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Angelico jay Padojinog

Preliminary Exam.
Test I.

1. Social Interaction
2. Information
3. Motivation
4. Regulation/Control
5. Social Interaction
6. Emotional Expression
7. Regulation/Control
8. Social Interaction
9. Regulation/Control

Test II.

1. D. Both A and B
2. B. Response
3. B. Psychological
4. B. Response
5. A. It is because the body becomes the hindrance to good communication.

Test III.

1. Be respectful: Respectful communication involves treating others with kindness, empathy, and
understanding. Avoid using aggressive or confrontational language, and be mindful of cultural
and social differences.

2. Communication is the exchange of information, ideas, and emotions between individuals

or groups through various channels and mediums. It requires both verbal and nonverbal
communication skills and is essential for building relationships, managing conflicts, and
achieving our goals. Effective communication can lead to positive outcomes, while poor
communication can lead to negative outcomes.
3. Avoid using language or behavior that is offensive or discriminatory.

Positive impacts of globalization on communication:

1. Increased connectivity: Globalization has made it easier for people to connect with each
other from different parts of the world through various communication technologies.
2. Cultural exchange: With the increase in communication and connectivity, there has been
an increase in cultural exchange, which has led to greater appreciation and understanding
of different cultures.
3. Business opportunities: Globalization has opened up new markets and business
opportunities across the world, which has created more jobs and improved the economy.

Negative impacts of globalization on communication:

1. Language barriers: While globalization has increased connectivity, it has also led to
language barriers, which can hinder effective communication between individuals from
different cultures.
2. Spread of misinformation: With the increase in communication channels, there has been a
rise in the spread of misinformation and fake news, which can lead to misunderstandings
and conflict.
3. Cultural homogenization: While cultural exchange is a positive impact of globalization, it
can also lead to cultural homogenization, where one culture dominates and erodes the
uniqueness of other cultures.

5 .Globalization is the increasing interconnectedness and integration of people, businesses, and

countries around the world, enabled by advancements in technology. It has both positive and negative
impacts on the global economy, culture, and environment.

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