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4008 H / 4008 S

Hemodialysis Machine

Technical Manual

Supplemental Instructions for the OCM Option

Part no.: M32 514 1

Fresenius Medical Care


Table of Contents

Section Page

1 Description of errors .................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Display messages ........................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2 Description of errors ....................................................................................................... 1-5

3 Adjustment instructions ............................................................................................... 3-1

3.1 Measuring equipment ..................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2 Flow diagram .................................................................................................................. 3-4
3.3 Calibration mode ............................................................................................................. 3-8

4 Calibration program ...................................................................................................... 4-1

6 Setup menu ................................................................................................................... 6-1

6.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Main menu 4008 H/S ...................................................................................................... 6-2

8 Circuit diagrams ............................................................................................................ 8-1

8.1 Circuit diagrams and component layout LP 632, CPU 2 ............................................... 8-3
8.2 Circuit diagrams and component layout LP 633-5, Input board .................................... 8-19

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0-2 Fresenius Medical Care 4008 OCM Supplement 2/10.01 (TM)


Table of Contents 1 Description of Errors

Section Page

1.1 Display messages ......................................................................................................... 1-3

1.1.1 Informational messages .................................................................................................. 1-3
1.1.2 Warnings ......................................................................................................................... 1-4

1.2 Description of errors ..................................................................................................... 1-5

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1-2 Fresenius Medical Care 4008 OCM Supplement 2/10.01 (TM)


1.1 Displaymeldungen

1.1.1 Informative Meldungen

Clear.: XXXml/min Shows the last measured clearance value. Displayed for
1 minute after a successful measurement.

Plasma-Na: XXXmmol/l Shows the plasma sodium concentration of the last single
measurement for 1 minute.

Kt/V: X.XX Shows the current Kt/V. Displayed for 1 minute when the UF
goal has been reached or if the OD senses clear fluid.

Kt: XX.Xl Displayed instead of “ Kt/V:X.XX” if no valid value for Vurea is

available. Shows the current value of Kt. Displayed for
1 minute when the UF goal has been achieved or if the OD
senses clear fluid.

Kt/V: Not available There are no Kt/V data available as the calculation of Kt/V was
aborted. Displayed for 1 minute when the UF goal has been
achieved or if the OD senses clear fluid.

Enter V(urea)? This message is displayed at the start of a dialysis treatment

provided the operator has not already entered the Vurea on the
screen. This message will be displayed when the OCM is
switched on manually by the operator or after the optical de-
tector has sensed blood, provided “OCM measurement ON ”
was preselected in the Setup. This message prompts the ope-
rator to enter the patient’s volume of urea distribution. It will
only be displayed if the Vurea has not yet been entered. If the Vu-
 has been changed during the OCM measurement, the Kt/V
will be recalculated provided it is already available. This mes-
sage will be cleared by pressing the Start/Reset key.

HDF/HF < > OCM An OCM and an HDF or HF treatment procedure cannot be
performed simultaneously. Displayed once if OCM is selected
while HDF/HF is active. If HDF/HF is selected while OCM is al-
ready active, the OCM will be aborted and the message “OCM
off” will be displayed. The OCM can, however, be reselected
after HDF/HF has been switched off.

SN < > OCM The OCM cannot be started as a Single Needle treatment (SN
or SN click-clack) has been selected.

Profile< > OCM An OCM cannot be started in conjunction with a Na-/UF profile
1, 5 or 6 and a treatment time of less than 180 minutes. Dis-
played when the OCM is switched on and/or when selecting a

Fresenius Medical Care 4008 OCM Supplement 2/10.01 (TM) 1-3


Table of Contents 3 Adjustment instructions

Section Page

3.1 Measuring equipment ................................................................................................... 3-3

3.2 Flow diagram ................................................................................................................. 3-4

3.2.1 Flow diagram 4008 H with OCM ..................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.2 Flow diagram 4008 S with OCM ..................................................................................... 3-6

3.3 Calibration mode ........................................................................................................... 3-8

3.3.1 Basic conditions .............................................................................................................. 3-8
3.3.2 Display messages (4008 H/S) ........................................................................................ 3-8

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3.1 Measuring equipment

The accuracy of the measuring equipment used during the calibration procedure
is decisive for the accuracy of the OCM measurement.
The measuring equipment used for the calibration of the conductivity must have
an accuracy of 0.05 mS/cm within a temperature range of 35 °C –  39 °C.
We recommend to use the UMED universal measuring device which is available
from Fresenius (part no. M32 403 1).

UMED Service Case

Part number M32 403 1

Fresenius Medical Care 4008 OCM Supplement 2/10.01 (TM) 3-3


● Part 13: Calibrating the conductivity



Confirm see Part 13.1


Confirm see Part 13.2

COND. with Concentr. key

Confirm see Part 13.3


Confirm see Part 13.4

OCM PULSE calib. key

Confirm see Part 13.5


Confirm see Part 13.6

COND Check with Conc key

Confirm see Part 13.7

OCM COND.-Check key

Confirm see Part 13.8


back to menu? key

Fresenius Medical Care 4008 OCM Supplement 2/05.00 (TM) 4-7


● Part 13.1: Setting the conductivity



CD set: 12.80 mS/cm key
CD set: 15.70 mS/cm

Use    to
move to the Use    to
Concentrate setting field. move to the
If no key is Concentrate setting field.
Conc. set = ±0 % pressed for If no key is
approx. 4 sec conc. set = –X % pressed for
approx. 4 sec
Use +/ – to reduce
the concentrate pump Use +/ – to raise
volume to get to a CD in the concentrate pump
the lower display range. volume to get to a CD in
the lower display range.
Conc. set. = –X %
Conc. set. = +10 %

Tone Mute
key Tone Mute


approx. 3 sec
approx. 3 sec

CD set: 12.80 mS/cm

CD set: XX.X mS/cm

Wait for the CD to stabilize.

Compare the CD with the Wait for the CD to stabilize.
external reference meter. Compare the CD with the
In case of a deviation, adjust the dis- external reference instrument.
play by pressing the +/ – keys. In case of a deviation, adjust the dis-
play by pressing the +/ – keys.
Tone Mute
key Tone Mute


approx. 3 sec
approx. 3 sec

➀ CD cell 7; 12 bit / 8 bit alternating

CD set: 12.80 mS/cm ➁

1 XXXX ADC-digits
[ADC-digits (OCM)]
➃ CD cell 110; 12 bit/ 8 bit alternating
2 XXXX steps
(concentrate pump)

3 XXXX steps
(bicarbonate pump)

4 XXXX ADC-digits
[ADC-digits (OCM)]
Alpha Concentrate Bicarbonate
display setting setting

7 8 9 0 Esc

4 5 6

1 2 3 C Conf

4-8 Fresenius Medical Care 4008 OCM Supplement 2/05.00 (TM)


● Part 13.2: Setting the conductivity with concentrate

COND. with Concentr.

 Note
An adjustment of the conductivity using a calibration concentrate is currently
not possible, since a suitable calibration concentrate is not available.

Fresenius Medical Care 4008 OCM Supplement 2/05.00 (TM) 4-9


● Part 13.3: Setting the temperature/conductivity compensation


act temp = XX.XX °C

Machine in bypass 1 XX.XX mS/cm

act temp = XX.XX °C key 2 XX.XX mS/cm
that the conductivity of 3 XX.XX mS/cm
both measuring cells in the
"UF rate" (➁) and the "UF time"( ➃)
window is identical and that it is 4 XX.XX mS/cm
within 13.9 to 14.5 mS/cm.
Alpha Concentrate Bicarbonate Temperature
If the conductivity is display setting setting adjustment
outside the limits:
use   to select
the concentrate setting 7 8 9 0 Esc

4 5 6
If no key is
conc. set = ±0 % pressed for 1 2 3 C Conf
approx. 4 sec
Use +/ – to reduce/increase
the concentrate pump volume
until the conductivity is
inside the alarm limits act temp = XX.XX °C
13.9  –  14.5 mS/cm

1 XX.XX mS/cm
conc. set = +X %

2 XX.XX mS/cm
Tone Mute

3 XX.XX mS/cm

4 XX.XX mS/cm
approx. 3 sec
Alpha Temperature
act temp = XX.XX °C display adjustment

Verify that the preset 7 8 9 0 Esc

temperature of 35 °C is achieved
and that it has stabilized. 4 5 6

Check: Display,
 LED bargraph display 1 2 3 C Conf

Tolerance: ±0.5 °C

Tone Mute ➀ CD cell 7,

Value in mS/cm after confirmation of 35°C
➁ CD cell 7, current value in mS/cm
approx. 3 sec ➂ CD cell 110,
Value in mS/cm after confirmation of 35°C
act temp = XX.XX °C
➃ CD cell 110, current value in mS/cm
Verify that the preset
temperature of 39 °C is achieved
and that it has stabilized.
Check: Display,
 LED bargraph display
Tolerance: ±0.5 °C

Tone Mute


approx. 3 sec

4-10 Fresenius Medical Care 4008 OCM Supplement 2/05.00 (TM)

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