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Directions: Read FDR’s “Four Freedom’s” speech and analyze the posters.

Answer the questions in the

space provided. Type your answers in the font color RED

1. What are FDR’s 4 freedoms? freedom of speech, freedom of every person to worship God in his own
way, freedom from want, freedom from fear

2. Why do you suppose that these were the four freedoms he chose to highlight as “essential?” these
were the main issues during this time

4. Do any stereotypes from the 1940s jump out at you from the images? in the 3rd poster there are all
races worshiping their "God"

5. Who is FDR trying to persuade and why? the future and present generation of leaders, so that they
understand the fatality of his 4 freedoms

6. Which 4 freedoms do you think our current president would choose to identify? i think that they
would have the same 4 freedoms because these freedoms still play a huge part in today's society

7. What might his opponents have listed as the four most essential freedoms?

8. What is the man doing in the freedom of speech poster? using his right to say whatever he wants to
say. where ever he wants to say it

9. What is happening in the freedom from want poster? you have the freedom to want for anything

10. What is happening in the freedom from fear poster? freedom from not have to fear anything while
you are home

Final: If you were president at this time what 4 freedoms would you say was essential? Choose 4 and
explain why you choose each one. OR draw a poster of one.

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