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NERAGE ities DEFU sum of all the quanti INITIO AMerage of those quantiie® Sof same int a8 5 divi . n formula forme “ed by their number is referred n Average = Sum of alte Wantitiog jpother words, average : Mmnbet Of quanis i" (or Pry observations (values of, Jo" atthe ae a as 4m of all the observations by there tems) is theo arithmetic Mean) of two or Por example, if the prices spre! Aumber. "° Wotient obtained by dividing off : evel then the average preg M8 Od eycles bey 130, & 124 and 7 136 = 18041244196 599 3 e 130 rmeans that on the average th ° 3 ork The unit of the average iret? Bagot eaCh cyte is x 130, ctions of Average 1 quantities, 1) To present the salient feat, in si 2 compere and draw fonction in simple and summarized form, (3) To get a single value that descrihy, ‘sti & Tohelp in statistical ansie gurtibes the characteristics of the entire group. yerits of Average Q) Simple and rigid definition, (2)Based on all the observations, (3) Use in analysis because of ca, able of further algebraic treatment, Demerits of Average 1 ge. ic mean) cannot be calculated if one or more servations are missing. (4) Average cannot be obtained by observation. (6) An average is effected by extreme values, Average in Symbols ; uy 7. seh fr om of n quantities x, Gay f, times, x, occurs ; then their average x, is given by SiG ee eect [eet tly Ube ao fthtoth fu fun fy, are said to be the frequencies X) Xp» % ver imes ii oted by n or N. ‘quency and some times is ae ee LATIONS According to the definition afavareees iF santtion | Average = Number of the quantiti tities Sum of the quantities = Namber of the quant ‘Sum of the quantities ‘Average Scanned with CamScanner C3 288 pusingss MATHEMATICS Mustrative Examples Mlustration 1 Se enka From the following data about. the wages °° ©: 80, 70, 120, 100, 110 Solution Total Wages Averages = ifumber of Workers 80-4 70+ 320 +100 + 110 0 a find the avera rage y, "ie Mustration 2 Find the average of the following numbers > 25, 0425, 3.245, 0.0832 eee | RNG _ Sum of the numbers | os Average = Number of the numbers 0.425 3.245 0.0832 Total 28.7532 Illustration 3 In acertain factory a unit of work is completed by A in 4 minute, B in 5 mi Cin 6 minute, D in 10 minute and E in 12 minute : inate, i) Find out their average of work per minute. Gi) At this rate how many units will they complete in a six hour day? Solution Person ee Work done in one minute aor) eee A 4 v4 B 5 U5 5 0 ine ‘The work done by 5 persons in one minute iui a 1 47°5*6*10* 12 215412 @ Average work per minute = 28 ii) ‘The work done in 1 minute = 8 Unit | : Work done i x60 Illustration 4 sein hm Ram purchased 13 bags at the rat per bas and 12 bags at the rate of % 65 per bay bags at the rate of t60 yurchase price per Solution Parchase price of 1 bags : G Purchase price of 19 bags « a Again.’ Purchase price of ee ne s Purchase price of 16 bagg . Scanned with CamScanner Purchase price ye purchase price of 4g rae = 65 289 Number of ba, bas = 12x gp. ‘Total purchase pret Hy + 789 ~ 18, tl puch a30 22800 og in a Method 40 = 258.95 sft Genote purchase Gass sie be obtained ns a ‘Average, 3= 7. 2330 280 58.25, weit the Woks ‘income fh poe, §0 85 80 9p Pag paige frequency * 1 Sustration 6 ¥ Aninvestor buys & 1,200 worth of shares in a company each month, During the ftfive months he bought the shares at a price of f 10, ¥ 12, & 15, eed ca x sare, After five months what wasthe average price paid for the in Bioneers 1993; Sede put to) 2010) ‘olution ‘Amount for which Month shares are purcl @)fe Scanned with CamScanner MATICS ¥ 290 BUSINESS MATHE 0 — 20 “20 «= 60 1,200 Fourth 1,200 2 24. = 50 Fifth 1,200 , oo Y = 410 —Toal = 6,000 = ‘otal money _ 6.000 _» 1465 410 ~* ‘Average price of shares = iy mber of shares Illustration T aon the first day, & 14 Visitors toa show were charged’ S0.e0° Tt total attendance cach dd day and ® 5.00 each on the e hoy cecal day and 1B 15 nd the average charges Per visitor forthe {pete ‘ taken together Solution as implici that the number of visitors on first, secong day a Fpl te assvtvely.‘The average can be obtained as follows my, Day — Charges per visitor Number of vistors fe © in 1 30.00 Beha 1238 5 72.00 Third 5.00 12 60.00 Total = af=18 2x = 162.00 EXERCISE A 1+ Fhe numberof ladies who saw the film Santoshi Maan’ on Sunday in a Cinema hl ney, 80 ladies in Third class, 60 in Second class, 100in Fis in i and 30 in Bor. Find the average number ladies pordase abe yee cel ‘aaa 2% The height of 7 buildings is 12 _ ings 2 19m 14m, 15 m, 16 m, 17 mand 18 m, Find the height of the bul Uns. 3 Ina carniwal 101s ‘ate apples as follows; oo No.ofladies =: 13. 3. Noofapples : 3 4 5 § : Bathe average of apples ate, lAne. 5.8 bough the hart Wath of shares in a company each month, Darin eee bought 8 price of 10, € 12,815, 820, $04 er share Pan 7 f during the pegey © 2 €24 and € 20 per share. Find Ans. 715) Scanned with CamScanner

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