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Kiera Ericka M.


A Good Friend
Good friend, when you hear those 2 words you'll probably think about those people whom you'd
talked with or someone you'd shared an experience. But no, a good friend is far more than that.
Good day ladies and gentlemen standing right in front you is named as Kiera Ericka M. Dabon
from the beautiful country of the Philippines. And I am here to help you realize what a good
friend is. As a 13 yrs old girl, I've come across a bunch of friends throughout my life, someone
that supports me in everything, someone whom i'd  laughed with, someone that provide me with
sense of belonging and security, and even someone that pretended to be my friend but is
actually talking bad about me behind my back. Yes, I experienced that kind of friendships, but
out of all those people's i've been with, only a few of them I can consider as a good friend.

For me, a good friend is someone you can trust, someone you feel comfortable confiding in and
someone who will have your back no matter what. They serves as a confidant who is always
willing to talk and who listens attentively. When you need your friend for advice, an objective
opinion, or even just a shoulder to cry on a good friend will be there to support you. They
doesn't judge or criticize, but instead listens with understanding.

Good friends also celebrate each other's successes and encourage each other during difficult
times. They provide support in times of adversity and are there to give a helping hand when
need be. No matter the obstacles, good friends will be by your side to offer compassion and
They will listen to you when you don’t want to talk and won’t try to pressure you into
conversations that make you uncomfortable.

A good friend is someone who is there for you no matter what. They are trustworthy,
dependable and will go out of their way to make sure you are feeling supported. They are loyal
and devoted. Even if you disagree or have different opinions, a good friend will stand-up for you
when others put you down.

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