Lesson 1 (Reviewer)

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Online Platforms as Tools for ICT Content Development

Web Content- the textual, visual, or aural content that is encountered as part of the
user experience on websites. Everything we see on internet.

Social media platform

1. Social Networking- just a subcategory of social media. It is the practice of

expanding the number of a person social contacts by making connection through
2. Blogging- Blogging refers to websites that feature a person’s journal or diary. It can
be done using a personal page or on other websites.
3. Microblogging- refers to posting every short updates on a social networking site. It
is a combination of blogging and instant messaging because it allows users to
create short messages to be post and shared with an audience online.
4. Photo Sharing- allow users to upload and publish their images online. With the use
about the sharing websites, users can now share their photos not only with their
friends but also with people around the globe.
5. Video Sharing- are just like photo sharing websites. Instead of photos, users are
enabled to upload, and publish their videos online.
6. Wikis- server programs that allow collaborative editing to users to form the content
of a website. The term comes from the word “wikiwiki” which means “fast” in the
Hawaiian language.
7. Social Bookmarking- allow users to tag a web page with a web-based tool so they
can easily access it later.
8. Social News- These are websites that deliver news about government, politics,
weather, etc. that are usually delivered through traditional media. It enable users
to comment and share their thoughts about social issues with everyone.

Blogging Platform

1. Wordpress- this platform is easy to use and there are a lot of themes and layouts to
choose from to make and personalize your blog. You can also use plenty of plugins
and extensions to make it function properly.
2. Blogger- is a blogging platform owned and developed by Google. It is great platform
for beginners because it is straightforward to use, very reliable and has lots of free
designs and templates to pick from to make your blood attractive.It might not be
your best choice, because it has limited functions that are necessary for various
activities constraining business.
3. Medium- a new blogging platform that has been founded in 2012 but has been
getting more and more popular among bloggers. It is because of its beginner
friendly features, it's elegantly the same templates, plus it is like a hybrid of blogs
and social networks, which makes it very appealing to its user.

Elements of web design

1. Use of lines- the lines are commonly used for separating different sections of a
2. Proper shapes- like lines, shapes can totally change the viewer’s perception with its
movement, color, style, background and texture.
3. Texture as backgrounds- Texture are commonly used for web page backgrounds
and have somehow replaced single-colored background which are extensively used
a couple of years ago.
4. Right use of color- The color of the website probably the most important element
of the design because it offers the most powerful visual impact at a single glance.
5. The white space- These are the empty areas in a web page or the areas that are
only filled with the background color. Space in a web page allows the user to read
the content easier.
The principle of web design

1. Balance- how the elements are distributed throughout the web page.
 Symmetrical- achieved when the elements are equally placed on both sides of the
layout either vertically or horizontally.
 Asymmetrical- the absence of symmetry. Placing one big element on one side of
the layout and combining smaller element on the other side.
2. Dominance and Priority- the one which prioritizes the importance of different
3. Proportion- this principle represent the scale of elements compared to each other.
4. Contrast- contrast between elements makes one of them stand out more than
5. Rhythm- the rhythm of the element in a web page makes the human eye move from
one element to another.
6. The “Z” and “F” Layout- it has two type of layout are specific pattern.
 “Z” Layout- the user’s eye starts from an upper left corner and finishes in the
bottom right one.
 “F” Layout is used when the designer wants the user to read from the first line and
then continue read the second, continuing like that in specific sequence.
7. Harmony and Unity- the presence of harmony and unity in a web page means that all
elements use in the layout complement each other.

What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG)

WYSIWYG- a program or application that allows you search to see what the project or
output will look like while it is still being created.

Content Management System- CMS is a tool that allows you to create, edit and publish
online content. CMS was primarily used to manage documents and local computer files.

1. WordPress- a free online software intended for creating template-based website or

blogs. Word press is one of the most used CMS tools mostly for professional website
because of its scalability and include plugins.
2. Joomla- a dynamic online software that supports custom databases and plugins.
3. Drupal- an open-source CMS tool often commonly used for developing community-
based website.
4. Weebly- mostly used creating simple personal and business website.
5. Wix- provides a collection of web publishing tools for building websites that are
highly customizable.

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