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1st speech

(As shown in the figure, The four adaptive modes of the two subsystems in Roy’s

ator and regulator activity. Responses to stimuli are carried out through four
adaptive modes. The physiological-adaptive mode is concerned with the way
humans interact with the environment through physiological processes to meet the
basic needs of oxygenation, nutrition, elimination, activity, rest, and protection.
The self-concept group identity adaptive mode is concerned with the need to know
who one is and how to act in society. An individual’s self-concept is defined by
Roy as "the composite of beliefs or feelings that an individual holds about him-or
herself at any given time." An individual’s self-concept is composed of the
physical self (body sensation and body image) and the personal self (self-
consistency, self-ideal, and moral-ethical-spiritual self). The main function An
individual's adaptive mode describes the primary, secondary, and tertiary roles that
an individual performs in society. A role describes the expectations of how one
person behaves toward another person. The interdependence adaptive mode
describes the interactions of people in society. The major task of the
interdependent adaptive mode is for people to give and receive love, respect, and
value. The most important components of the interdependence adaptive mode are a
person’s significant other (spouse, child, friend, or God) and his or her social
support system. The purpose of the four adaptive modes is to achieve
physiological, psychological, and social integrity. The four adaptive modes are
interrelated through perception. The person as a whole is made up of six
subsystems. These subsystems (the regulator, the cognator, and the four adaptive
modes) are interrelated to form a complex system for the purpose of adaptation.)

2nd speech
(Roy’s work has a broad scientific and philosophical foundation that provides the underpinnings of
this model. Philosophically, Roy’s model supports a “focus on awareness and the notion of
eliminating false consciousness, enlightenment to reach self-control, balance, and quietude, and the
reclamation of earthly creation as the core of faith”.The following are an additional 10 scientific and
philosophical assumptions that influence Roy’s Adaptation Model)

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