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Angelico jay g padojinog

Year & Course: BSIT 1st Year

Subject: Purposive Communication

Learning Activity 1
Direction: Choose one from the following suggested topics:
 “Alleviating Poverty – Feeding the Poor”
 “Rescue the Pets – Strayed Dogs and Cats”
 “Clean Environment – Livable World”
 “Literacy for the Unfortunate”
 “Taking Care of the People in Old Age”

Learning Activity 2
Direction: After choosing your advocacy, create the following:
A. Poster (This may include an advertisement related to your advocacy.)
B. Slide Presentation (with a background story of your subjects)

Learning Activity 3
Direction: Answer the following intelligently.
1. What new discoveries did you gain from this lesson?
2. What modern technological devices help you in communicating effectively?
- some of the modern technological devices that help me or us communicate effectively, are
smartphones, laptops, tablets, and smartwatches, which enable users to stay connected with others
via voice, video calls, text messages, and emails. Additionally, messaging apps and social media
platforms also play a significant role in facilitating communication and sharing information with
others.3. What disadvantage do we get if we do not use technology judiciously?
3. What disadvantage do we get if we do not use technology judiciously?
- If we do not use technology judiciously, we may face several disadvantages such as addiction,
distraction, decreased productivity, social isolation, mental health problems, cyberbullying, privacy
issues, and security risks. Over-reliance on technology may lead to a lack of face-to-face
communication, which can cause misunderstandings and miscommunications. Moreover, overuse
of technology may also have adverse effects on physical health, including eye strain, neck and back
pain, and sleep disturbances. Therefore, it is crucial to use technology responsibly and balance its
usage with other aspects of life.
Angelico jay g padojinog
Year & Course: BSIT 1st Year
Subject: Purposive Communication

Learning Activity 5
Directions: Read and analyze the organization and tone of the diary entry of Anne
Frank. Then, answer the questions.

1. Comment on the way the diary entry was organized. How is this diary entry the same or
different from another piece of writing such as explanation essay?

- The diary entry is organized in a free-flowing, stream-of-consciousness style, with Anne Frank
writing about her thoughts and feelings in a chronological manner. There is no clear
introduction, body, or conclusion, and the entry does not follow a specific structure or format.
This differs from an explanation essay, which typically has a clear introduction, thesis
statement, body paragraphs with supporting evidence, and a conclusion. An explanation essay is
usually structured in a logical and organized manner to convey information to the reader.

2. Comment on the tone of the diary entry. How is it different from the tone used in explanation

- The tone of the diary entry is personal, emotional, and subjective. Anne Frank writes about
her own experiences and feelings, using words such as "terrible," "heartrending," and
"dismal." Her tone is also reflective and introspective, as she contemplates the fate of the
Jewish people and her own identity as a German-born Jew. This differs from the tone used
in an explanation essay, which is usually more objective, factual, and impersonal. An
explanation essay strives to convey information to the reader in a clear and concise manner,
without personal bias or emotion.

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