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1,3-86 (1,3 Butylene Glycol) A highly Suitable Co: 1% Buy cya! alescence Ask For Your Sample! Sean the GR code foreach us 1,3-Butylene Glycol (1,3- BG) Cee ay eee Drop-In Solution to Replace Harmful Alternatives 13.0uylene gol (1.3.06) 5 an excelent coalescence agent for use in aqueous coating formations. exhiing Compare of tven superar properties when compart aerate: ie Buy yc. coast uy Chea 386 ‘Sodoess and at dastfied as shai sustance Nota Bay Gl hs early been recassied ten 4 ‘stance nts roar oo Physical Chemical Properties aaa eee Compared with Butyl Glycol v VV" ig a0) 420 1000 ‘The boling point of 1.3.06 i eae ih: However ‘oma 050 as0 050050050 050 ‘me leony groups enable R't evporate ony. Performance in PU Torts as as os os ass Mikro pre ig Te mene Parton Grenersions counts ineaiv of fs oncrabe nate Sa slo aes RT hon te ent no cert tes e ' the tenet Se RSE NE ESIC © 2 NOAY afcine rasicnene Bust monn dng eaente Ceag ha enn newer Soe me me Sralp pepe ei, goto want Rage fy ore ob ed mer = SIN msm Sse Toil roundctaponston esing recat molec’ weght apn esogen bec capac Seca eat emamcrganaatcys tur tre cout fered smgrovea hesony and hghet awe er eoy yn vase Saag sey So Saree ENSIGN samen Bors semen Forwood Nghe ks poten sv 8 Gapoaten “ Dee ont tamyor eaapmr | pomingaenaive Nemniea, ——= Performance in PU dlipersion coating? Industrial Scale Manufacturin, Syne ests —tanaeneinat 8 Yorony merase (00 chemicals GmbH manufocures 13.86 atts state. of- aoe wane 7 {eo fect leatedin shop Tine Unted states. anes wet ‘ihe sratege locement of the pant ne Gu of Medco Seeger) ‘egion not ony awa fr esxy access to essen fa mates but aso enables 09 0 take aavoeage of te meg Yee reas aasantageous locaton. | / g, CL

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