An Undergraduate Thesis Presented To The Faculty of College of Teacher Education Hinatuan Southern College Hinatuan, Surigao Del Sur

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Hinatuan Southern College

Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10

Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021




A.Y. 2020-2021

An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to the faculty of College of Teacher Education


Hinatuan, Surigao Del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements on

Research 2(Undergraduate Thesis Writing)






Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

This Undergraduate thesis entitled, “FACTORS AFFECTING LINGUISTIC



A.Y. 2020-2021” has been prepared and submitted by Jhon Anthony B.

Cuyacot, John Joseph A. Iligan, Kristine May C. Goyo, Ana Rose T.

Rendon, Kyla Mae R. Serrano, Jennifer V. Tindugan, Cathy C. Tomarong in

partial fulfilment of Research 2, had been examined and recommended for

acceptance and approval for Oral examination.


APPROVED by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of Passed.

---------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Member Member
ACCEPTED and APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirements in
Research 2 (Undergraduate Thesis Writing).


OIC- College President
January 2021
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

The researchers would like to express their sincerest gratitude to the

Almighty father for providing them strength, spiritual guidance, strong
determination, and wisdom in making this research study.

They would like to give appreciation and gratitude to the following persons
for imparting their help and support in making this study.

Dr. Raineria M. Nazareno, their research professor’s effort, patience,

assistance and generous heart for the completion of this study.

Miss. Jelly C. Dalman, their adviser for the understanding, patience,

untiring effort, support and for giving direction for their research work.

Dr. Juanito A. Balbutin, who had always been approachable in sharing

ideas to finish this research work.

To their family, for guidance and financial support. To their classmates

who are helpful and approachable and to everybody who contributed their efforts
especially the respondents.

The Authors

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021


The researchers dedicate this thesis study to their parents Mr. And Mrs.

Catalino E. Cuyacot, Mr. And Mrs. Abel A. Iligan, Mr. And Mrs. Rex B. Goyo, Mr.

And Mrs. Edgardo L. Rendon, Mr. And Mrs. Romar M. Asis, Mr. And Mrs. Panfilo

B. Tindugan (deceased), Mr. And Mrs. Cristituto C. Tomarong who supported

them financially, and understand them every time they fail to do their work and

responsibilities at home.

The researchers would like to dedicate this study to their instructor

RAINERIA M. NAZARENO Ed.D. who actively supports and molds the skills of

her students, especially in enhancing their communication skills, and heartily

imparts her knowledge about this subject.

This thesis study would never be successful without the guidance and

help of their adviser. The researchers would like to grab the opportunity to say

thank you to JELLY C. DALMAN MAGC for her support and cooperation

regardless of loaded works and responsibilities in school and in their house.

Lastly, the researchers dedicate this thesis study to their almighty father

who always watch and guide them every time they continue to work on their

research. For his undying love in which in every difficulties and hardships still

they endured and solved it.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

TITLE PAGE ……………………………… i

APPROVAL SHEET .……………………………… ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ………………………………. iii

DEDICATION ………………………………. iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………. v

LIST OF TABLES ………………………………. viii

LIST OF FIGURES ………………………………. ix

ABSTRACT ………………………………. x


Introduction ……………………………… 1

Conceptual Framework ……………………………… 3

Statement of the problem ……………………………… 5

Hypothesis ………………………………5

Review of related literature ………………………………6

Significant of the Study ………………………………17

Scope and Delimitation …………………………......18

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021


Research design …..…………………………19

Research environment …………………………….19

Respondents …………………………….19

Research instruments …………………………….20

Construction of questionnaires ……………………………. 20

Validation of questionnaires …………………………… 21

Final format of questionnaires ……………………………. 21

Data gathering procedure ……………………………..21

Scoring ……………………………...22

Statistical treatment ……………………………. 23

Weighted mean ……………………………..23

T – test ……………………………..24

Ethical consideration ……………………………..24

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021


Extent of the factors affecting linguistic competence …………………..28

Significant difference on factors affecting linguistic

competence when Grouped by age …………………….30

Significant difference on factors affecting linguistic

Competence when grouped by sex …………………….31



Summary …………………………………….33

Definition of terms …………………………………….34

Findings ……………………………………34

Conclusion ……………………………………35

Recommendation …………………………………...35


Reference ……………………………………37


Letter of request …………………………………….39

Survey questionnaire …………………………………….40

CURRICULUM VITAE …………………………………….42

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021


1 Classification of Respondents 20

2 Non – parametric Scales 23

3 Extent on factors affecting linguistic competence 28

4 Significant difference on factors affecting

Linguistic competence when grouped by age 30

5 Significant difference on factors affecting

Linguistic competence when grouped by sex 32

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021



1 Schematic diagram of the study 4

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021


This study examines factors affecting linguistic competence and academic

performance among grade 10 students. This study aims to identify the linguistic

competence and academic performance of Hinatuan National Comprehensive

High School through the survey of Secondary level of competence checklist/tool

and determine if it has a significant relationship with their academic performance

by looking at their weighted average. A total of sixty (60) among grade 10

students were the respondents of this study. A quantitative method was used in

gathering and analyzing the data. For this purpose, questionnaires were

distributed among grade 10 students, consists of male and female students. The

results obtained show that the results obtained showed that the category mean

on the extent of factors affecting linguistic competence in all category was “High”

and interpreted as observed oftentimes. And on the significant difference of

factors affecting linguistic competence when grouped according to age and sex

has the different computation of computed t which was lesser than critical t

thus, the decision of the hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, there is no

significant difference on factors affecting linguistic competence among grade 10

students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

Chapter 1


The term linguistic competence refers to the unconscious knowledge of

grammar that allows a speaker to use and understand a language. Also known

as grammatical competence or I – language. Contrast with linguistic

performance. As used by Noam Chomsky and other linguists, linguistic

competence is not an evaluative term. Rather, it refers to the innate linguistic

knowledge that allows a person to match sounds and meanings (Nordquist, R.


Linguistic competences involve a set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes

that are interrelated and mutually supported in order to conduct a successful

scientific communication that may be destined to different communities or

audiences (scientific or the general public), who will be able to understand the

communicated knowledge and even use it, provided that they have been

correctly materialized from a linguistic point of view (Machin-Mastromatteo, J.

and Tarango, J. 2017).

Linguistic competences are related to the use of language through the

expression and interpretation of concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts, and opinions

in order to perform oral and written discussions. Such interactions may take

place in diverse social and cultural contexts, which will determine the
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
characteristics of the language written or spoken, such as the grammar,

pragmatic and sociolinguistics characteristics (Reyzabál, 2012).

The level of application of every competence to scientific production and

communication will vary depending on each scientific discipline. Professors and

researchers must exhibit a high level of linguistic competences regarding the

definition, explanation, argumentation, and justification of the topics they study, at

least within their own scientific discipline (Camacho-González & Quintanilla-

Gatica, 2008).

The nature of language and its relation to communication within language-

focused debates, the controversy between accounts in terms of linguistic

competence versus communicative competence is closely related to the

fundamental question of what language is – forming the core of the theory of

language. This, in turn, bears on issues such as: how is language acquired? How

did language evolve and change? What is the function of language? How is it

related to (other forms of) communication? So, the description in terms of

homogeneity versus heterogeneity; perfect competence which can only be

impaired in performance versus differential competence reflected in language

use; grammar as the core of human language as a range of abilities integrated

with other modes of communication is not, in both approaches, simply a matter of

different focus or abstracting away from certain aspects for simplification in

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
scientific study. It is deeply rooted in fundamentally different ideas of what

language is and how it should be studied (Contanze, V. 2015).

There are thousands of measure of language acquisition. Some of these

attempts to assess children’s linguistic competence, namely, their ability to

understand the rules of language. Others try to assess children simpler

competence at understanding language. Still others depict aspects of children’s

performance, their use of language. All these aspects are important. Children are

unlikely to mark distinctions of which they have no comprehension, but they often

comprehend language that cannot yet perform. For example, a girl may

understand very well that her name is pronounced “Cassy”, yet because she has

a lisp she may respond “Cathy” when asked to tell someone her name. We cover

here measures of both competence and performance (Mc Cabe, A. 2005).

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the theory of syntax by Chomsky, (1965) he

said that “we thus make a fundamental distinction between competence (the

speaker-hearer’s knowledge of his language) and performance (the actual use of

language in concrete situations). Under this theory, linguistic competence only

functions “properly” under idealized conditions, which would theoretically remove

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
any obstacles of memory, distraction, emotion and other factors that might cause

even an eloquent native speaker to make or fail to notice grammatical mistakes.

Conceptual Framework

The major concept of this study focused on “Factors Affecting Linguistic

Competence among grade 10 Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive

High School A.Y. 2020-2021”. This study has the goal to determine the

significant difference on factors affecting linguistic competence of the students-


The Schematic presentation of the conceptual framework is clearly illustrated




Students grouped Factors affecting linguistic

competence and academic
According to:
a) Age
b) Sex
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

The Schematic Diagram of the Study

Statement of the Problem

The primary purpose of this study is to distinguish “Factors Affecting

Linguistic Competence among Grade 10 Students of Hinatuan National

Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021” in Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the extent of Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and

Academic Performance among Grade 10 students of Hinatuan

National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021?

2. Is there a significant difference on factors affecting linguistic

competence and, when grouped according to:

a) Age; and

b) Sex?
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

Ho: There is no significant difference linguistic competence when

grouped according to:

a) Age; and

b) Sex?

Review of Related Literature

Linguistic incompetence or the lack of language ability to understand the

court proceedings or inability to have the language to even work with one’s

attorney baffles the court. Attorney ls often will request competency hearings

prior to a trial or a hearing device to address the issue of linguistic incompetence

of the deaf defendant head on. This is wise to get this issue out in the open (J.


Parkin shared an experience in a court, he has been in court when both

judges and prosecuting attorneys were not familiar with the term linguistic

incompetence, and how it related to a deaf defendant’s case. They were familiar

with the term, mental incompetence. Mental incompetence is defined as the

inability of a person to make or carry out important decisions, or is psychotic or of

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
an unsound mind, either consistently or sporadically, by reason of mental

disabilities such as cognitive disabilities, schizophrenia and dementia (D. Parkin,


A reading specialist and professor of deaf studies/deaf education at Lamar

university insisted and emphasized that there are six factors may clarify for

attorneys, judges and other court officials about the term, linguistic

incompetence. Since deafness is a low incident disability, most juridical officials

may never have encountered a deaf defendant. And these factors were;

Lack of early consistent and fluent sign language, poor educational

training, stems from the isolation, linguistic incompetence is the 2.9 or

below reading grade level, the presence of a language and learning

disability in addition to deafness, and linguistic competence is poor. these

six factors can inform judge, prosecuting attorneys, defense attorneys and other

criminal justice officials. What is at stake here are the constitutional rights of the

deaf defendant. Understanding the deaf defendant and linguistic incompetence

will provide the court system with the understanding of the obstacles that deaf

defendants experienced (J. Andrews, 2014).

The first part of the definition we will unpack deals with knowledge. The

cognitive elements of competence include knowing how to do something and

understanding why things are done the way they are (Hargie, 2011).
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
Despite the fact that no guidelines for or definitions of competence will be

applicable in all situations, the National Communication Association (NCA) has

identified many aspects of competence related to communication. The primary

focus has been on competencies related to speaking and listening, and the NCA

1.) notes that developing communication competence in these areas will help

people in academic, professional, and civic contexts (Morreale, Rubin and

Jones, 1998).

Hence, the National Communication Association (NCA) focuses on the

curriculum development and approaches or methods of teaching for the

preparation of students before embarking to Colleges and Universities to be

helped by NCA. The NCA expected and denotes competencies regarding

listening and speaking solely on what students should be able to after they

graduate from college:1) state ideas clearly;2) Communicate ethically;3)

Recognize when it is appropriate to communicate;4) Identify their communication

goals;5.) Select the most appropriate and effective medium for

communicating;6.) Demonstrate credibility;7.) Identify and manage

misunderstandings;8.) Manage conflict;9.) Be open-minded about another’s point

of view;10.) Listen attentively. These most highly selected competencies made

by the National Communication Association (NCA) that intended for college

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
graduates were identified as essential. These competencies focused on

sharpening skills not on interpersonal and even cultural, the NCA yield a

concrete way or specific criteria as a checklist or rubric for observing and

evaluating students speaking abilities and to prepare themselves for professional

speaking and listening which have proven to radicalize skills.

2.) Linguistic competence constitutes knowledge of language, but that

knowledge is tacit, implicit. This means that people do not have conscious

access to the principles and rules that govern the combination of sounds,

words, and sentences; however, they do recognize when those rules and

principles have been violated.

For example, when a person judges that the sentence John said that Jane

helped himself is ungrammatical, it is because the person has tacit knowledge

of the grammatical principle that reflexive pronouns must refer to an NP in the

same clause (Cairns, H.S and Fernandez, E.M. 2011).

In Chomsky’s theory, our linguistic competence is our unconscious

knowledge of languages and is similar in some ways to Saussure’s concept of

langue, the organizing principles of a language. What we actually produce as

utterances is similar to Saussure’s parole, and is called linguistic

performance. The difference between linguistic competence and linguistic

performance can be illustrated by slips of tongue, such as noble tons of soil

for noble sons of toil. Uttering such a slip doesn’t mean that we don’t know
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
English but rather that we’ve simply made a mistake because we were tired,

distracted, or whatever. Such errors also aren’t evidence that you are

(assuming you are a native speaker) a poor English as well as someone else

does. It means that linguistic performance is different from linguistic

competence. When we say that someone is a better speaker than someone

else (Martin Luther king, Jr., For Example, was a terrific orator, much better

than you might be), these judgments tell us about performance, not

competence. Native speakers of language, whether they are famous public

speakers or not, don’t know language any better than any other speaker in

terms of linguistic competence.

Based on the studies, two language users may have the same program for

carrying out specific tasks of production and recognition, but differ in their

ability to apply it because of exogenous differences (such as short-term

memory capacity). The two are accordingly equally language-competent but

not necessarily equally adept at making use of their competence (Denham, k.

And Lobeck A. 2010).

The linguistic competence of a human being should accordingly be

identified with that individuals internalized program for production and

recognition. While many linguists would identify the study of this program with the
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
study of performance rather than competence, it should be clear that this

identification is mistaken since we have deliberately abstracted away from any

consideration of what happens when a language user actually attempts to put the

program to use. A major goal of the psychology of language is to construct a

viable hypothesis as to the structure of this program (Benjamins, J. And Kac,

K.B. 1992).

Factors including teachers communicative style teaching strategies

supporting motivation, curriculum, course material and class activities also affect

directly students’ motivation and communicative competence (Sharma, V., 2018).

In Canale and swain add the fourth component named discourse

competence. Communicative competence is said to have only three components

including linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence and pragmatic


competence (Kumaravadivelu, 2006).

In the field of second language (L2) acquisition, it has long been assumed

that the underlying linguistic competence of learners or speakers of a second

language is represented in terms of a complex linguistic system, commonly

referred to as an “interlanguage grammar” (following Selinker, 1972). The

generative linguistic perspective on L2 acquisition makes explicit claims about

the nature of interlanguage grammars. This chapter discusses how syntactic

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
categories (and features associated with them) are acquired and represented in

L2 acquisition (White, Lydia 2017).

Fong and Berwick, 2008 (F&B) argue that supervised parsers, like Collins’

LPCFG, do not acquire syntactic knowledge of the sort that characterizes the

linguistic competence of native speakers. They run several experiments with

variants of collins’ grammar. Their results contain incorrect probabilities for wh-

questions, putatively problematic parses for PP attachment cases, and (what

they claim to be) some puzzling effects when non-grammatical word order

samples are inserted in the data.

Some of the effects that F&B obtain ae due to the very limited amount of

training data that they employ, and the peculiarities of these samples. It might

well be the case that if collins’ LPCFG were trained on large and suitably



subset of the CHILDES child language corpus [MacWinney, 1995], it would yield

more appropriate results for the sorts of cases that F&B consider (Clark, A. &

Lappin, S. 2012).

Humans share psychological and social characteristics with other

primates. Language has always been considered the greatest difference

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
between humans and other primates. Nonhuman primates do not share our vocal

apparatus and thus, cannot speak, so, in order to study linguistic competence in

our relatives, manual sign language or tokens have been used. There are three

components to language: syntax (grammar), semantics (meaning), and

pragmatics (using language to attain goals). (Gottlieb, G. 2001).

In all lander, the development of educational concepts and the preparation

and implementation of plans can be observed which deal with the pre-school

sector of day-care centers for children between 3 and 5-6 years, thereby

attaching particular importance improving the linguistic competence of children

with migrant background. In about half of the lander, those measures also

include their parents. In order to organize the school entrance phase in a more

flexible way, cooperative links between pre-school institutions and primary

schools had to be improved.


In 2004, the KMK and the conference of Ministers of Youth adopted a framework

for early education in the pre-school sector and a recommendation to strengthen

and further develop the overall relationship between education, upbringing, and

supervision. Furthermore, the Day-Care Expansion Act of 2004, which came into

force at the beginning of 2005, provides for an expansion of the day-care for
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
children under the age of three years which should be extended by 2010 in such

a way that it meets the actual needs of parents and their children (Hufnerk, A.


There is no form of communication that is as complex as the human

language. Speech is what connects humans around the world. Although the

languages we speak are so diverse, the tone, inclinations and connotations can

be deciphered to understand ideologies and similarities across certain languages

and cultures. Linguistics give you the opportunity to learn how speech and sound

work. Have you ever wondered why some accents are different than others? You

can learn how sentences are structured, the power struggle in open discourse,

how we convey meanings in speech writing and how we have the ability to learn

multiple languages. This is why linguistic learning is such a beneficial tool

( ret. On January 20, 2021).

To study linguistics is to gain a greater understanding of a fundamental

part of what it means to be human.


Linguistics is a scientific field and an academic discipline that has both theoretical

and practical applications. Linguists study language structure at several

theoretical levels that range in size from tiny units of speech sounds to the

context of an entire conversation. Students of linguistics often begin with the

basic understanding of each level of language, then specialize in one or more

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
levels or in a practical application of linguistics ( ret.

On January 20, 2021).

Verbal – linguistic learning style refers to a person’s ability to reason,

solve problems, and learn using language. Because so much of the school

curriculum is taught verbally, verbal – linguistic learners tend to do well in school.

They may also excel in typical university settings. It is important to bear in mind,

however, that verbal – linguistic ability is not a synonym for intelligence (Hinzey,

logsdon ann 2020).

Language learning is an active process that begins at birth and continuous

throughout life. Students learn language as they use it to communicate their

thoughts, feelings, and experiences, establish relationships with family members

and friends, and strive to make sense and order of their world. They may come to

school speaking more than language, or learn another language in school. It is

important to respect and build upon each other students first language.

Experience in one language will benefit the learning of other languages. In this

early year, children develop language informally.


Long before they understand explicit language rules and conventions, they

reproduce and use language to construct and convey new meaning in unique

ways. Later, language learning occurs in specific contexts for specific purposes,

such as learning about a particular topic, participating in the community, and

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
pursuing work and leisure activities (>docs PDF ret. On

January 20, 2021).

In discussions of language and education, language is usually defined as

a shared set of verbal codes, such as English, Spanish, Mandarin, French, and

Swahili. But language can also be defined as a generic, communicative

phenomenon, especially in descriptions of instruction. Teachers and students

use spoken and written language to communicate with each other- to present

tasks, engage in learning processes, present academic content, assess learning,

display knowledge and skill, and build classroom life. In addition, much of what

students learn is language. They learn to read and write (academic written

language), and they learn the discourse of academic disciplines (sometimes

called academic languages and literacies). Both definitions of language are

important to understanding the relationship between language and education

( ret. On January 20, 2021).

Language learning is broadly defined as developing the ability to

communicate in the second / foreign language, and in this context includes:


 Language learning for specialists. This includes programs which not only

teach language but also a variety of subject ‘content’ related to language

such as literature, culture, history and politics at BA or MA level. This also

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
covers programs and courses involving the teaching of translating and


 Language learning for non-specialists or service languages. This includes

language teaching options which are available to all interested students,

some of which may have a focus on specific topics (e.g. German for Law)

or on the enhancement of selected skills (e.g. effective speaking skills).

 Languages for instruction (including the teaching of language/s of a host

university to non-native speakers), where the target language is normally

used as the language of instruction.

 Language learning for social purposes. This includes language learning

for mobility or where the local language is taught as a foreign language to

incoming students ( ret. On January 20,




Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
The findings of this study will be of great importance not only to the

students, but to the teacher, parents, school administrator and the community as

a whole.

School administrator. This will be a great mirror for student reflection on

which they will be able to monitor the student’s performance through on how they

done this activity, where they could lead them to a great vision of future.

Teacher. Through this activity the teachers will be able to measure the

learner’s improvement in their studies which will open up a learner’s perception

regarding education particularly in finishing their studies, this study will help

student to realize the significance of education.

Parents. In this activity the parents have an important part of this,

through the support of them the learners will able to finish on due time.

Students. The students may be finding ways to improve their

performances of class and will try to reflect on things that should be properly

done in improving their own abilities and skills which increase their interest

through this activity.

Other Researchers. This study helps them realize and to become aware of the

circumstances that they need to change and develop in order to have full

linguistic competence and become academically active.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
Scope and Delimitation

Subject Delimitation. This deals on Factors Affecting Linguistic

Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10 Students of Hinatuan

National Comprehensive High School A.Y.2020-2021. Having Junior students

randomly as the subject of the study would be distinctive and enjoyable in the

part of the respondents so that they can be more linguistic competent and

Academically performed.

Place Delimitation. This study administered in Hinatuan National

Comprehensive High School in Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur.

Time Delimitation. The study was conducted during first semester of

Academic year 2020-2021.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021


This chapter presents the different methods and procedure used under

the following sub-topic namely; (1) Research design; (2) Research Environment;

(3) Respondent; (4) Research instrument; (5) Construction of questionnaire; (6)

Validation of questionnaire; (7) Final format of the questionnaire; (8) Data

gathering procedure; (9) Scoring; (10) Statistical treatment.

Research Design

The descriptive method was used in this research work using research

made questionnaire in gathering the data. The term (descriptive) means to

discover by observation of investigation “types” signifies as representation

beforehand because this study undergoes collection of data, analysis and


Research Environment

The study was conducted in Hinatuan National Comprehensive High

School, Brgy. Sto. Niño Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur.


The respondents of the study are the Grade 10 students of Hinatuan

National Comprehensive High School. The table below shows the distribution of

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
the respondents that may help determining Factors affecting linguistic




Age Sex Total

Male Female

15-17 10 25 35

18-20 13 7 20

21 and above 2 3 5

Total 25 35 60

Research Instrument

The questionnaire was the main tool utilized in securing the needed data

and information from the respondents. The questionnaire was framed and

prepared for the respondent to answer. In determining the level of factors

affecting linguistic competence, the following scales were rated by the


Construction of Questionnaire

To come up with the purpose of the study, the researcher did some

library and internet research to gather studies similar to this topic.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

Problems were sort and properly analyzed according to their importance and

difficulties. After the questionnaire had been finished, it was shown to the adviser

for corrections and suggestions for improvement.

Validation of the Questionnaire

To accomplish the purpose of the study as far as the gathering data was

concerned, questionnaire was framed and prepared for the respondents to

answer. The construction was focused on “Factors affecting linguistic

competence among Grade 10 students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive

High School A.Y. 2020-2021”. The researcher administered 60 copies of

questionnaire to the students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School

for validation of the questions to test whether all the questions are answerable by

the respondents.

Final Format of Questionnaire

After the finalization of the questions, they were encoded according to

the connections and suggestions. To avoid confusion and misinterpretation, the

scale is the basis and guidelines for the answer of the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following steps were followed in the conduct of study.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

1. Asking permission to conduct a study. The researcher

sends a letter seeking permission to conduct the study to the

students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School.

Furthermore, request for cooperation and assurance that all

information gathered will be treated strictly with confidentiality.

2. Administration and Distribution of Questionnaire. Before

distributing the questionnaire, the researcher asked permission

to conduct survey from the teachers of the respondents. The

questionnaire was distributed personally by the researcher to

avoid confusion and to be cleared for the respondents.

3. Retrieval of Questionnaire. The gathered data through the

use of questionnaire were tallied, scored and classified with the

guidance and expertise of the statistician.

4. Analysis and Interpretation. Results were analyzed and

interpret based on the purpose of the study


In interpreting the data on factors affecting linguistic competence among

Grade 10 students in Hinatuan National Comprehensive high school A.Y.2020-

2021, the following scales were used.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

Table 2

The Non-parametric scale of the factors affecting linguistic competence and

academic performance among grade 10 students of Hinatuan National

Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021.


4.20 5.00 Very high Always observed

3.40 4.19 High oftentimes

2.60 3.39 Moderate

1.80 2.59 Low Rarely observed

1.00 1.79 Very low Never observed

Statistical Treatment

The data was analyzed and interpreted. The student researchers used

non-parametric scale, weighted mean, and t-test to answer the problems stated

in the study.

The Weighted Mean

The computation of the weighted mean served as basis for establishing

the answer to every item in the questionnaire.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

This tool was used to determine the factors affecting linguistic competence and

academic performance to the students.

Formula: X = WT x PT

Where: X = mean

WT x PT = total weighted points

N = number of cases


This refers to the matched pairs signed – ranks test significance. This

statistical device was used in identifying the extent of linguistic competence and

academic performance among grade 10 students of Hinatuan National

Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021 when grouped by age and sex.

Ethical Consideration

Vulnerability of the Participants. The researcher will ensure that unique social

groups will not be singled out for the purpose of this study voluntarily. There will

be no identified vulnerable participants in this research. Students are all in the

capacity to decide whether to participate or not, as they will be purposively

identified as participants of the research.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

The subjects who will be involved in this study will be chosen solely on their

relevance to the problem of practice that was studied.

Risk, Benefits, and safety. During the conduct of this study, no high risk will be

expected in the setting. The researcher will see to it that all participants will be

properly taken care of and will be free from harm. By ensuring that the physical

environment of the participants will be conducive and safe, the researcher will

guarantee the safety of the respondents during the conduct of this study. In the

place where the study conducted, proper lighting good ventilation, and enough

space will be observed. Risks will be avoided to the point that the researcher will

see to it that survey questionnaires will be answered by the participants in a

venue favorable for their safety. Any form of gift materials, goods or money will

be given to the participants as a sign of benevolence in helping the researcher to

conduct the study.

Privacy and Confidentiality. There will be no exposed records of the

participants. The researcher will ensure that all information will remain

confidential. Individual names were optional to protect the anonymity of the

identity of the participants. Hard copies of the data (name is optional to be filled

up) will be stored and protected.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

Justice. The targeted respondents will be assured that there will be an

appropriate investigation in any sense. The researcher will guarantee that the

participants will understand their role to be open, honest and truth during the

answering of the survey questionnaires. It is justifiable that the researcher will

provide snacks after the survey as appreciation for their valuable contributions in

this study. To give justice to the shared times of the participants, the researcher

will allow them to read the responses to check its authenticity and accuracy.

Transparency. By fully informing the participants that they will be surveyed

through questionnaires. This study already will adhere to the principles of

transparency. Also, the participants will be informed of the purpose of this study.

Qualification of researcher. The researcher is committed, dedicated, reliable

and credible to conduct this study. However, as a researcher who is a beginner

in this method, he will need to read relevant literature and studies regarding

quantitative research design. Further, the researcher will regularly consult with

his thesis adviser and other experts in the field to ensure the validity and

reliability of the data gathered.

Adequacy and facilities. The researcher will engage the participants in a

conducive environment and learning materials which are ample and available in

the conduct of the study, and will be done within the time set by the researcher.
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

The accuracy of gathering data from the participants will be ensured. Sufficient

and manipulative materials will be prepared for the respondents use during the

conduct of this study.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021



This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered from

respondents through questionnaire.

Table 3

Extent of the factors affecting linguistic competence

Table 3 shows the extent of the factors affecting linguistic competence

and academic performance among grade 10 students of Hinatuan National

Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021 based on the survey among grade

10 students answers from the questionnaires. The table below shown that study

habits category has the highest mean of 3.91 “High”, interest category has the

second highest mean of 3.83 “High” and confidence category has the lowest

mean of 3.4 “High”. The data interpreted that the three category or indicators has

the overall mean of 3.68 which means that all items in the questionnaires was

observed oftentimes by the students-respondent.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

Items Mean SD Description

1. I am confident in 3.11 1.12 Moderate
speaking English in my
English class
2. I am having trouble with 3.29 1.27 Moderate
3. I have to bring dictionary 3.71 1.22 High
to find the meaning of the
words that are new to
4. I have difficulty 3.45 0.94 High
pronouncing the words.

5. I am not good in 3.03 1.12 Moderate

speaking English with
other people.
6. I love participating in my 3.37 1.10 Moderate
class using English
7. I am afraid of correcting 3.82 1.34 High
mistake in front of other
1. I make myself prepared 3.98 1.05 High
for the English subject

2. I listen attentively to the 3.89 1.17 High

lecture of my English
3. I actively participate in 3.69 1.1 High
the discussion,
answering exercises
and/or clarifying things I
do not understand.
4. I want to get good grades 4.13 1.14 High
on tests, quizzes,
assignments, and
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
5. I get frustrated when the High
discussion is interrupted 3.45 1.22
or the teacher is updated


1. I do my assignments 4.21 1.03 Very high
2. I exert more effort when I 3.95 1.21 High
do difficult assignment

3. I spend my vacant time in 3.79 1.20 High

doing assignment or
studying my lessons.

4. I study the lessons wisely 3.68 1.36 High

if I was absent from my
5. I study and prepared for 3.92 1.35 High
quizzes and texts

Table 4

Significant difference on factors affecting linguistic competence when

grouped by age

Significant difference on factors affecting linguistic competence among

grade 10 students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-

2021 when grouped by age. The table presented below reveals that ages from

18-20 has the highest mean of 3.79, ages 21 and above has the second highest

mean of 3.73, and in the ages 15-17 has the lowest mean of 3.66 which resulted

the same as “High” and interpreted as observed oftentimes. The P value

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
computed as 0.62, and the computed t has the value of 0.49 which was lesser

than the critical t of 3.19, thus, the null hypothesis was accepted.


Age Mean P value Computed Critical Decision

t t

15-17 3.66

18-20 3.79 0.62 0.49 3.19 Accept Ho.

21 and 3.73


Table 5

Significant difference on factors affecting linguistic competence when

grouped by Sex

Significant difference on factors affecting linguistic competence among

grade 10 students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-

2021 when grouped by sex. The table presented below computed that female

has the highest mean of 3.71 for it has the highest quantity as the respondents

than male mean of 3.58. And the computed t is 0.78 less than the critical t of

2.05, thus, the null hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, there is no significant

difference on factors affecting linguistic competence among grade 10 students

when grouped according to sex.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021


This data implies that sex has no significant relationship in affecting linguistic

competence among grade 10 students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive

High School A.Y. 2020-2021.

Computed Critical
Sex Respondents Mean P-value Decision
t t

Female 35 3.71 Accept

Male 25 3.58 0.44 0.78 2.05 null

Total 60 hypothesis

At 0.05
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021





This study focuses on factors affecting linguistic competence among

grade 10 students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-


The study aims to answer these problems:

1. What is the extent of the factors affecting linguistic competence

among grade 10 students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive

High School A.Y. 2020-2021?

2. Is there a significant difference factors affecting linguistic

competence and of the students when grouped according to:

a. Age; and

b. Sex?

The hypothesis formulated was: There is no significant difference on

factors affecting linguistic competence when grouped according to: age and sex.

Among grade 10 students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y.

2020-2021 were the subject of the study.

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021


In gathering the needed data, the survey questionnaire was used. In the

computation of the data, non-parametric scale, weighted mean, and t-test were


Definition of Terms.

Linguistic. Is the scientific study of language. It involves an analysis of

language form, language meaning, and language in context, as well as an

analysis of the social, cultural, historical and political factors that influence


Competence. Is the set of demonstrable characteristics and skills that

enable and improve the efficiency or performance of a job.

Factors affecting. A factor is one of the things that affects an event, decision or



On the basis tabulated, analyzed and interpreted data, the following

findings were arrived at:

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
1. In general, the extent of the factors affecting linguistic competence and

academic performance was 3.68 which interpreted as “high” means that

students were observed oftentimes.

2. On the significant difference factors affecting linguistic competence and


academic performance data table 4 and 5 reveals the same hypothesis as



Reflecting on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were


1. The extent of factors affecting linguistic competence among grade 10

students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School during the first

semesters of academic year 2020-2021 was generally interpreted as

“High” which means it was observed oftentimes.

2. There is no significant relationship between factors affecting linguistic

competence among grade 10 students of Hinatuan National

Comprehensive High School when grouped according to age and sex.


Based on the findings and conclusions these recommendations are given:

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
1. School administrators should create and implement level of competency

on teaching and train students that related on developing linguistic


2. The teachers should be aware on the results of the study in order to apply

immediately to their teaching strategy.


3. The school administrators should embed lessons that are related in

fostering linguistic competence in the curriculum.

4. The school should give a very conducive learning area for students.

5. Beyond study with regards to the other factors that could affect linguistic

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021


Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021


Andrews, Jean F. (2014), Six factors for linguistic incompetence Retrieved on November 22,2020.
Benjamins, J. And Michael B. Kac (1992). Grammars and Grammaticality. Retrieved on January 17, 2021.
Cairns, Helen S. And Eva M. Fernandez. (2011) Fundamentals of
Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
Camacho-González And Gatica Quintanilla (2008). The role of information
Professionals in the knowledge economy.
Retrieved on January 20, 2021.
Clark, Alexander and Shalom Lappin (2012). Computational Learning theory
And language acquisition: philosophy of linguistics.
Retrieved on January 20, 2021.
Contanze, Vorwerg (2015). Communicative competence: linguistic aspects. retrieved on January 20, 2021.
Denham, K. and Lobeck, A. Linguistic for everyone. Wadsworth,2010.
Gottlieb, G. (2001). Comparative psychology: in International Encyclopedia
of the social and behavioral sciences. retrieved on
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Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
on January 20, 2021.
Hargie, O. (2011), Skilled Interpersonal Interaction: Research, theory, and
Practice. (London: Routledge, 2011) 9.
Hinzey, Logsdon Ann (2020). Understanding the verbal linguistic learning style: retrieved on January 20, 2021.
Hufnerk, A. (2010). International Encyclopedia of education (third edition). retrieved on January 20 2021.


Kumaravadivelu, B. (2006). Understanding language teaching. From method

post method. ESL and applied linguistic series. Retrieved on January
18, 2021.
Machin-Mastromatteo, Juan D. And Javier Tarango (2017). The role of
Professionals in the knowledge economy. retrieved
On January 20, 2021.
McCabe, Allyssa (2005). Measures of Language acquisition: Encyclopedia of
Social measurement. retrieved on January 20,
Nordquist, Richard (2020). Linguistic competence: definition and examples. retrieved on January 20, 2021.
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Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
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Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021


Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur
January 09, 2021

Merjorie E. Dalagan, MA
Principal 1
Hinatuan National Comp. High School
Brgy. Sto. Niño, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur

Dear Maam Merjorie,

We are presently conducting undergraduate thesis entitled “FACTORS
COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL A.Y. 2020-2021” which is an academic
requirement for the subject Research 2 at Hinatuan Southern College, Hinatuan,
Surigao del Sur.
In this regard, we humbly request permission that will be allowed to
Distribute survey questionnaire among grade 10 students of this institution.
We will be very gratefully indebted for the kind of favor you extended to
Very Truly Yours,
(Sgd.) Cuyacot, Jhon Anthony B. (Sgd.) Serrano, Kyla Mae
(Sgd.) Iligan, John Joseph A. (Sgd.) Tindugan, Jennifer
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
(Sgd.) Goyo, Kristine May C. (Sgd.) Tomarong, Cathy C.
(Sgd.) Rendon, Ana Rose T.
Noted by:
Instructor Thesis Adviser
Approved by:


OIC- College President



P-7 Brgy. Sto. Niño, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur

Date of Birth : June 01, 1997
Place of Birth : Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur
Age : 24 years old
Address : P-7 Brgy. Sto. Niño, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Name of Father : Catalino E. Cuyacot
Occupation : Fisherman and Farmer
Name of Mother : Leonarda B. Cuyacot
Occupation : Housewife
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

Elementary : Hinatuan North Central Elementary School

S.Y. 2008-2009
Secondary : Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School
S.Y. 2012-2013
Collegiate : Hinatuan Southern College
BSED-English IV



P-5 Lacasa, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur

Date of Birth : May 22, 1998
Place of Birth : Cagayan, de Oro, Misamis Oriental
Age : 22 years old
Address : P-5 Brgy. Lacasa, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Seventh Day Adventist
Civil Status : Single
Name of Father : Rex B. Goyo
Occupation : Garbage Collector
Name of Mother : Concepcion C. Goyo
Occupation : Housewife
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

Elementary : Tarusan Elementary School

S.Y. 2009-2010
Secondary : Tarusan Integrated Secondary School
S.Y. 2013-2014
Collegiate : Hinatuan Southern College
BSED- English IV



P-3 Brgy. Cambatong, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur

Date of Birth : October 10, 1997
Place of Birth : Cambatong, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur
Age : 24 years old
Address : P-3 Brgy. Cambatong, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Name of Father : Edgardo L. Rendon
Occupation : Fisherman
Name of Mother : Mila T. Rendon
Occupation : Housewife
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
Elementary : Cambatong Elementary School
Cambatong, Hinatuan, SDS
S.Y. 2010-2011
Secondary : Cambatong National High School
Cambatong, Hinatuan, SDS
S.Y. 2014-2015
Collegiate : Hinatuan Southern College
BSED-English IV



P-2 Brgy. Pocto, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur

Date of Birth : September 18, 1999
Place of Birth : Arandia Street, Muntinlupa City
Age : 21 years old
Address : P-2 Brgy. Pocto, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Name of Father : Romar M. Asis
Occupation : Motorcycle driver
Name of Mother : Alma R. Serrano
Occupation : Housewife
Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

Elementary : Pocto Elementary School

Brgy. Pocto, Hinatuan, SDS
S.Y. 2010-2011
Secondary : Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School
S.Y. 2015-2016
Collegiate : Hinatuan Southern College


P-5, Maharlika, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur

Date of Birth : December 21, 1993
Place of Birth : Pob. Tagbina, Surigao del Sur
Age : 27 years old
Address : P-5 Brgy. Maharlika, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Name of Father : Panfilo B. Tindugan (Deceased)
Occupation : None
Name of Mother : Marita V. Tindugan
Occupation : Housewife

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021

Elementary : Tagbina Central Elementary School

Secondary : Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School

Collegiate : Hinatuan Southern College


Caty C. Tomarong
P-1 Brgy. Bigaan, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur

Date of Birth : October 28, 1998
Place of Birth : Almaria, Bigaan, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur
Age : 22 years old
Address : P-1-A Brgy. Bigaan, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Name of Father : Cristituto C. Tomarong
Occupation : Farmer
Name of Mother : Gloria M. Tomarong
Occupation : Housewife

Hinatuan Southern College
Factors Affecting Linguistic Competence and Academic Performance among Grade 10
Students of Hinatuan National Comprehensive High School A.Y. 2020-2021
Elementary : Bigaan Elementary School
Bigaan, Hinatuan, SDS
S.Y. 2009-2010
Secondary : Tagasaka National High School
S.Y. 2013-2014
Collegiate : Hinatuan Southern College
BSED- English IV

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