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Systematic Listing

1. How many 3-digit numbers can be made from the digits 1, 2, 3;

a.) no repetition is allowed? (3)(2)(1) = 6 ways

Tree Diagram

1. Nora wants to order her lunch in one of the fast food chains near her house. In the
menu, 3 main dishes such as (chicken salad, turkey, and grilled cheese), 3 side
dishes such as (chips, French Fries and fruit cup), and 2 types of drinks (soda and
water). In how many ways can she order her lunch?
Answer: (3)(3)(2) = 18 ways

Grid Table

1. Find the number of outcomes in tossing a coin twice. If a coin is tossed twice, the
possible outcomes can be determined by using a grid table

FCP: (2)(2) = 4 ways - dalawang toss and kada toss may 2 possible choices

Fundamental Counting Techniques

1. Two-digit numbers are formed from the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Compute for the
outcomes when repetition is allowed and not allowed?

● How many two-digit numbers can be formed?

- with repetition: (9)(10) = 90 ways (9 lang una dahil hindi pede zero
tas balik zero sa 2nd digit)
- Without rep: (9)(9) = 81 ways (9 una kasi bawal zero as first digit
then ibalik zero sa 2nd digit pero since bawal repeat may isa nang
number na nagamit 10-1)

● How many of these are even? (0,2,4,6,8)

- With repetition: (9)(4) + (9)(1) = 45 ways (first digit ay all choices
pero expect zero then yung 4 ay nagrepresent sa even numbers
which is 2,4,6,8 then pangalwa naman ay 1 na nagrepresent sa zero.
Sa huling number malalaman if even no.)
- Without repetition: (8)(4) + (8)(1) = 41 ways (naging 8 pareho kasi
10-1 ay 9 dahil bawal zero as first digit then 9-1 is 8 kasi may isa nang
digit na nagamit sa second parenthesis)
● How many of these are odds? (1,3,5,7,9)
- with repetition: (9)(5) = 45 ways ( wala ng zero since sa even siya
- Without repetition: (8)(5) = 40 ways (naging 8 kasi bawal zero then
may isa nang nagamit sa 2nd parenthesis)

● Divisible by 3?

● How many of these are less than 50?

- with repetition: (4)(10) = 40 ways (4 kasi less than 50 so 1,2,3,4 then
10 dahil all numbers since pede repeat lahat)
- without repetition: (4)(9) = 36 ways (same lang 4 then 9 kasi minus
1 na since may isa ng nagamit na number)

2. A cellphone service provider offers two free smartphone apps. If there are 24
different apps to choose from, how many different combinations of two apps can a
client have?

Answer: (24)(23) = 552 ways

3. How many ways can a student answer a 4-item true or false question?

Answer: (2)(2)(2)(2) = 16 ways

4. The Mathematics Club of the Manila Science Highschool has six members. How
many ways can this club select a president and secretary assuming that all members
are eligible but no one can hold positions?

Answer: (6)(5) = 30 ways (6 kasi 6 students for presi then next ay 5 for secretary
kasi isang student ang nagamit na sa presi then bawal magkaroon ng double

5. A four-figure passcode is to be formed from 3 letters of the alphabet and 3 digits.

How many pass codes can be formed if:

● The first figure is a letter of the alphabet and the rest are digits?
- with repetition: (3)(3)(3)(3) = 81 ways
- without rep: (3)(3)(2)(1) = 18 ways
● The first and the last figure are digits and the figure in the middle is
letter D
- with rep: (3)(1)(1)(3) = 9 ways
- without rep: (3)(1)(2)(1) = 6 ways

● The digits and alphabets alternate

- With rep: (3)(3)(3)(3) = 81 + 81 = 162 ways
- without rep: (3)(3)(2)(2) = 36 + 36 = 72 ways

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