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Name(s): Jayesh, Aarav Period: 2 Date: 2/23/2023

App Development Planning Guide

Project Description
For this project you will work with a partner. Together you will create an app that teaches your classmates about any
topic you both find interesting. Along the way you’ll learn how to use many of the features of App Lab as well as skills
that will help you when building more apps throughout this class.

You will submit

● Your final app
● This completed project-planning guide

App Requirements
● Uses at least three screens
● Includes examples of images, audio, and text
● A clear and easy to navigate user interface
● Clearly communicates information about your topic
● Code is cleanly written and free of errors

● Collaborate with your partner to pick a topic you are both interested in
● Interview classmates to identify what they already know about the topic
● Design your app’s user interface using this planning guide
● Design and program your app in App Lab
● Collect feedback from your classmates and update your app
● Share your final app with the class

Investigate and Reflect Phase

Step 1. Brainstorm Topic Ideas: Your app can teach your classmates about any topic you and your partner agree on.
Your topics could be a hobby, something you’ve always been interested in, a piece of your personal history, or just
something you think your classmates should learn more about.

Write down three ideas for a topic that you brainstorm individually.

Idea 1: Soccer Trivia Questions/QUIZ

Idea 2: Have minimum of 4 pages

Idea 3: Code in the most effective way possible

Step 2. Choose One Topic: Now talk through your ideas with your partner. Together pick a topic both of you are
interested in teaching your classmates about. Explain in a few sentences what would be covered. For example, if your
topic is basketball, you would write a few sentences explaining that you would cover the rules and the origin of the

Our Topic: In our topic we will cover the topic “Soccer” and ask questions such as who has the most goals of all time,

or most assists of all time, and what club has won the most UEFA Champions League.

Step 3. Interview Your Classmates: To design your app you’ll need to understand your users. For this project your
user is your classmates, and you’ll need to understand what they already know about your topic.

Find two classmates and talk to them about your topic for a couple minutes. Then fill in this table

Name What do they already know about your What do they need or want to learn about
topic? your topic?

He really doesn’t know a lot about soccer and He would like to see who has the most goals, or
James doesn’t keep count of goals or assists of any wins in the UEFA Champions league.
player and has an basic understanding of

Anirudh Anirudh is the opposite of James and has a very If we had more screens he would like to have
in-depth knowledge about soccer. more questions and test his skills about soccer.

Design Phase
Step 4. Create a Program Specification: Based on your research you identified requirements for what your app
must teach your classmates. On the next page you should draw a specification that shows how your app will actually
run to meet those requirements. This means you should include all the buttons, text, and images that the user will be
able to use. Write notes or draw arrows showing how different user interface elements should work. For example, if
clicking a button takes me to another screen, I should draw an arrow from that button to the drawing of the screen.

Building Phase
Step 5. Start Building Your App: Work with your partner to build your app. Along the way make sure you:
● Use the program specification you drew as a starting point, but it’s OK to update as you go.
● Use pair programming
● Use your debugging skills to check that your app is working

Before you begin to code, fill out the chart below for any Event Handlers in your program:

Element ID Action What happens?

Retry click After you click this button you restart the quiz and go on the starting

Begin click The quiz starts as you click the “begin” button.

Ronaldo (R9) click After clicking this button you go to the “You Lose” page.

Messi click After clicking this button you go to the “You Lose” page.

Pele click After clicking this button you go to the “You Lose” page.

CR7 click After clicking this button you go to the next page of the quiz.

Ramos click After clicking this button you go to the “You Lose” page.

Stockton click After clicking this button you go to the “You Lose” page.

CR7(2x) click After clicking this button you go to the “You Lose” page.

Messi (2x) click After clicking this button you go to the “You Win” page.

Use the chart to guide you in adding programming statements to your program.

Step 8: Complete Your App: Finish your app!


Question 1: Provide a written response that:

● describes the overall purpose of the program

● describes the functionality of your app

● describes the input and outputs of your app

(Approx 150 words)

The purpose of this program is to educate people about soccer and further in-depth increase
their knowledge and develop an interest for soccer. The purpose is also to learn how to code
individually and connect our creativity of our interest with coding. This project taught me how
to make an app using coding and designing. Furthermore, The functionality of the app is that
the program asks a question and the user has 4 inputs laid out in front of them (the possible
answer choices) then the user has to choose one option from the 4 by using their basic
knowledge. After using one of the inputs, if the user were to choose the right option it goes to
the next question till it reaches the end page “You Win”. If the user were to pick the wrong
input then the user is brought to the “You Lose” page and is asked if they want to retry. The
inputs are the option choices laid out in the questions and the output is the response the
user receives after selecting an input option.

Question 2: This project was created using a development process that required you to incorporate the
ideas of your partner and feedback from your classmates. Provide a written response that describes one
part of your app that was improved through input from EITHER your partner or feedback you received from
classmates. Include:
● Who specifically provided the idea or recommendation
● What their idea or recommendation was
● The specific change you made to your app’s user interface or functionality in response to the
● How you believe this change improved your app
(Approx 150 words)

We didn’t exactly get any feedback about our app due to anyone having any feedback, with the
exception of on the possibility that i happened to be to reflect on top of our app we has the ability
improve on top of the amount that belongs to questions we produce as well as discuss about the
other parts that belongs to soccer, such during the same time that (rules, teams, clubs,
international, etc). I also think that adding more detailed characteristics inside of the app could make
it more interesting as well as entertaining. Doing this would also require us to add more codes as
well as use different functions and variables that are going to belong to it. During the same time that
we happened to be to do this it would help us grow our knowledge on top of coding as well as would
also create ideas inside of our mind on how to make an existing app. Due to it being our first app, I
believe it happened to be an existing decent app as well as we did well.


Category Extensive Evidence Convincing Limited Evidence No Evidence


User Interface User interface User interface User interface is on a The screen is blank.
Screens includes at least includes two single screen.
three screens screens.

User Interface The user can easily The user can easily The user can easily The user cannot
Navigation navigate between all navigate between navigate between navigate between
screens. most screens. some screens. screens.

User Interface The app includes at The app includes at The app includes at The app includes no
Elements least one example least one example of least one example of text, images, or
each of: two of the following: one of the following: audio.
- Text - Text - Text
- Image - Image - Image
- and audio. - And audio - And audio

Code Code runs without Code runs with a few Code does not run or Code is blank.

errors errors. has a lot of errors.

Element IDs Screen elements all Screen elements Some screen Screen elements do
use meaningful IDs. mostly use elements use not use meaningful
meaningful IDs meaningful IDs IDs.

App Topic Topic is clearly Topic is somewhat Topic is not App appears to be a
communicated and clearly communicated well. random collection of
explained. communicated and elements with no
explained. clear topic.

App Development Planning guide is Planning guide is Planning guide has a Planning guide is
Planning Guide: fully completed. mostly completed. few parts completed.. empty.

Written Response 1: Response accurately Response mostly Response is not Response does not
describes the describes the complete, but does address the prompt
purpose, purpose, describe the in any way or is
functionality, and functionality, and purpose, blank.
inputs/outputs of the inputs/outputs of the functionality, or
app. app. inputs/outputs of the

Written Response 2:. Response fully Response mostly Response is not Response does not
describes an idea or describes an idea or complete, but does address the prompt
recommendation recommendation describe some of the in any way or is
provided by a partner provided by a partner work with a partner. blank.
/ peer and how it / peer and how it
improved the app. improved the app.

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