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§Weiterentwicklung des fachspezifischen Unterrichtens

Workload planner: Materials development-project

1 Time allocation

Module components Hours

Teaching English III Workload and presence 110

Vertiefende Aspekte des Presence and preparation approx. 10


Total 120

2 Planned work for 120 hours of workload (plus 5 hrs. per additional foreign

Ingrid Lea

Planned work (course work and workload pro- Estimated Planned work (course work and workload pro- Estimated
ject) hours ject) hours

Fremdsprachenunterricht (online asynchronous) 12 VAFSU 10

Teaching English III presence and self-study for Teaching English 3 (berufsbegleitend) & 4 self- 45
the course (Lernmodule) study tasks & French

Workload project + colloquium 50 Workload project + colloquium 50

Workload portfolio 15 Workload portfolio 10

Modularbeit 15 Modularbeit 10

Total 120 Total 125

3 Colloquium, submission of workload portfolio, submission of ‘Modularbeit’

Planned date

Colloquium May 8 – May 25

Submission Workload Portfolio 03.06.23

Submission ‘Modularbeit’ 15.06.23

4 Materials development project

4.1 Part I


Work plan  Start date of project: 06 March 2023

 End date of project: 31 July 2023
 Partner: Lea Manavalan & Ingrid Nordström (Single
work only possible upon special agreement with tu-
 Who has which responsibilities in your tandem or
Lea: Provide ideas from the French course, factual
knowledge, and theoretical background from PH
Ingrid: Provide ideas for games, factual knowledge,
and theoretical background from PH, layout freak

Context  Briefly state anything your tutor needs to know Lea: Taught English throughout the
about your context: other foreign languages you’re P1, P2 & P3 (also substitute teacher
studying, teaching experience, … during P3), also studying French at
PH, special education needs course
already completed in French.
Ingrid: Taught English throughout
the P2, and part of P3 (attended an
international school throughout 2nd
grade up until and including high-
school and graduated with the Inter-
national Baccalaureate Diploma

Identify a need – the Need Our focus is general language activ-

missing piece  Which specific need do you want to address with ation, heterogeneity and to increase
your materials? Your need may arise from a per- the active participation of the stu-
sonal knowledge gap with respect to the practical dents, especially through the active
implementation of theoretical concepts and/or gaps use of language. We will create a
in the course book or other existing teaching mater- series of games which will build on
ials. topics from the New World 3 course-
Ensure that your selected need aligns with the book.
course competences and that the material you want Competences:
to create is not already covered in any existing ma-  Förderung des autonomen
terials. Sprachlernens
 Learning objectives: Which changes should be vis-  Forschungsergebnisse
ible after learners have worked with your materials? evaluieren, um den Unterricht
o in the learners’ learning (behaviour)? zu weiterentwickle
The learners participate more actively, ask fewer  Interdisziplinäres Projekt
questions, and become more independent.  Mehrsprachiges Projekt
o in learners’ attitude or competences?
The learners can link their acquired English know-
ledge to other subjects and learn to use code-
switching at a low level.

Goals  Which goals do you pursue?

 What are the objectives of your materials?
Create materials that help the learners learn without
thinking that they are learning.


Exploration of the Potential approaches, texts, and activities for clos- 2. Most important approaches,
need ing the gap texts, and activities:
Work through the following steps carefully. This will help  Games
us understand your thinking. After working through these  Multi-modal approach
steps, you will have a mind-map with possible ap-  Heterogeneity
proaches, texts (video, audio, written, …), and activities  Motivation
for closing the gap and an indication of relevant Fach-
didaktik English topics. 3. Most relevant Fachdidaktik
 Digital learning
1) Draw a mind map with your ‘gap’ in the middle. Add  Audio / visual activities
assumptions and educated guesses about possible  Lexis
approaches (e.g., multimodal approach, guided dis-  Spoken interaction
covery), texts (e.g., video, audio, written), and  Interaction strategies
activities for closing the gap. Try ‘thinking outside
the box’ and add as many as possible. What lan-
guage, what meanings, what functions, skills, activ- 4. Relation to topics covered in
ities, approaches to language learning, etc. do Teaching English III:
learners need?  Differentiation: adapting tasks
2) Now look at your mind-map: Which Fachdidaktik to learners’ needs
topics does your gap involve (e.g., lexis, spoken in-  Interaction strategies
teraction, …)? Add all relevant topics to your mind-  Language awareness
map by using a different colour.
3) Re-read some texts and presentations from Teach-
ing English I, II, or III about the various topics you
added to your mind-map above. Add any relevant
sub-topics (e.g., interaction strategies) to your
mind-map by using yet another colour.
4) What would learners say about why this gap ex-
ists? Add these to your mind-map (in a new col-
5) At the peer meeting: Discuss your mind-map with a
colleague. If you can, add some more approaches,
texts (video, audio, written), and activities to your
mind-map. Don’t forget to use yet another colour.
6) In your mind-map highlight the approaches, texts
(video, audio, written), and activities and Fach-
didaktik (sub-)topics which you consider to be the
most important to finally ‘close the gap’. Also write
these in the column on the right.

Relation to ‘heterogeneity in the English language

7) In what way does the material relate to one or sev-
eral topics covered in Teaching English III? Make
this visible in your mind-map.

Please attach your mind-map to this planner!




Contextual realization From your mind-map, choose those ideas, contexts We will in part adapt the existing
or texts which you think are suitable for the contex- set of materials, which Lea cre-
tual realization of the materials. Justify your choice. ated in French and additionally
 Which teaching topics (e.g. music) are particu- create new material that aligns
larly suitable for your learners? Why? with our goals.
 Which texts (video, audio, written) are particu-
larly suitable for your learners? Why?
 Do you need to create new materials or can you
adapt an existing set of materials or texts?
 Which other resources (examples, internet,
technologies, outdoor places, …) are particu-
larly suitable for your learners? Why?

Pedagogical realiza- Note which pedagogical aspects you want to pay special  Multisensory approach
tion attention to when writing the activities. Justify your  Activities: anything that keeps
choice. the motivation high and allows
 Which approaches (e.g. inductive – deductive, the learners to speak fre-
multisensory, …) are suitable? Why? quently
 What types of activities are suitable for your pur-  Products: Only short texts, if
poses? Why? any. Maybe voice messages as
 What types of products are learners going to pro- proof of language participation.
duce (voice message, written text, …)? Why these?  Support: as much support as
 Will you be providing any support for weaker needed.
learners (scaffolding)? How?

Production Note points you need to pay attention to when producing  Teacher’s manual (instructions,
the materials. helpful information, in order to
 Components: assist the learners, materials
o Which components will the materials con- for games if needed) and an-
tain? (e.g. teacher’s manual, answer key, swer key will be available
…)  Instructions mainly in German
o What will each component contain? (since it’s aimed for 7 th grade),
 Clarity and ease of use: How do you ensure the series of easy-to-understand
materials can be used in class with ease? symbols, paper-based materi-
o How can you ensure instructions are als but also digitally available
clear? (so the teacher can choose
o Will you be using any symbols to help which option best suits their
learners orient themselves on the pages? learners)
o Are the materials paper-based or should  Simple layout, easy to follow
they be given to learners in digital form? and to read (same layout for all
Why? of the materials)
o What needs to be considered form-wise  Pictures, teacher’s help, not
(layout, font size, …)? too much text.
o How do you ensure learners with reading
difficulties aren’t disadvantaged because
of the layout?

4.2 Part II



Quality criteria  List the quality criteria against which you can  The learners are able to play the games in-
evaluate your materials: dependently (don’t ask too many questions).
o Be specific and precise  The learners’ motivation is high, and they
o Base them on your exploration in part I don’t give up.
 Ensure these are observable: indicators which
will be visible either in the materials or when
learners are using the materials.

Procedures  Choosing evaluation procedures:  The learners are able to play the games in-
o How can you make visible to you (and dependently (don’t ask too many questions).
the learners) how well the materials  The learners’ motivation is high, and they
work and what needs to be changed? don’t give up.
o What data will you collect?  Will collect feedback from the learners
o Will learners produce outcomes that tell  Proof of participation / logbook
you something about their learning pro-  Data will be collected at the end of each les-
gress and the success of the materials? son (the students log their findings in their
o Can you integrate data collection into logbook and the teacher reads through it).
the materials (e.g. by using reflection  The data will be collected and stored in
activities)? tables and diagrams.
o When and how often do you collect
o Who collects the data (teacher, stu-
dents, peers)?
o How will you store data (e.g. photos, dia-
grams, tables, …)?

Instruments  Choosing/creating evaluation instruments:  Logbook

o Do you need to create an instrument  Send results to involved parties.
which makes students’ thinking and
learning visible, e.g. a reflection activity,
a self-assessment sheet, cf. examples
o Can you make the results available to
the learners and teachers who trialled
your materials?

Evaluation  How will you analyse the collected informa- By reading the logbooks, feedback and compar-
tion? ing the results from each learner.
 Which procedures will you use to know what  Adapt games based on feedback.
changes need to be made?

Resources needed List the support you need to put your plan into ac-  We would have preferred less (in our opin-
tion. ion) repetitive planning, as more time for de-
 What kind of literature or materials would be veloping the materials.
useful to implement your materials develop-
ment project?
 What equipment do you need?
 Who could assist you, collaborate with you, or
advise you?

Tutor meeting 31.03.2023

Finalisation of planning:
- Clarity of instructions: instructions in German, same layout for every game,
visible goals, rules, timeframe and social form
- Different levels of difficulty: more demanding and easier options for every
game, variety of games
- Needs analysis first: Ingrid assessed the class with help of the teacher:
Vocabulary, chunks, present simple
- Game Workshop for 3x single lessons, 6-8 games, partner, group and solo
- Focus: speaking and vocabulary / everyday chunks
- 7th grade Sek, start of the school year, NW 7 E
- Choose 1 or 2 competency areas to focus on: Speaking and vocabulary and
- Evaluation: quality criteria: feedback forms (logbooks), observation of learners
- Goal: increase active speaking participation, making speaking less (Angst vor
sprechen), adapt material for 2-3 different levels

Next steps:
- Justification of our project
- Create worksheets and material (games sheets with rules etc., logbook, feed-
back forms for learners )
- Theory based description and justification of problem area: Lernmodul Spiele,

Ideas for games:

Name Concept Goals

1 Roleplays Restaurant / hotel scenarios/ tourist office / train station, role Speaking, social interaction, cooperation, creativity, speaking
card and chunks using the worksheet (apologising, asking for freely
information, thanking)

2 Quizlet Vocabulary (asking, thanking, apologising) Memory, practicing vocabulary and chunks

3 Miming games / Communication without words, animals, feelings … with picto- Creativity, social interaction, vocabulary
tabu grams (and own feelings or animals)

4 Memory + Past simple, sentences Grammar

5 Board game A sentence per square, verbs, hobbies Free speaking and social interaction

6 Adverbs of fre- adverbs of frequency (pictures, and sentences with gaps)  Use of language
quency matching activity

7 What am I wear- Memorise and describe the outfit of your partner, use the Use of language, memory, social interaction
ing? chunks if necessary

8 Who am I? Guess the animals/ feelings / (famous) people… Use of language, social interaction, vocabulary
chunks if necessary (switch roles after 10 questions)


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