VRAP - Topic and Scope of Work

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VRAP Topic and Job Scopes

No Name Email VRAP Topic Duration Remarks

1 Lakshmish Kamble kamble_19 Building Digital Twin of Gas 1/11/2021
8vrap@utp. Turbine (AI and Interfaces) – 1/1/2022
2 Mayur B Sutar mayur_199 Automated Determination of 1/11/2021
vrap@utp.e Condensate Color Through – 1/1/2022
du.my Physical Property-Based
Correlation Development

3 Shivam Palekar shivam_20 Automated Determination of 1/11/2021

0vrap@utp. optimal composition design for – 1/1/2022
edu.my absorption-based acid gas removal

4 Suraj M. Sambaragi suraj_201vr Convective Cloud Classification 1/11/2021

ap@utp.ed System using Machine Learning – 1/1/2022
5 Yash Shankar yash_202vr Automated Determination of 1/11/2021
Chikorde ap@utp.ed optimal component design for a – 1/1/2022
u.my binary solvent for absorption-
based acid gas removal

6 Yogesh S Patil yogesh_20 Development of process flow 1/11/2021

3vrap@utp. diagram for absorption-based acid – 1/1/2022
edu.my gas removal by using HYSIS
Automated Determination of Condensate Color Through Physical Property-Based Correlation
Objective: To develop correlation model between Saybolt color of petroleum products and its
Detail of study: A method to determine the processing suitability of a condensate feedstock is by
inspecting its color, which is typically reported as its Saybolt color or number. This requires time-
consuming laboratory analysis or physical presence through inspection. This proposal aims to determine
the Saybolt color of condensate based on typically available physical properties data by using a
correlation. The research activities involve developing the said correlation using a combination of data
mining and statistical techniques and validating the correlation by experimental and simulation studies
including applying a predictive modeling framework with machine learning capabilities.
Job scope:
• Develop correlation based on machine learning (Python).
• Design interface for the model.
Expected result: Model correlation with its interface.
• https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13202-020-01031-y
• https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342422821_Correlation_Model_Development_for_

Removal of Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulphide Based on Absorption

Topic 1: Development of process flow diagram for absorption-based acid gas removal by using
Objective: To perform simulation and optimization of acid gas removal using HYSIS.
Detail of study: Process flowsheeting—Development of base flowsheet model for acid gas removal
using absorption to meet a range of reduced CO2 outlet concentration specifications for both lean/ fine
(50 ppm CO2) and semilean/ bulk application levels (1 to 6 mol% CO2) and H2S concentration (4 ppm).
The model is able to generate parameters which may include viscosity, separation and regeneration
energy, liquid-to-gas ratio, and hydrocarbon co-absorption (including contact angle and/or surface
Job scopes:
• Review literature related to process flow design of CO2 and H2S removal.
• Develop process flow diagram in HYSIS software
• Optimize the model to meet the standard range of acid gas removal
Expected result: Process flowsheeting of acid gas removal.
Topic 2: Automated Determination of solvent composition for absorption-based acid gas removal
Objective: To determine an optimal composition design of an alkanolamine-based solvent mixture
Detail of study: Optimization of solvent mixture composition for fixed solvent components of methyl
diethanolamine (MDEA) with piperazine (PZ) and water for a fixed process configuration to minimize
total annualized capital and operating costs. The model input parameters could include gas inlet
composition, pressure, temperature, viscosity and gas outlet specifications. The output may consist of
absorption efficiency of H2S and CO2.
Job scopes:
• Review literature related to the absorption of H2S and CO2 using methyl diethanolamine
(MDEA) with piperazine (PZ) and water.
• Develop regression model using machine learning (Python)
Expected result:
• Completion of computer code for composition design

Topic 3: Automated Determination of optimal component design for a binary solvent for
absorption-based acid gas removal
Objective: To devise an optimal component design for a binary solvent mixture of unknown blended
alkanolamines for H2S and CO2 absorption
Detail of study: Optimization of solvent mixture and components for a binary solvent mixture of
unknown blended amines (i.e., alkanolamine-based components) for a fixed process configuration to
minimize total annualized capital and operating costs in satisfying the desired target thermodynamic
and transport properties. The main candidate components for selection are considered from among (but
not limited to) MDEA, monoethanolamine (MEA), and diethanolamine (DEA). The model input
parameters could include gas inlet composition, pressure, temperature, viscosity, and gas outlet
specifications. The output may consist of absorption efficiency of H2S and CO2.
Job scopes:
• Review literature related to the absorption of H2S and CO2 using binary solvent mixture of
blended amines.
• Develop regression model using machine learning (Python)
Expected result:
• Completion of computer code for structure design
• https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.5066716?journalCode=apc
• https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.iecr.9b06437
• https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ie301967t
• https://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs/22869/InTech-
• https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281489191_H2S_Reactive_Absorption_from_Off-
• file:///C:/Users/ACER/Downloads/processes-07-00160.pdf
Convective Cloud Classification System using Machine Learning
Objective: To collect data and perform classification using machine learning.
Detail of study: Cloud seeding is an artificial way of modifying the weather with the aim of influencing
the amount or type of precipitation in an area from the clouds. It can only be carried out with convective
(cumulus) cloud formations. However, the current method to determine location and best cloud to be
seeded is ineffective and inefficient. The unpredictable wind behavior and direction may threaten the
safety of aircraft operation. Thus, new method is needed to detect and classify the suitable clouds for
seeding. The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) able to provides effective, efficient, and low cost
of convective cloud classification.

Job scopes:
• Review literature and collect images of different types of clouds (visible and thermal images).
• Develop cloud classification using artificial intelligence.
Expected results: Images collection and coding for clouds classification.
• https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.11109
• https://amt.copernicus.org/articles/11/5549/2018/#:~:text=Over%20the%202%2Dyear%20per
• https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340280818_Detection_and_interpretation_of_cloud

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