will his high-priced lawyers help him avoid the bad stuff? There are still about 9 years to Bloombergs 10-year bad karma period, so we may have to wait and see what other embarrassing news about Bloomberg will leak out in the future. 8) And the list may continue to grow longer in the next 9 years or so. Feel free to read about Bloombergs long strings of bad karma since November 2010 until now. I would expect to keep reading bad press and bad news surrounding Bloomberg in the next 9 years or so. **************************************

8 Part 1: DSK and karma + Exhibits of the 9 famous people facing their karma

By Anna Silva in NYC (Twitter @ASilva_NY) on Sept 6, 2011 Example 4: John Gotti, the infamous crime boss of the Gambino family in New York City. Gotti arguably had the best years of his life during the 1972-1992 period (age 32-42). But if Gotti did not have the exposure and the experience of street gang activities, and being in jail a few times in his earlier years from 1952-1972 (age 12-32), Gotti would not have achieved the role of the top crime boss in the Gambino family. Because he committed many terrible crimes during his golden years, he met his bad karma in the end despite hiring some of the top defense attorneys money could buy. Note that Gotti entered each of his 10-year cycle whenever the year ended with 2. 1940 on October 27 of this year, John Gotti was born. 1952-1962: GOOD LUCK 10-YEAR PERIOD per John Gottis Wikipedia page, Gotti began his involvement in street gang activities at the age of 12 and continued for the remaining portion of this 10-year period (age 12-22). His career in the organized crime business certainly started much earlier than most people. This 10-year period set the stage for his adult hood career in organized crime activities. While his peers were busy studying in schools, Gotti already was working and earning money during his pre-teen and teenage years. 1962-1972: GOOD LUCK 10-YEAR PERIOD Gotti married Victoria DiGiorgio in 1962 (age 22) and had 5 children. At this point in his life, he wanted to leave the mobster business but Gotti just couldnt stay crime free. By 1966 (age 26), Gotti had been in jail twice. The reason I still labeled this 10-year period (age 22-32) as good luck period is because without the experience from this period, Gotti would not have become the high-profile crime boss that he was destined to become in the next few 10-year cycles. 1972-1992: GOOD LUCK 20-YEAR PERIOD In 1972, at the age of 32 and with 20 years of crime experience under his belt, Gotti became the acting capo in the crime family. In Italian, the word capo means the chief or the boss. Gotti achieved great success as the crime boss at the Gambino family during this 10-year good luck period (age 32-42). Ask any New Yorkers, Gotti is a household name for his notoriety. 1992-2002: BAD KARMA 10-YEAR PERIOD In 1992 (age 42), Gotti was convicted of 5 murders, racketeering, obstruction of justice, tax evasion, etc. He was sentenced to Federal prison. On June 10, 2002, Gotti died of throat cancer in the Federal prison at the age of 51. ************************************** Example 5: Steve Jobs, the co-founder, chairman and former chief executive officer of Apple, Inc. I had read his biography a few years ago. Hes got the ruthlessness and competiveness to succeed in business, the iPods, iPhones, iPads are so ubiquitous around the world. He has faced both rise and fall in his career. I noted that whenever the years ended with 6, Steve Jobs next 10-year cycle starts. Note that Steve Jobs considered his firing and ouster by the board of Apple in 1985 to be a blessing in disguise. So we have to take his words into considerations. 1955 on February 24 of this year Steve Jobs was born.

9 Part 1: DSK and karma + Exhibits of the 9 famous people facing their karma

By Anna Silva in NYC (Twitter @ASilva_NY) on Sept 6, 2011 1976-1986 10 YEAR GOOD LUCK PERIOD (age 21-31) In 1976, at the age of 21, Steve Jobs co-founded Apple, Inc with Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne and A.C. "Mike" Markkula Jr. Based on a biography about Steve Jobs, he seems to be an arrogant and obnoxious nerd with good ideas. Following an internal power struggle and personality clash with the board at Apple, the board decided to fire Steve Jobs in 1985. According to Steve Jobs, the firing in 1985 was a blessing in disguise. He said, The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life. 1986-1996 10-YEAR NEUTRAL PERIOD (age 31-41) Steve Jobs founded the NeXT computer company during this period. He also got involved in Pixar and Disney making animated movies. 1996-2006 10-YEAR GOOD LUCK PERIOD (age 41-51) In 1996, Apple decided to buy NeXT computer the company that Steve Jobs founded in 1986. The buyout brought Steve Jobs back to Apple the company he founded before NeXT. Shortly after Jobs came back, Apple ousted the then-CEO to make room for Steve Jobs to take over. Steve Jobs has the uncanny ability to understand what consumers want. In 2001, the first iPod was born. The small, portable design brings music to the next level. 2006-2016 - 10-YEAR GOOD LUCK PERIOD (age 51-??) In 2007, the iPhone was born. The smartphone became very popular with consumers. In 2010, the iPad was born. Despite critics comments that the iPad had many drawbacks & limitations, iPads have been selling very well. Each of these products became instant consumer favorites. Remember this is Steve Jobs golden period, every gadget he introduces is supposed to be a success. If Steve Jobs is able to overcome his health problems, he may survive the current 10-year period from 2006-2016. But of course, we have to wait and see. ************************************** Example 6: Karl Lagerfeld (KL for short since French seems to prefer acronyms), the dinosaur-like fashion designer who seemed to have too much plastic surgery done on his face. Incidentally, I was checking Lagerfelds background after he expressed support for DSK. Interestingly, his Wikipedia page did the legwork for me, the years that ended with 2 had been the turning point 10-year cycles for Lagerfeld. I am hoping that women with purchasing power can boycott KLs products due to his support of DSK. Lagerfeld is the head designer and creative director of Chanel, he is also the creative director of Fendi, and he owns his fashion house Karl Lagerfeld. Now I am not hinting anything. Year 2012 will be Lagerfelds next turning point 10-year cycle. I do not know much about him or whether he had done anything bad (eg. the skeletons in the closet as we American call it). I only know that the Chanel, Fendi and Karl Lagerfeld labels collectively represent formidable advertising revenue for the media. I would think the press is afraid to expose anything bad about him if indeed they have dug up any dirt on Lagerfeld. On the other hand, fashion designer John Galliano (JG) was unlucky that his racist remarks were caught by an amateur video. In the internet age, everyone can be a journalist via YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Scribd, Tumblr or any blog. The internet social media leveled the playing field. Unlike the traditional press

10 Part 1: DSK and karma + Exhibits of the 9 famous people facing their karma

By Anna Silva in NYC (Twitter @ASilva_NY) on Sept 6, 2011 that depends on advertising revenue, our amateur journalist does not depend on advertising revenue from Dior or Galliano. I tried to check Gallianos background, but he is not the biggest name in fashion. Therefore, it is a little hard to check the chronology of events in JGs life. It is usually easier to track down politicians life their elections and public office life are open to the public. The media keep good documentation of a politician than a fashion designer. I may have better luck checking with Womens Wear Daily publication on JGs life and work. But I dont get paid to write this karma punishment on famous people. I feel more confident about the chronology of events in politicians lives, they are open books. One exception is KLs life. Perhaps because KL is a big name in fashion, or because people expected to publish KLs obituary at any moment, after all he just turned 78 in Sept 2011. I know the NY Times stores and updates the lives of famous people periodically precisely because deaths (other than terminal illnesses) may be unpredictable, the NYT needs to publish obituaries at any moment under very little notice. 1933 on Sept 10 of this year Karl Lagerfeld was born in Germany. 1952-1962 (age 19-29) KL moved to Paris in 1953, this was his entry into the fashion business. Feel free to read the Wikipedia page on Karl Lagerfeld. They have done the legwork for me, they labeled the freelance career and international fame as it is. His turning point years end with 2 as the last digit. 1962-1982 (age 29-49) Freelance career in fashion industry check details in KLs Wikipedia page 1982-2012 (age 49-79) International fame in fashion industry check details in KLs Wikipedia page 2012-?? (age 79-??) KL will be 79-years-old next year. Anything can happen.

SEE LINK BELOW FOR PART 2 Note: I completed Part 2 on Sept 14, 2011, see link below for Part 2

11 Part 1: DSK and karma + Exhibits of the 9 famous people facing their karma

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