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ICT Tools for Online Collaboration

Multimedia- as the name implies, multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media. This includes
text, graphics, audio, video, etc.

Types of Multimedia

1. Text- systems can express specific information.

2. Images- are a media type displayed as visual information. They can be drawings, paintings or
photographs. Images are used to create interest and provide information.
3. Audio- audio files play a major role in some multimedia systems. They appear as part of
application content and also to aid interaction. Audio formats include MP3, wma( Windows
Media audio, wave, MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) and RealAudio.
4. Video- a common measure that appears in many applications, particularly on the web. Common
digital video formats include flash, mpeg(Moving Picture Experts Group), AVI(Audio Video
Interface), WMV(Windows Media video) and QuickTime.
5. Animation- include interactive effects that allow users to engage with the elements using their
mouse and keyboards. The most common tool for creating animations is Adobe Flash, which
also facilitates desktop applications.

Where do we use multimedia?

Educational Multimedia

 Multimedia Presentations – this type of items let people create slideshows with helpful tools
like animation , web links, animated text, in digital movies.
 Computer-based training- or computer aided instruction helps people learn about a certain

Entertainment Media

 Multimedia games – Games that is in digital format to realism/ simulation

 Interactive DVD movies – Some of its features is letting the user interact with the plot, actors,
writers, and producers by selection actions on screen.
 Interactive digital television – This types of applications give its user more freedom in the
selection of the programs they watch like choosing an episode and more.

Information Multimedia

 Information kiosk – This multimedia product is used to provide information like an area map or
fast-food areas in a mall.

 E-books and E-magazines – Electronic books and electronic magazines are basically an
alternative for traditional books and magazine.

Mixed Multimedia

 Edutainment (Education and Entertainment)- This type of multimedia mix educational materials
and entertainment together.
 Infotainment (Information and Entertainment)- this type of multimedia mix information and
entertainment together.

Interactivity- the communication process the takes place between humans and computer software.
Rich Media- a term usually used in digital advertising for an ad that includes advanced features like
video, audio, or other elements. While text ads sell with words, and display ads sell with pictures, rich
media ads offer more ways to involve an audience with an ad.
WWW- It stands for World Wide Web. WWW or the web, as it's commonly known, is the collection of
public websites connected to the Internet worldwide, together with the client devices such as
computers and mobile devices that access its content.

Tim Berners – Lee- Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee OM KBE FRS FREng FRSA FBCS, also known as TimBL, is
an English computer scientist best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web.

Difference between the web and the Internet

The Internet is a vast global network that incorporates a multitude of lesser networks.

The web is a communication model that, through HTTP, enables the exchange of information over the

Webpage- A web page or a website is a document that is usually written in hypertext markup
language( HTML). A web page is accessed by entering a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address and
may contain text, graphics and hyperlinks to other web page and files.

Static websites- refer to those pages do not change its content

Dynamic websites- are those pages that enable user to be able to interact with their contents such as
commenting and sharing.

Web 1.0 - the readable phase of the World Wide Web it had flat data. There is limited interaction
between website and web user will you

Characteristics of Web 1.0

1. Primarily use as ‘’catalogues” meaning it was used to display some information.

2. These websites had no or little interaction capabilities.
3. It was used for representation of static content.
4. This phase is also known as the early stage of the evolution of the web.
5. During this phase, only text emails could be written and sent.
6. Uploading or attaching any images or pictures cannot be done.

Web 2.0- Web 2.0 is referred to as the “writable” phase of the World Wide Web. This stage had
Interactive data in facilities interaction between users and websites. Web 2.0 define as the Social

Facts about Web 2.0

1. Tim Berners-Lee described Web 2.0 as a “read-write” web.

2. During Web 2.0, the tech term like Blogs, social media and video streaming gain
3. This phase is also accredited for easy exchange open music and video clips.
4. Search engine browsers also entered into an advance form and became capable of
managing a large number of users at the same time.

Web 3.0- This is the “executable” phase Off the World Wide Web. It has dynamic applications,
interactive services and machine-to-machine interaction. Web 3.0 is a semantic web which will lead the
future of web sites.

Semantic web- the semantic web is one of the many technical terms for the World Wide Web invented
by Tim Berners-Lee. The semantic web is a process that allows machine to quickly understand and react
to complicated human requests subject to their meaning.

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