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according to the American Psychiatric Association, are the most common type of psychiatric complaint.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental diseases, Fifth Edition( DSM- 5), anxiety
diseases include diseases that partake features of inordinate fear and anxiety and affiliated behavioral
disturbances. These diseases include the following Separation anxiety diseases. An individual with separation
anxiety complaint displays anxiety and fear atypical for his/ her age and development position of separation
from attachment numbers. Although the symptoms develop in nonage, they can be expressed throughout
majority as well( Chand & Marwaha, 2022). picky mutism. This complaint is characterized by a harmonious
failure to speak in social situations where there's an anticipation to speak indeed though the individual speaks
in other circumstances, can speak, and comprehends spoken language( Chand & Marwaha, 2022). Specific
phobia. individualities with specific phobias are fearful or anxious about specific objects or situations which
they avoid or endure with violent fear or anxiety. The fear, anxiety, and avoidance are nearly always
immediate and tend to be persistently out of proportion to the factual peril posed by the specific object or
situation( Chand & Marwaha, 2022). Social anxiety complaint. This complaint is characterized by
pronounced or violent fear or anxiety of social situations in which one could be the subject of scrutiny. fear
complaint. individualities with this complaint experience intermittent, unanticipated fear attacks and
experience patient concern and worry about having another fear attack. fear attacks are abrupt surges of
violent fear or extreme discomfort that reach a peak within

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