The Ncuk International Foundation Year IFYBI002 Biology 2017-18 Mark Scheme

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IFYBI002 Biology


IFYBI002 Biology



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IFYBI002 Biology

This mark scheme should be used in conjunction with the NCUK Marking
Guidelines, available from the secure area (Web File Manager) of the NCUK
website ( Contact your Principal/ Academic
Manager if you do not have login details.

NB – Credit should be awarded for any pertinent answers not included in the
mark scheme, not exceeding the total mark allowed for the question.

The learning outcomes for each question are shown in brackets.

Notice to markers.

If a student has answered more than the required number of questions, credit should
only be given for the first n answers, in the order that they are written in the student’s
answer booklet (n being the number of questions required for the examination).
Markers should not select answers based on the combination that will give the student
the highest mark. If a student has crossed out an answer, it should be disregarded.

Copyright: Please note that, unless otherwise stated, all diagrams have been produced
from DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley); Har/Com/Ps edition (30 Mar. 2009)

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IFYBI002 Biology

Section A
Answer ALL questions. This section carries 40 marks.
Question A1 [A1, A2]

a) ii/ α 1→4 bonds. [1]

b) ii/ Sweet. [1]

c) ii/ A condensation reaction. [1]

d) iii/ Deoxyribose. [1]

e) i/ Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) joining with one inorganic phosphate. [1]

Question A2 [A1, I8]

a) Award 1 mark for each of the following points [to Max 2 marks]:

 The water potential/ of plasma/outside cells would be higher than

that of the (blood) cells;
 Water would enter the (blood) cells;
 The blood cells swell/(might) burst/lyse/haemolyse; [2]

b) Award 1 mark for each of the following points:

 Type of monomer = amino acid;

 Name of bond = peptide/amide. [2]

Question A3 [H4, J3]

a) i. Award 1 mark for each of the following points:

 A diagram showing 12 chromatids shown as 6 pairs either side

of the equator of cell;
 Spindle clearly shown. [2]

ii. Cell with one chromosome from each homologous pair. [1]

b) i. The genotype of an organism may change due to a mutation in the

DNA molecule/gene; [1]

ii. The phenotype may change due to environmental conditions, for

example polymorphism. [1]

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c) Award 1 mark for each of the following points:

 Random assortment of chromosomes/exchange of genetic material

between chromosomes;
 Crossing over of chromatid material/chromatids. [2]

Question A4 [D6]

a) Award 1 mark for each correct answer:

W = (chloroplast outer) membrane/envelope;

X = granum/grana/granal stack/thylakoid stack;
Y = stroma;
Z = thylakoid(s)/(intergranal) lamella(e); [4]

b)  (DNA) coding for chloroplast gene(s)/protein/enzyme(s) and

ribosomes for synthesising chloroplast proteins/enzymes. [1]

Question A5 [D3, F1, F2]

a) The graph should look like the one below.

Award 1 mark for each of the following points:

 Suitable title given;

 Correctly labelled x and y axes with units;
 Suitable scale used on BOTH axes;
 Correct plotting of data. [4]

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b) Award 1 mark for either of the points below:

 High concentrations of carbon dioxide/CO2 are used so that it is

not a limiting factor (on growth/photosynthesis) during the
 Carbon dioxide/CO2 may become a limiting factor if high
concentrations are not used during the experiment. [1]
c) Award 1 mark for either of the points below:

 This was to allow the plants to stabilise so that any difference in the
results was due to iron (deficiency);
 To ensure that iron was the variable factor (giving rise to the results). [1]

d) Award 1 mark for either of the following points below:

 (Plants were left in the dark for 6 hours) to try to ensure that the
amount/quantity of triose phosphate/TP will be similar/the same/to
stabilise/to become more or less constant (in the plants);
 To ensure that there will be a low quantity/amount of triose
phosphate/TP in the plants. [1]

e) Award 1 mark for each of the following points [to Max 2 marks]:

 Less/little/no ATP is produced in the iron-deficient plants/less NADP+

produced to convert to reduced NADP+/NADPH;
 Less/little/no ATP and reduced NADP+/NADPH is produced during the
light-dependent reaction;
 Less/little glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate/G3P is converted to triose
 Not enough NADP+ is produced to allow NADP+ reductase to produce
NADPH. [2]

Question A6 [G1, G2, G3, G4, G5]

a) Award 1 mark for each of the following points [to Max 2 marks]:

 (m)RNA is a single-stranded molecule/DNA is a double-stranded

 (m)RNA is non-helical/not twisted/not coiled and DNA is
 (m)RNA contains ribose and DNA contains deoxyribose;
 (m)RNA contains uracil/U, and DNA contains thymine/T; [2]
 More than one form of RNA/only one form of DNA.

b) A gene. [1]

c) DNA is a large molecule and is too big to leave the nucleus/does not fit
through the nuclear membrane/envelope pores. [1]

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Question A7 [A1, A4]

a) The primary structure of a protein is made up of a sequence/order of amino

acids/a polypeptide containing amino acids in a specific order/a chain of
amino acids in a particular order. [1]

b) A = ionic bond;
B = hydrogen bond;
C = disulphide bond/disulphide bridge. [3]

c) Award 1 mark for each of the following points [to Max 2 marks]:

 High temperatures can disrupt the hydrogen bonds and non-polar

 High temperatures increase the kinetic energy and cause the
molecules to vibrate;
 High temperatures cause a change in the shape of the
molecule/change in conformation of the molecule as it denatures. [2]

Section B begins on the following page.

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Section B
Answer 3 questions. This section carries 60 marks.

Question B1 [B1, C1, C2]

a) Award 1 mark for each of the following points:

 Cells = are single units of an organism – examples include, red

blood cell, nerve cell, sperm cell (accept any other example of a
 Tissues = a group of cells working together – examples include,
muscle, epithelial (accept any other example of a tissue);
 Organ = a group of tissues working together to do a particular job [3]
– examples include, heart, lungs, stomach (accept any other
example of an organ).
b) i. Award 1 mark for each correct label on the diagram [to Max 7


 Students are not expected to produce a diagram exactly like

the one below, but an approximation with the correct labels is
 The students do not need to show the structure of the
phospholipid molecule.
 Proteins can be extrinsic/surface/peripheral or


ii. Award 1 mark for each of the following points [to Max 10 marks]:

 The phospholipids are arranged in a bilayer, with their polar,

hydrophilic phosphate heads facing outwards, and their non-
polar, hydrophobic fatty acid tails facing each other in the
middle of the bilayer;
 This hydrophobic layer acts as a barrier to all but the smallest
molecules, effectively isolating the two sides of the membrane;
 Different kinds of membranes can contain phospholipids with
different fatty acids, affecting the strength and flexibility of the
membrane, and animal cell membranes also contain

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cholesterol linking the fatty acids together and so stabilising

and strengthening the membrane;
 Proteins comprise about 50% of the mass of membranes, and
are responsible for most of the membrane's
 Proteins that span the membrane are usually involved in
transporting substances across the membrane;
 Some proteins are responsible for transporting water/some
proteins are aquaporins;
 Some proteins are responsible for transporting charged
substances/ions across the membrane, and some are carrier
proteins responsible for transporting other substances into and
out of the cell;
 Proteins on the inside surface of cell membranes are often
attached to the cytoskeleton and are involved in maintaining
the shape of the cell, or in cell motility;
 Proteins in/on the membrane may also be enzymes, catalysing
reactions in the cytoplasm;
 Proteins on the outside surface of cell membranes can act as
receptors by having a specific binding site where hormones or
other chemicals can bind;
 Proteins may also be involved in cell signalling and cell
recognition, or they may be enzymes, such as maltase in the
small intestine (more in digestion);
 The carbohydrates are found on the outer surface of all
eukaryotic cell membranes, and are attached to the membrane
proteins or sometimes to the phospholipids/carbohydrates may
be attached to proteins and phospholipids in the membrane
forming glycoproteins and glycolipids;
 Glycoproteins play a role in cell–cell interactions;
 Glycolipids help to stabilise the membrane and may also be
involved in cell–cell interactions;
 The carbohydrates in glycolipids are short polysaccharides
composed of a variety of different monosaccharides and form a
cell coat/glycocalyx. [ 10 ]

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Question B2 [B2, B3, B4]

a) i. Award 1 mark for each correct label on the diagram [to Max 8 marks]:

Note: Students are not expected to produce a diagram exactly like the
one below, but an approximation with the correct labels is


ii. Function of components.

Award 1 mark for each of the following points [to Max 8 marks]:

 Cytoplasm/Cytosol is the solution contained by the cell membrane

and it contains enzymes for glycolysis/(part of) respiration and
other metabolic reactions together with sugars, salts, amino acids,
nucleotides and everything else needed for the cell to function;
 The nucleus is the largest organelle (in the cell) and is surrounded
by a nuclear envelope/double membrane containing nuclear
pores/large holes containing proteins that control the exit of
substances such as RNA and ribosomes from the nucleus;
 The nucleus contains the chromosomes/chromatin and the
nucleolus, and is responsible for directing all that goes on in the
 The nucleolus is the site of ribosome
formation/biogenesis/mRNA/tRNA and rRNA synthesis;
 A mitochondrion is/Mitochondria are the double-membrane-bound
structure/structures which is/are the site/sites of cellular
 A chloroplast is/Chloroplasts are the site/sites where
photosynthesis takes place;
 Ribosomes are the smallest and most numerous of the cell
organelles, composed of protein and RNA, (and are manufactured
in the nucleolus of the nucleus) and are the sites of protein
 Endoplasmic reticulum/ER consists of rough and smooth
endoplasmic reticulum/RER and SER consisting of a series of
membrane channels/lamellae;
 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum/SER is free of ribosomes and is
involved in various functions including the synthesis and transport
of many substances (mainly) lipids within the cell;
 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum/SER is also involved in
detoxification of drugs and the storage of calcium ions;

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 Rough endoplasmic reticulum/RER is similar to the SER, but

studded with numerous ribosomes (which give it its rough
appearance) and is the site of protein synthesis;
 The Golgi body/Golgi apparatus is a series of flattened membrane
sacs/vesicles (formed from the ER) and functions to transport
proteins from the RER to the cell membrane for export (from the
 Large central vacuole/vacuoles are membrane-bound sacs
containing water or dilute solutions of salts and other solutes;
 Lysosomes are small (single-membrane-bound) organelles
(formed from the RER) containing many digestive enzymes, which
are used to break down unwanted chemicals, toxins, organelles
and even whole cells, so that the materials may be recycled for
use by the cell;
 The cell membrane/plasma membrane is a thin, flexible layer
around the outside of all cells made mainly of phospholipids and
proteins, which separates the contents of the cell from the outside
environment, and controls the entry and exit of materials;
 The cell wall is a thick layer of polysaccharide/cellulose outside the
cell membrane used to give a cell protection, strength and rigidity. [8]

b) Award 1 mark for each of the following points [to Max 4 marks]:

Note: To obtain 1 mark both the plant cell and the virus must be mentioned.
Some students may answer this part by drawing a comparison table.

 A plant cell has a cell wall but a virus does not have a cell wall;
 A plant cell contains a membrane-bound nucleus but a virus does not
contain a membrane-bound nucleus;
 A plant cell contains a large central vacuole but a virius does not have a
large central vacuole;
 A plant cell contains chloroplasts but a virus does not contain
 A plant cell contains a number of chromosomes (contained within the
membrane-bound nucleus) but a virus does not have recognised
chromosomes contains either DNA or RNA;
 Plant cells reproduce by mitosis and do not require a host cell but
viruses replicate only within a host cell. [4]

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Question B3 [I1,I2]

a) Award 1 mark for each correct label [to Max 6 marks]:

Note: Students are not expected to produce a diagram exactly like the
ones below, but an approximation with the correct labels is

Female reproductive system


b) Award 1 mark for each of the following points [to Max 14 marks]:

 The menstrual cycle is often split into two phases (i.e. the ovarian
cycle and the uterine cycle), but both are intimately connected;
 The (ovarian) cycle begins with the release from the hypothalamus
of gonadotrophin releasing hormone/GnRH;
 The release of gonadotrophin releasing hormone/GnRH stimulates
the (anterior) pituitary to secrete small amounts of follicle
stimulating hormone/FSH and luteinising hormone/LH;

Follicular Phase.

 Follicle stimulating hormone/FSH stimulates follicle

growth/development of ovarian follicles, which begin to make and
secrete oestrogen/oestradiol;
 There is a continuous slow rise in oestrogen/oestradiol and the
follicles begin to grow, but only one (usually) matures;
 The low levels of oestrogen/oestradiol inhibit the secretion of the
pituitary hormones keeping the levels of follicle stimulating
hormone/FSH and luteinising hormone/LH relatively low;
 When oestrogen/oestradiol secretion by the growing follicle begins
to rise steeply the follicle stimulating hormone/FSH and luteinising
hormone/LH levels increase markedly;
 This stage is sometimes known as the LH surge in the cycle;
 Oestrogen/oestradiol secretion stimulates the endometrium to
 The developing follicle becomes known as a Graafian follicle (and
contains fluid and the [secondary] oocyte), and is fully formed prior
to ovulation;
 The Graafian follicle forms a bulge at the surface of the ovary, and

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about a day after the luteinising hormone/LH surge, the follicle

and the adjacent wall of the ovary ruptures/bursts releasing the
(secondary) oocyte resulting in ovulation (at about day 14/15 of
the cycle);
 Luteinising hormone/LH stimulates the tissue left behind in the
ovary to form into a corpus luteum/glandular structure which under
the influence of luteinising hormone/LH secretes progesterone and

Luteal/Secretory Phase.

 After ovulation oestrogen/oestradiol and progesterone (from the

corpus luteum) stimulate further thickening and maintenance of the
uterine lining, including enlargement of arteries and growth of
endometrial glands;
 The progesterone and oestrogen/oestradiol exert a negative
feedback on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands to keep the
levels of follicle stimulating hormone/FSH and luteinising
hormone/LH to very low levels to prevent another oocyte from
 If an embryo is not implanted in the endometrium the corpus
luteum begins to disintegrate/break down (from about days 22 to
28 of the cycle), resulting in a drop in progesterone and
oestrogen/oestradiol, causing the arteries in the endometrium to
 This deprives the endometrium of its blood supply/circulation
causing the (uterine) lining to disintegrate/break down releasing
blood that is shed along with endometrial tissue and fluid;
 This results in menstruation/menstrual flow phase, which begins at
about day 28 of the cycle and lasts for a few days. [ 14 ]

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IFYBI002 Biology

Question B4 [G4]

a) Award 1 mark for each of the following points [to Max 10 marks]:

Transcription – RNA Synthesis.

 DNA never leaves the nucleus, but proteins are synthesised

in the cytoplasm, so a copy of each gene is made to carry
the “message” from the nucleus to the cytoplasm;
 This copy of each gene is carried in/on mRNA, and the
process of copying is called transcription, (but transfer
RNA/tRNA and ribosomal RNA/rRNA are also produced);
 The start of each gene on the DNA is marked by a special
sequence of bases/nucleotide bases;
 The RNA molecule is built up from the four ribose
nucleotides (A, C, G and U) in the nucleus/nucleoplasm;
 Transcription involves the separation of the two DNA
strands at specific places (depending on the gene/protein
to be synthesised), but only one strand acts as a template
for RNA synthesis;
 Between 10 and 20 DNA nucleotides at a time are exposed
for pairing with DNA nucleotides;
 The nucleotides attach themselves to the bases on the
DNA/DNA template by complementary base pairing, just as
in DNA replication;
 The DNA strand that is copied is called the template or
sense strand because it contains the sequence of bases
that codes for a protein/gene;
 The other strand is just a complementary copy, and is
called the non-template or anti-sense strand;
 The new nucleotides are joined to each other by strong
covalent bonds by the activity of the enzyme RNA
 Only about 8 base pairs remain attached to the DNA
template at a time, since the mRNA molecule peels off from
the DNA as it is made;
 The DNA molecule reforms/rewinds using a “winding”
 The initial mRNA, or primary transcript, contains many
regions called introns that are not needed as part of the
protein code;
 The sequences that are required to make a protein are
called exons/expressed sequences;
 The introns are removed (and broken down) to leave the
 The result is a shorter mature RNA containing only exons;
 The mRNA diffuses out of the nucleus through nuclear
pores into the cytoplasm of the cell carrying a number of
triplet codons on the molecule. [ 10 ]

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b) Award 1 mark for each of the following points [to Max 10 marks]:

Translation and Protein Synthesis.

 Translation involves the reading of a genetic message,

carried on an mRNA molecule to build an appropriate
 The message is carried on messenger RNA/mRNA and
translation is done by transfer RNA/tRNA;
 The function of transfer RNA/tRNA is to transfer amino
acids (from the cytoplasmic pool of amino acids) to a
growing polypeptide on the ribosome;
 The ribosome (composed of ribosomal RNA/rRNA and
protein) adds on each amino acid brought to it by transfer
 Each ribosome has three sites called the P, A and E sites;
 Translation begins (initiation phase) by a ribosome
attaching to the mRNA at an initiation/initiator/start
codon/AUG codon (at the P site, which is the site that holds
the growing polypeptide chain);
 (met-) transfer RNA/met-tRNA/initiator transfer RNA
diffuses to the ribosome and attaches to the mRNA
initiation codon by complementary base pairing/by
attaching UAC to the messenger RNA/mRNA start codon;
 The next amino acid–tRNA complex attaches to the
adjacent mRNA codon (at the A site) by complementary
base pairing between codon (mRNA) and anticodon (tRNA);
 The bond between the amino acid and the tRNA is cut and
a peptide bond is formed between the two amino acids
(elongation phase begins);
 The ribosome moves the mRNA along one codon so that a
new amino acid–tRNA complex can attach;
 The free tRNA molecule(which has given up its amino acid
to the growing polypeptide chain) leaves the ribosome (at
the E site) to enter the cytoplasm again and collect another
amino acid;
 The polypeptide chain elongates one amino acid at a time,
and peels away from the ribosome, folding up into a protein
as it goes;
 This continues for hundreds of amino acids until a stop
codon is reached, when the ribosomal sub-units separate,
releasing the finished protein (termination phase). [ 10 ]

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IFYBI002 Biology

Question B5 [D3]

a) Award 1 mark for each of the following points [to Max 8 marks]:

Krebs cycle

Note: Students may draw a cycle showing the major steps. Allow credit
for correct sequences.

 The Krebs cycle is a series of reduction–oxidation reactions (redox

reactions) which produce multiple coenzymes/cofactors;
 Basically the cycle consists of citric acid (being formed at the start)
being converted by a series of reactions to oxaloacetic acid/OAA
using/releasing acetyl coenzyme A/CoA, with the release of carbon
dioxide/CO2, ATP, NADH and FADH2;
 A 2-carbon acetyl group (produced in glycolysis) is transferred from
acetyl coenzyme A/CoA to the 4-carbon oxaloacetic acid (in the
mitochondrion) to form the 6-carbon molecule, citrate/citric acid;
 Citrate/citric acid is then gradually converted/broken down in
several steps to reform oxaloacetate;
 Carbon dioxide/CO2 and hydrogen are released as isocitrate is
converted to α ketoglutarate;
 Carbon dioxide/CO2 diffuses out of the cell and the hydrogen is
taken up by NAD+, or by an alternative hydrogen carrier called FAD
(during the conversion of succinic acid/succinate to fumaric
 ATP is produced as succinyl CoA is converted to succinic
acid/succinate in the cycle;
 The hydrogens are carried to the inner mitochondrial membrane
attached to NAD+/as NADH and FADH2 for the final part of cellular
 Over a series of reactions, the 6 carbon citric acid compound is
broken down/converted to reform the original 4 carbon oxaloacetic
acid/OAA compound (hence, a cycle). [8]

b) Award 1 mark for each of the following points [to Max 12 marks]:

 The respiratory chain/electron transport chain takes place within

the inner mitochondrial membrane, using integral membrane
 These proteins form four huge trans-membrane complexes called
complexes I, II, III and IV;
 In the respiratory chain the hydrogen atoms from NADH molecules
gradually release all their energy to form ATP, and are finally
combined with oxygen to form water;
 NADH molecules bind to complex I and release their hydrogen
atoms as protons (H+) and electrons (e-);
 The NAD+ molecules then return to the Krebs cycle to collect more
 FADH2 binds to complex II rather than complex I to release its
 The electrons are passed down the chain of protein complexes from
I to IV, each complex binding electrons more tightly than the
previous one;
 In complexes I, II and IV the electrons give up some of their
energy, which is then used to pump protons across the inner
mitochondrial membrane by active transport through the

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 In complex IV the electrons are combined with protons and
molecular oxygen to form water, the final end-product of
 Oxygen is only involved at the very last stage of respiration as the
final electron acceptor;
 The energy of the electrons is now stored in the form of a proton
gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane;
 The energy in the proton gradient is used to generate ATP in the/by
the ATP synthase enzyme;
 The ATP synthase enzyme has a proton channel through it, and as
the protons pass down/travel through this channel their energy is
used to make ATP;
 It takes 4 protons to synthesise 1 ATP molecule;
 This method of storing energy by creating a proton gradient across
a membrane is called chemiosmosis. [ 12 ]

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