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ACTIVITY 9.2: Film Review: “The Pursuit of HappYness”

Direction/s: Using the threshold card below, supply the appropriate answer for each question or
category. Provide concise answers and explanation. (3 to 5 sentences)

Film Analysis: Name: Dimatulac, Daniel V.

“The Pursuit of Course: BS Accountancy
HappYness” Year & Section: 1st Year A-112 Schedule: TTH 10:10-11:40
How is the movie With Chris’s hardwork and patience with grit, it definitely shows the
considered as a reflection of Filipino resiliency and positivity. Filipinos are hardworking just
reflection of Filipino like Chris on the movie just to provide a stable sustainability for their family
to live life and have a good life. Despite the ups and downs in life, we all just
resiliency and want to have a good life, for our family and loved ones, so we keep on being
positivity? resilient and positive so we can reach our goal of success no matter how
impossible it may seem to achieve.
If you would be given If I had the chance to spell "happiness," I will spell it as “Happinession”.
the chance to “spell Happinesssion is the result of happy and passion combined. Since our
out” what happiness passion embraces all of our aspirations and objectives in life, I chose that
is, how would you word. If we keep pursuing our passions, we will be happy with whatever we
“spell out?” achieve, which will motivate and excite us to keep going. When we achieve
our goals, we will be overcome with an amazing sense of joy as nobody can
tell you that if you believe in yourself, you can do anything, and thus, we
must live our lives to the fullest in accordance with our passions rather than
others' expectations.
How important is GRIT In order to maintain a good balance between our bodily, emotional, mental,
and the power of the and spiritual health, we need grit and a strong spirit. Social and spiritual
human spirit so as to aspects of daily life exist. Being challenged in life is a part of being a human,
cope with human and I think it's one of the best ways God reaches out to us. He makes life
realities and life difficult for us in order to prepare us for it. As time goes on, we will realize
the significance of all the suffering and tears we have endured.
Cite one scene which It happened when a cab arrives in front of the office building and Chris
depicts Gardner's bosses realize he needs to take the cab but doesn't have the money
COMPASSION in to do so. He turns to Chris Gardner and asks for $5 to get a cab to his
destination in time. Chris Gardner checks his wallet hesitantly and sees that
action. Explain. he has just $8 left. Chris, who is on the verge of bankruptcy, loans $5 to one
of his wealthy bosses in order to pay for a cab fare. He demonstrates
compassion in his predicament by giving a small amount of money to
individuals and those in need without complaining, despite his little salary.

We will all face

Give one important
realization you have
learned in this lesson.

challenges in life, but

this reminded me how
seek the true meaning
of happiness. We
don't have to wait for
perfect moment to be
happy because the
thing that God awakens
up to every day is the
greatest gift, He can
give us. This film
taught me
that I only have one
life to live, and I
should be doing the
things which
make me happy. We
will fail from time to
time, but this will
send a
powerful message,
and the fact that we
took the chance and
attempted doesn't
mean we should
regret anything;
otherwise, we
should look for the
silver lining in the
dark. Also, we must be
with what we have
today since the
moment will come
when all of our
hard work will be
rewarded. It also
serves as a reminder
of how
fortunate and blessed I
am; I must not give up
and submit all of my
concerns to Him.
We will all face
challenges in life, but
this reminded me how
seek the true meaning
of happiness. We
don't have to wait for
perfect moment to be
happy because the
thing that God awakens
up to every day is the
greatest gift, He can
give us. This film
taught me
that I only have one
life to live, and I
should be doing the
things which
make me happy. We
will fail from time to
time, but this will
send a
powerful message,
and the fact that we
took the chance and
attempted doesn't
mean we should
regret anything;
otherwise, we
should look for the
silver lining in the
dark. Also, we must be
with what we have
today since the
moment will come
when all of our
hard work will be
rewarded. It also
serves as a reminder
of how
fortunate and blessed I
am; I must not give up
and submit all of my
concerns to Him.
We will all face
challenges in life, but
this reminded me how
seek the true meaning
of happiness. We
don't have to wait for
perfect moment to be
happy because the
thing that God awakens
up to every day is the
greatest gift, He can
give us. This film
taught me
that I only have one
life to live, and I
should be doing the
things which
make me happy. We
will fail from time to
time, but this will
send a
powerful message,
and the fact that we
took the chance and
attempted doesn't
mean we should
regret anything;
otherwise, we
should look for the
silver lining in the
dark. Also, we must be
with what we have
today since the
moment will come
when all of our
hard work will be
rewarded. It also
serves as a reminder
of how
fortunate and blessed I
am; I must not give up
and submit all of my
concerns to Him.
We will all face
challenges in life, but
this reminded me how
seek the true meaning
of happiness. We
don't have to wait for
perfect moment to be
happy because the
thing that God awakens
up to every day is the
greatest gift, He can
give us. This film
taught me
that I only have one
life to live, and I
should be doing the
things which
make me happy. We
will fail from time to
time, but this will
send a
powerful message,
and the fact that we
took the chance and
attempted doesn't
mean we should
regret anything;
otherwise, we
should look for the
silver lining in the
dark. Also, we must be
with what we have
today since the
moment will come
when all of our
hard work will be
rewarded. It also
serves as a reminder
of how
fortunate and blessed I
am; I must not give up
and submit all of my
concerns to Him.
We will all face
challenges in life, but
this reminded me how
seek the true meaning
of happiness. We
don't have to wait for
perfect moment to be
happy because the
thing that God awakens
up to every day is the
greatest gift, He can
give us. This film
taught me
that I only have one
life to live, and I
should be doing the
things which
make me happy. We
will fail from time to
time, but this will
send a
powerful message,
and the fact that we
took the chance and
attempted doesn't
mean we should
regret anything;
otherwise, we
should look for the
silver lining in the
dark. Also, we must be
with what we have
today since the
moment will come
when all of our
hard work will be
rewarded. It also
serves as a reminder
of how
fortunate and blessed I
am; I must not give up
and submit all of my
concerns to Him.
We will all face
challenges in life, but
this reminded me how
seek the true meaning
of happiness. We
don't have to wait for
perfect moment to be
happy because the
thing that God awakens
up to every day is the
greatest gift, He can
give us. This film
taught me
that I only have one
life to live, and I
should be doing the
things which
make me happy. We
will fail from time to
time, but this will
send a
powerful message,
and the fact that we
took the chance and
attempted doesn't
mean we should
regret anything;
otherwise, we
should look for the
silver lining in the
dark. Also, we must be
with what we have
today since the
moment will come
when all of our
hard work will be
rewarded. It also
serves as a reminder
of how
fortunate and blessed I
am; I must not give up
and submit all of my
concerns to Him.
We will all face
challenges in life, but
this reminded me how
seek the true meaning
of happiness. We
don't have to wait for
perfect moment to be
happy because the
thing that God awakens
up to every day is the
greatest gift, He can
give us. This film
taught me
that I only have one
life to live, and I
should be doing the
things which
make me happy. We
will fail from time to
time, but this will
send a
powerful message,
and the fact that we
took the chance and
attempted doesn't
mean we should
regret anything;
otherwise, we
should look for the
silver lining in the
dark. Also, we must be
with what we have
today since the
moment will come
when all of our
hard work will be
rewarded. It also
serves as a reminder
of how
fortunate and blessed I
am; I must not give up
and submit all of my
concerns to Him.
We will all face
challenges in life, but
this reminded me how
seek the true meaning
of happiness. We
don't have to wait for
perfect moment to be
happy because the
thing that God awakens
up to every day is the
greatest gift, He can
give us. This film
taught me
that I only have one
life to live, and I
should be doing the
things which
make me happy. We
will fail from time to
time, but this will
send a
powerful message,
and the fact that we
took the chance and
attempted doesn't
mean we should
regret anything;
otherwise, we
should look for the
silver lining in the
dark. Also, we must be
with what we have
today since the
moment will come
when all of our
hard work will be
rewarded. It also
serves as a reminder
of how
fortunate and blessed I
am; I must not give up
and submit all of my
concerns to Him.
We will all face
challenges in life, but
this reminded me how
seek the true meaning
of happiness. We
don't have to wait for
perfect moment to be
happy because the
thing that God awakens
up to every day is the
greatest gift, He can
give us. This film
taught me
that I only have one
life to live, and I
should be doing the
things which
make me happy. We
will fail from time to
time, but this will
send a
powerful message,
and the fact that we
took the chance and
attempted doesn't
mean we should
regret anything;
otherwise, we
should look for the
silver lining in the
dark. Also, we must be
with what we have
today since the
moment will come
when all of our
hard work will be
rewarded. It also
serves as a reminder
of how
fortunate and blessed I
am; I must not give up
and submit all of my
concerns to Him.
We will all face
challenges in life, but
this reminded me how
seek the true meaning
of happiness. We
don't have to wait for
perfect moment to be
happy because the
thing that God awakens
up to every day is the
greatest gift, He can
give us. This film
taught me
that I only have one
life to live, and I
should be doing the
things which
make me happy. We
will fail from time to
time, but this will
send a
powerful message,
and the fact that we
took the chance and
attempted doesn't
mean we should
regret anything;
otherwise, we
should look for the
silver lining in the
dark. Also, we must be
with what we have
today since the
moment will come
when all of our
hard work will be
rewarded. It also
serves as a reminder
of how
fortunate and blessed I
am; I must not give up
and submit all of my
concerns to Him.
We will all face challenges in life, but this reminded me how to seek the
true meaning of happiness. We don't have to wait for the perfect
moment to be happy because the thing that God awakens us up to every day
is the greatest gift, He can give us. This film taught me that I only have one
life to live, and I should be doing the things which make me happy. We will
fail from time to time, but this will send a powerful message, and the
fact that we took the chance and attempted doesn't mean we should
regret anything; otherwise, we should look for the silver lining in the dark.
Also, we must be satisfied with what we have today since the moment will
come when all of our hard work will be rewarded. It also serves as a
reminder of how fortunate and blessed I am; I must not give up and submit
all of my concerns to Him.

My Commitment: I will commit to dreaming and achieving my goals and dreams in life, and I will
continue to understand that everything takes time and failure to reach greater success
in life
Signature/Affirmation: I am an Angelite who has a broad vision in life, as I understood things faster
than expected with the experiences I have encountered that thought me
lessons about life.

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