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International Marketing

Name- Arman Hossain

ID- 1944513110

Coca Cola is a market leader of cola soft drink. They operate in more than 200
countries around the world. Coca Cola introduced in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia by
Dr. John S, Pemberton. Coca Cola sells a variety of sparkling and still beverages.
The drinks that contain caffeine from the kola nut and non-cocaine derivatives
from coca leaves, flavoured with vanilla and other ingredients. They produce and
sell over 10 million unit cases of carbonated soft drinks per annum, operating
through 60,000 outlets. According to business insider, approximately 94% of the
world population is aware of the red & white logo of Coca Cola.

Currently Coca Cola is under the maturity stage.

Due to the solidity and capability of keeping a large and loyal group of stable
customers. The company is travelling longer period of time in the maturity stage
than all other stages, when its introduced in western countries. In some asian
countries Coca Cola still in the growth stage.

The target market segments and the targeting stategy of Coca Cola-
· Geographic segmentation

· Demographic segmentation

· psychographic segmentation

Geographic segmentation

· Climate- Coca Cola's consumption in the summer is 60% than 405 in the
winter. Therefore the company's sales are higher in the summer. It also
focuses in hot area in the world.

Demographic segmentation

· Age- 15-25 years old and 40 plus.

· Gender- targets both gender with wide variery drinks.

· income- segments diffrent income level. For example, by packaging for low
level income the company is selling returnable glass bottle and for high level
income the company is selling the coke in tins.

Psychographic segmentation

· People who are brand concious will not drink beverages of less known
brands. They will try to show their status by drinking Coca Cola.

· The level of education is another factor that the company is paying attention
to in an high percentage education society.

Branding and the product characteristics-

· Coca Cola is the most popular and biggest selling soft drink in history, as
well as one of the most recognizable brands in the world.

· Coca Cola a unique brand name and stylish logo design and color etc.

· The shape of the bottle design is very unique.

· Sub brands- Sprite, Fanta, Diet Coke, Coca cola zero, Coca Cola lite etc.

· World famous personalities using for promotional activities, which attracts

the customer worldwide.

· Using affordable price.

· Manufactures products based on age group such as sugar free soft drink,
Coca Cola zero.

· Available diffrent sizes of bottles in the market based on custome needs.

Pricing Strategy-
· Price should be set according to the product demand of public.

· Price should be that which gives the company maximum revenue.

· Price should not be too low or too high than the price competitor is charging
from their customers otherwise nobody will buy your product.

· Price must be keeping the view of your target market


Promotional pricing- Coca Cola reducing the price during festival calibration like
new year or chrismas.

Market penetration pricing- Coca Cola's objective is to target every consumer of

the country so Coca Cola is set its prices at such a level which no one can offer to
its consumers.

Distribution strategy and marketing channels-

Coca Cola company makes two types of selling.

1) Direct selling.

2) Indirect selling.

Direct selling- In direct selling the supply their products in shops by using their
own transports.

Indirect selling- distributing the product through the whole sellers and agencies to
cover all areas.

Promotional strategy and methods-

Push strategy

Coca Cola is using push strategy in which they use its sales force and trade
promotion money to induce intermediaries to carry, promote and sell the products
to the end users. Example- Coca Cola is giving free pet bottles and other trade
sachems to distributors , agency owners and retailers.

Pull strategy

Coca Cola is also using Pull strategy in which the are using advertising and
promotion to persuade consumers to ask intermediaries for the company brand
product by this way Coca Cola inducing customer to order it from shopkeeper.
Example- Coca Cola is using flanges, display racks, tier racks, standees, mobile
hangers and cooler brand strips.

Some strategies Coca Cola should use-

· The company can make a change in the taste of the product.

· The company can make a change in the design of ther brand name.

· Can make a change in the style of the bottle dedign.

· Increase the number of distributors and participate in welfare events.

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